feature image via queen sized
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Feature image of madisonrexx and obsidian_vadasz by the sensual eye.
+ You should be able to defend your relationship in a court of law (or at least to yourself):
“I wouldn’t begrudge anyone their unexamined or inarticulable happy thing. And of course, not every relationship needs to live up to this scrutiny. But if you’re immersed in a swirl of doubts despite a list of good reasons, it’s probably a sign—and if you have no good reasons but no doubts either, that’s an important sign too. It’s your instinct that matters. And more important than all that is this: as Polly notes, if you have to ask if you’re settling, then you probably are. Or as a wise person once said: Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.”

via color and curves
+ You’re probably going to open this and wonder why I’m linking to a heterosexually married couple who spank girls in unicorn masks but — stay with me/them — this interview about BDSM and play and fun and safety and communication is just a really great read:
“Before I was involved in BDSM, that dark, serious aspect of it turned me off. Not that it was scary, but it made me laugh. I was like, ‘Are you people serious? I can’t do that.’ Really, BDSM to me is about play. It’s about assuming different characters, playing with different roles. […]
It’s not about, ‘Who can wear the most leather and latex and be the most serious?’ It’s about playing, having fun, tapping into your psyche. It’s learning things about yourself, about your partner, tapping into yourself physically and learning the things that your body can do.”
+ If you don’t feel comfortable with talking about sex out loud with your mouth in front of humans (or even alone), you can fix that. Start by saying the words alone to yourself until they lose all power and most meaning, then say sentences, and then start trying to talk with a partner (preferably not when sex is about to happen or has just happened).
+ UTIs suck. (You can also get them from things besides owning a vagina while having sex with a cis dude, also.)
+ Web filters in the UK just really don’t like porn.

molotowcocktease and andrew thomas clifton
+ “Last week, one woman, who goes by Kamylla, came forward on Twitter to hold [8 Minutes’] producers accountable for promising her assistance in exchange for her appearance on the show, then leaving her twisting in the wind when she was arrested soon after, having returned to work from economic necessity when they didn’t provide the promised help in exiting the industry.”

Lea T
+ We’ve also published some great things lately: why you should care about lesbian safer sex, tarot spreads for your relationships and, for A+, Stef’s really excellent personal essay about her polyamory failure.

natalie ulm via loh-lita.tumblr.com
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
The article about web filters in the UK is terrifying. The election was only three days ago and I’m already terrified for the future.
The women’s and equalities minister voted to restrict abortions and against same sex marriage.
I once read about a domme who liked to play in a white underbust corset and a tutu with her hair often in pigtails. She might of had a collection of tutus but her pink one seemed to be her favourite. Also there was an element of glitter.
Kink like sex don’t have to be all serious and grave unless that’s your thing, YDY beaus and baes.
When I realized that I was a transgender female who loved women, my total view of sex with a woman changed…..and feelings I had never felt before for them and for me…..and the nature of a relationship with her. Sex was so much more about cuddly love and feeling pretty and knowing being connected inside. Wanting to touch each other. Mutual sharing pleasure.
So my “role” in sex became less powerful and my mate more powerful…..but it only became possible after I realized my gender identity and that I was a lesbian. I could never have felt the feelings I have now without having that awakening. And I will say that being vulnerable (safely) is a wonderful feeli g, and is NOT like the crap you see in porn!!!