Now Casting: Autostraddle’s 2014 Calendar Girls

Hey, gorgeous. Yeah, you! We have some very exciting news for you today. We know, we know — there’s been a lot of truly exciting news going on here at Autostraddle dot com recently. How can we possibly have anymore?! Well truthfully we dunno, but we do, it’s like magic, and it’s wonderful, and everyone is going to be really psyched.

Because it’s that time of year again.

What time of year, you may ask?

Time to pick 12 crazysexycool humans to fill up the 2014 Autostraddle Calendar, of course!

That’s right, folks. While we’re still swooning over the double October post (and actually, all the Calendar Girls posts ever) Photographer Robin Roemer and Stylist Sara Medd are ready to go at it again, and that means they need some models! Casting for the 2014 Autostraddle Calendar Girls is now. Will you apply? We hope so. Your hair looks really good today, just sayin’.

Are you so into this? Are you gonna force your girlfriend to apply? What about your best friend? What about that cute barista? What about Sarah Croce? Oh wait…

But okay seriously, here are the details.


How to Apply


We are looking for queer women of all ages and sizes to represent our amazing community for this annual monthly devotional. This could be you!

Important: The shoot will take place in LA on Saturday, December 8, so you must be able to get to California and be available on that date to be considered.

Please fill out the Calendar Girls Application and send a tasteful photo or two of yourself to robin [at] autostraddle [dot] com. Head shots are great, but in order to choose the most diverse group of women, a full length or 3/4 length image is the most helpful!

The deadline for submitting your application is October 22.

We look forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces in our inboxes. Models will be chosen and notified by November 1. If you aren’t chosen for one of the 12 spots, we still want you to know how beautiful you are to us and how brave you are for applying!

Cheers to the Calendar Girls of the past, present and future, and cheers to 2014 — it’s gonna be a beautiful year, we just know it.

apply to be an autostraddle calendar girl!


[Applications are now closed]


Special Note: As of December 2010, we request that the comments on Calendar Girls posts, unlike every other post on this site, be exclusively positive. These posts exist to celebrate women, so any shit-talking or criticisms of the model’s appearance will get deleted. Direct questions/concerns about the project or website as a whole can be directed to robin at autostraddle dot com or riese at autostraddle dot com!

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  1. I would so love to do this! If only I could find any conceivable way to possibly get to L.A., broke East Coast college girl that I am.

    • The East Coast is balls, I would do this in a heartbeat but I’m in the same situation as you :(

  2. AHGDAKJSHDS My classes finish the week before that and I think I have an assignment due the day before the shoot. SO GONNA TRYYYYY.

  3. I just entered ^^;;;
    If I make it, I will find some way to be in LA in December LOL
    if not at least I tried :D

  4. You know what would be really cool, would be if next time you scheduled the photo shoot to be either right before or after camp. Then you would have more non-west coasters.

  5. I’m from Ireland and would love to apply. I’m guessing what with the photoshoot being shot in the States, I’m probably not the best candidate :(

  6. Prior to going to A-Camp, I would have NEVER submitted for this. But post A-Camp, ITS ON. :D

  7. Can I put in a request for some bi/pan/generally queer girls, since it’s open to all queer women? I’m pretty sure most if not all of the previous calendar girls have been ‘proper’ lesbians.

    (Despite being a reasonably androgynous bisexual lady, I tend to feel a little ostracized from the queer community for being attached to a man.)

    • Nicole Pacent I think ID’s as bi, but I’m not TOTALLY sure on that and I couldn’t remember anyone else offhand.

      BUT. Maybe you should submit yourself! :)

    • Same. That would be really awesome. As a fairly feminine-presenting pansexual woman involved with a man, I feel like I’m not that well represented in things like this.

      Having a bigger mix of sexualities would be great!

      You guys are totally awesome, so this isn’t really a criticism (at least on my part), just a suggestion. Thanks for being great!


      (also steffanie, miss november 2012, is bisexual, as is Nicole Pacent, miss june 2011, as aforementioned)

      • i cant fully explain why i hate this response, but it probably has to do with the cavalier attitude with which you dismissed her point. or maybe its because it seems like you’re somehow offended by her relationship with a man and feel the need to throw the worlds worst bisexual/human ROMI KLINGER in to make a point…

  8. I would love love love there to be an international calender in 2015. We europeans feel sad and left out :(

  9. Damn, if only going to California was an option.

    Good luck everyone, hope you all have a fabulous time applying.

  10. Another broke East Coast college queer here, dropping by to say how awesome your calendars are & wishing those who apply good luck! ;)

  11. I hope that we actually get some real size diversity in the next calendar. This isn’t a complaint, I love the diversity that you do promote, I just know I would be more likely to apply if I saw that you accept plus size models (like real plus size, 18-20, not calling size 14 plus size like other modeling situations do).

    • I’m just going to put it out there that it’s really hard to show a full range of body diversity in 12 month calendar (I think it would be great too!) but ALSO that they can’t take people who don’t apply.

      So you should probably apply, if it’s something you’ve been considering. If they’re not getting applications from plus size women I’m not sure how…they…can be in the calendar. And I think they CLEARLY want body diversity (read statement about the full length shots).

      Basically what I’m saying is what I’ve been saying all along–if you think the Autostraddle calendars are missing some form of diversity, try to fix it by being part of it!

    • YES. I showed this to my house mates, and the first thing they said was: Why are they all so skinny? Submitting photos of myself would not help because I am too thin. But big bodies are beautiful too!

  12. This calendar makes me so happy. All the queer things all over the walls.

    Submitted. Size 14 FTW. Woohooooooo!

  13. Lol this would be rad but I’ve seen what Autostraddle’s idea of what an acceptably fat woman looks like, and I’m far bigger than that. :P


    Southwest is running a wicked deal right now! So if you’re feeling like you wanna risk it, you can book a flight. Think about it this way…if you don’t get it, you’ll go to LA for like 70 bucks! Hurray!

  15. I’m sooo into this. Definitely applying. Hopefully my photos turn out to be tasteful because I always have trouble with that word…. ;)

  16. I would do this because I think y’all would like my hair, but there is no way I would be able to get to LA :(

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