Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
Feature image via #projectloveyourself via chanelofhouston
+ At Bitch, Amy Adele Hasinoff, author of a recent book on sexting, discusses sexting panic, the difference between teenagers and adults sexting, how the law rarely distinguishes between consensual and non-consensual content, changing ideas about privacy and more:
“Yes, what’s illegal has nothing to do with consent. What’s illegal is the production of the image. Actually, someone who creates an image and send it to a partner can be charged with two crimes: producing and distributing. Then if someone takes that image and shares it without consent, they could get less of a penalty. That’s backwards, because one person was doing absolutely nothing wrong and one person was maliciously violating someone’s privacy. The reason for this is that people just think sexting is wrong, they think it’s not part of a normal relationship so they think they can just prohibit it. It’s the same approach to teen sex education, where the idea that teen sex is wrong and we have to stop it. People say that you should be abstinent about sexting and the only way to reduce your risk is to not sext at all. But people are going to sext whether you want them to or not and you wind up with these laws that punish consensual sexting and privacy violations as if they’re the same thing. I think when people write news stories about sexting, they think, ‘Oh, this is a terrible thing and everyone’s at fault here.’ That reflects the rape myths that have been around for a long time.”

Chelsea Poe and Bailey Jay via Courtney Trouble
+ There are a ton of erotic classics out there – authors and editors listed include Tristan Taormino, Laura Antoniou, Jacqueline Carey, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Tamara Faith Berger, Carol Queen, Amber Dawn and Trish Kelly, Molly Crabapple and more. There are also some sex scenes in graphic novels.
+ The Lingerie Lesbian has a roundup of menswear-inspired lingerie.
+ I only learned what a selfie stick is this week but anyway there’s one for vaginas.

via breannah-monroe
+ The UK banned female ejaculation — along with a list of other acts including fisting — in porn so now there’s an Android game that lets you squirt on politicians:
“The creators of the app are hoping that people who download it will not only attempt to get a high score but share that score through Twitter with a message of solidarity against these ridiculous rules. ‘If you think the U.K.’s ban of female ejaculation is silly, play this game,’ their tweet reads. And the hope is that the entire thing will spread like wildfire, with millions of pissed-off feminists and porn consumers squirting politicians in the face all over the world.”
+ Everyone has a different idea of what porn is. And “the future of porn is feminist“:
“When someone talks about ‘porn’ they probably have a specific vision in mind, and that vision may not match someone else’s. Here is a fact: you cannot possibly imagine all porn. Whatever you envisage when you think of the word, it is not representative. No porn is representative of ‘all porn,’ not even the sort of porn we might call ‘mainstream.’ Porn is bigger, and has more potential, than any of that.”
+ BDSM social network site Fetlife doesn’t really protect users from potential abuse:
“FetLife lets members discuss issues, explore their desires, and arrange offline events and dates. But Lokerson and others have long contended that FetLife does an inadequate job of safeguarding its users, and even creates a false sense of safety in the community—primarily, by preventing identification of abusive members. […] The inability to name abusers on FetLife, even pseudonymously, deepens the faceless distance that breeds online abuse. It also robs FetLife, and the online BDSM community more generally, of the self-policing and communication that are crucial to safety. Exploring BDSM through a screen is attractive to less-savvy acolytes—but anonymity is also like oxygen for the bad actors likely to prey on them.”

Valentine and Ember via the crash pad series
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Wow, Amy Adele Hasinoff perfectly summarized every irritating conversation I’ve ever had about sexting with someone who’s never done it.
Thanks for including a picture of me! I read this feature religiously, and it’s been super exciting to see several articles from TLA (and our new columnist Rose, especially) featured here. :-)
There has definitely been a picture of you on here before! But the more pictures the better– always nice to see a familiar face :)
Also extending a warm thanks for including my sweetie and I from our Crash Pad Shoot. I was featured a couple of years ago but am excited to see myself here again. <3
I’m so happy to see Pandora Blake’s post linked here! She is an awesome person with a lot of brilliant things to say about porn.