Feature image via girlsincalvinkleinunderwear, by spenser charles.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

+ Wondering whether it’s possible to keep queer sex hot when you’re in a long-term monogamous relationship? At Black Girl Dangerous, Vianca Masucci suggests building and maintaining your own sexual self and constantly studying your partner’s, pursing interests together, being sexier in your day to day routines and staying autonomous:
“As humans, we crave the different spices that make up monogamy: stability, consistent companionship, emotional balance. Committed relationships provide the fix. But with stability and routine comes the loss of fantasy, spontaneity and novelty — the holy trinity of passion and desire. When those things begin to dry up, our cravings for them intensify. Herein lies the dilemma: the environment that nurtures love poisons passion yet we expect, demand even, that they cohabitate.
I don’t think that it is unrealistic, though, for monogamists to want to have their hair pie and eat it too. Keeping sex alive in a long-term monogamous relationship is a matter of discovering an algorithm for cultivating dynamism between your partner and yourself. “

Jenna Talackova via huffingtonpost
+ If you’ve never tried playing with BDSM before and are curious, remember to communicate, research and take it slow:
“Discuss your fantasies with your partner before you’re in the bedroom. Incorporating these desires into your dirty talk is fine when you’re mid-coitus, but do have an out-of-bed discussion beforehand in which you clearly define both your expectations and boundaries. And, get specific — you may agree, for example, that you’d like to dole out “punishment” to your partner, but be certain you both understand what that means before playtime begins. As with all sex, consent is mandatory. Find out what both of you are comfortable with, and continue to negotiate together as you explore this new space.”

via loneookami
+ Interested in anal sex? Here are a few ideas for making it awesome, including lube, being turned on, lube, taking it slow, lube, experimenting with positions, lube and getting over your embarrassment:
“Embarrassment has no place in the bedroom. If you’re going to have anal sex, you’ve got to stomach the idea that someone will be looking at, touching, licking or penetrating your asshole. And while you may not consider it your most aesthetic attribute, I promise the person doing the penetrating will find that wrinkly little thing sexually compelling, hair and all. So breath. Relax. Once you put your mind at ease, your sphincter will follow.”

via drawnwithcurves
+ “I think it’s important to see more brown people in porn, to see more fat people in porn, and to see more fat, brown people in porn.” — Cinnamon, CrashPadSeries episode 169
+ Sometimes you need a break from sex with other people, and that’s okay.
+ Dangerous Minds ran porn through Google DeepDream.
+ At Tits and Sass, Margaret Corvid wrote about responsibility in sex worker writing and the need to avoid respectability politics.

twentystars by thesensualeye
+ It sucks to love married women who are sort of non-monogamous but, it sounds like, not really:
“The first long weekend we spent together was less the stuff of reality and more the stuff of reality television — full of sex, booze and terrible fights. We fucked all over the house she shared with her husband. We fucked quietly while he lay asleep beside us. We fucked, all of us together, until she, then he, got jealous and both left the room abruptly. Doors were slammed. Doors were tentatively opened. And out of this four-day melee came a budding romance, a long-distance love affair that would last, improbably, for years.”

via drawnwithcurves
+ Stoya is now answering sex questions at the Verge, starting with all labia being normal labia, getting ready for anal and why you need to talk about it:
Want more oral sex? Have a specific fantasy about being covered in honey and popcorn or penetrating a unicorn (the stuffed kind, not the rare woman looking for casual F/M/F threesomes with established couples)? Feeling neglected, stifled, or overwhelmed? You have to talk about your sexual needs if you want to get them met.
Sexual partners aren’t psychic, and they have their own desires, limits, and squicks. Many people find that talking about sex can be difficult for a number of reasons: embarrassment, fear of rejection, inexperience, and a lack of nuanced and specific vocabulary.

Jessa via nachosatanico.tumblr.com
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
i love reading new articles about butt sex. also, i’d seen pictures from deepdream before, but didn’t know what it was…seeing porn through those lenses is terrifying though. those pictures were terrifying. omg
Thumbs up on the butt stuff! :D
+ “I think it’s important to see more brown people in porn, to see more fat people in porn, and to see more fat, brown people in porn.” — Cinnamon, CrashPadSeries episode 169
Seeing porn through the eyes of Drep Deeply is terrifying… I actually found myself looking at the images it put into place. Still terrifying.
I also found the write up about being in love with a married women beautifully tragic. It had a poetic quality to it and I love reading about experiences like that.
That was suppose to saw “through the eyes of DeepDream”
While reading that Alternet article I kept thinking of Jeanette Winterson’s “Written On the Body.”
Kinda somethin beautiful about those women who are just out of reach but who you will somehow never forget.
I attempted to post earlier but the site’s been offline a lot for me lately and it didn’t register my comment, I don’t remember everything I’ve said, but in a nutshell:
– Who is the babe on the cover picture?
– I really enjoy that story about the married woman, it was beautifully tragic/well written. I dated a married woman last winter and yeah well that certainly didn’t end well, now I try to avoid this sort of drama.
– so many great articles/links as usual, thank you!
Wow, yes, the lady in the pic at the top of this page is STUNNING.
I think a good part of her gorgeousness is that she looks so happy with/in herself.
Self-acceptance/confidence is so damn sexy.
Just realized the topmost pic is in fact of you, Carolyn.
My comment still applies ;-) .
Right? She looks so blissed out. I would be all furrowed brows and anxiety like “am I covering enough of my boobs?”
Trying to hold our boobs with our hands can be a real problem for ladies like us…
I think it’s also the fact that it’s a ridiculously good picture. The lighting, treatment of color and everything is on point!