Feature image of Selphie Labrys and Tessa Wreck’d in Crash Pad Series episode 265. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are from the Crash Pad Series. The inclusion of a visual here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Selphie Labrys and Tessa Wreck’d in Crash Pad Series episode 265
Orbiting, or when someone you’re no longer involved with watches your stories or likes your tweets without ever actually engaging, can be confusing or unsettling but can also be kinda nice, writes Allie Volpe at the Cut:
“I love it, both the practice and the fact that there’s a name for it — finally, a way to understand the steady interest Chris and so many other former flings have seemingly had in my social-media goings-on. To me, that ambiguity — why are they looking, if they don’t care about me anymore? Or do they? — feels more like a reward than a source of anxiety. Regardless of where we’d left things, someone I shared time and space with has at least an inkling of curiosity about my life, and it feels like a pat on the back every time it happens.”

Finn McKee and Scout in Crash Pad Series episode 267
“Getting anally fisted for the first time was unexpectedly perfect,” writes Remy Black at Broadly.
You don’t have to share your entire sexual history with your partner.
Sleeping well one night leads to better sex the next night, so here’s a thought exercise for when you just can’t fall asleep.
Check out these high-design vibrators.
Facebook is launching a dating app.
At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Stephanie Mided writes about kitten play, noting, “I didn’t think there was a place for me to satisfy my sexual wants and my emotional needs – that was, until we tried kitten play.”

La Muxer Diosa and Nikki Darling Crash Pad Series episode 269
Don’t invite your partner when you go somewhere to hang out with all your friends:
“Of course there will be occasions when your friends and your lover will meet. Maybe even family will be there. Who knows. However, if you have made plans to meet a particular person and you ask last minute if your partner can join—or worse, don’t ask and just bring them—it’s pretty rude. We should get to choose who we hang out with, within reason, and maybe your friend wasn’t expecting to spend the evening with a couple. Or multiple couples. They won’t feel like they can say no, and that’s unfair to them. No one should be made into that extra wheel without their permission.”

Mystic Minaxxx and Nyxeris Omega in Crash Pad Series episode 268
A facebook dating app sound horrendous. Surely we must know a tech lesbian who can give us the inside scoop??
the stretch marks in that last pic are GORGEOUS! ?
The photos this week are so good!!
that fisting article was so beautiful! ?
The article about not telling your partner about your history made me so sad.
If she thinks having that conversation would expose fears her husband has, why isn’t she concerned that he has fears, and planning to talk about them to help him not be afraid? Protecting the fear by ignoring it isn’t helping anyone.