The feature image of Valentine Boudreaux, Lain Arbor, and River Gray, and all of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday, are from fetish site Mondo Fetiche. The inclusion of a visual here is not an assertion of a model’s gender or orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday and happy solstice!

Amazon Maddox and Francisco St. Laurent (not pictured) for Mondo Fetiche
Here’s how to date multiple people the right way:
“Tell any and all other partners what you’re up to! ENM relationships are fine, as is dating around on your own, but only if everyone knows. If you’re hiding something, ask yourself why. […]
It might seem awkward to have to admit to potential dates that you don’t actually want anything monogamous to bloom from your meetup, but it’s less awkward than having to tell them they’re actually just one relationship out of many when they hit you with a third-date ‘So, what are we?’
If you’re worried someone on your roster will object to there being a roster, too damn bad. They have the right to be opposed and not be deceived.”

Mistress Datura and Vanniall for Mondo Fetiche
Here’s some of what dating is like right now. Related: brands, including dating apps, are desperate for you to return to normal and forget about that whole pesky ongoing covid thing that’s interfering with their capitalism.
Mars is in Leo and here’s what that means for your sex life.
eBay is banning adult content.
What is it like to think of porn from a labor perspective?

Amazon Maddox and Francisco St. Laurent for Mondo Fetiche
Doctors are still trying to erroneously “cure” asexuality:
“While no one can expect their healthcare providers to be aware of every issue, doctors and other medical professionals should be open to learning—and to admitting they’re not the ultimate authority on their patients’ needs. It’s up to the medical establishment to become more inclusive and to learn about the sociopolitical issues that could be affecting their patients’ mental and/or physical health. Most importantly, the medical community must learn and constantly understand that asexuality is a real identity. Asexuality isn’t an internet sexuality or a medical dysfunction. Asexual people aren’t broken—and doctors shouldn’t treat us as if we are.”