Welcome back to No Filter, the world’s most reliable source of queer tabloid Instagram hooha. This week, Kristen Stewart still hasn’t told me her secret Instagram handle and Laura Jane Grace hasn’t posted any cute pictures of her relationship so we’ll just have to work with what we’ve got. Let’s get to it.
I thought we’d start off strong with this picture of Danielle Brooks from the West Indian Day Parade which has been in an open tab in my browser since the moment I first saw it. I will never close it.
Ruby Rose is ready to play a person named Jaxx in a movie about a megalodon, which is going to be the most incredible movie any of us have ever seen and I am here for it.
Welcome to No Filter, Selena Forrest, and thank you for this weirdly angled photo that makes you kinda look like some kind of fashion centaur.
It’s weird because Jiz Lee isn’t doing any sports here, but they’re wearing a shirt featuring an X-ray of their brain thinking diligently about what sport to try next. Sports!
Leisha Hailey still wants to sell you pet wigs, I just want you to look at this dog.
I also want you to look at these cats, just look at these cats!
If you haven’t watched Jen Richards’ very eloquent explanation of why cis actors playing trans characters is harmful, please go do that right now.
Samira Wiley looks like the cuddliest critter in this robe, like hugging her would feel like wrapping yourself up in a cloud.
I missed this one last week, but for REAL. Queen Latifah probably asked Laverne what she was doing in this column, and no one knows.
Oh, just dropping this here at the very end to casually let you guys know I met Evan Rachel Wood this week and we drank tequila and talked about bisexuality and relationships for like an hour and she’s really rad.
Join us next week, when we will look at more dogs and more cats and with any luck a lot more information about this prehistoric shark movie that’s going to change all of our lives.
um i kinda feel like one particular bisexual instagram picture is missing from this list
yes, I was fully expecting to see ERWB here today…
because I think she posed with a celebrity…
to be clear the celebrity I was talking about in this comment was STEF
boy it’s gonna be fun when she figures out what i do for a living.
OMG STEF look at you! :^D
Also, Danielle Brooks just rules at instagram and life.
OMG that’s legit. Did you know where she was, or was it just happenstance?
i went to see her band! if you have the chance to see her band, you should see her band! they do a pretty great cover of ‘voices carry’ by til tuesday.
What’s her bands name?
they’re called rebel and a basketcase!
SQUEEEEEE When you get married are you going to call yourself Stef Schwartz Wood Bisexual?
*never getting over it*
Seems like we won’t get any new cute pictures from Laura Jane Grace and BĂ©atrice Martin, since it seems like they’ve broken up :(
(Confirmation by Martin herself: https://twitter.com/beatricepirate/status/768299273033101313)
Also, that rad arm-wrestling picture was deleted as well and life is still a lie.
and everyone dies alone.
damn. thanks for letting me know.
That last picture was too much. Gotta go lay down. *fans self*
This edition of Vapid Fluff is chock full of goodness! Yes, I’d love to give Samira Wiley lots of consensual hugs, but I’d settle for that bathrobe, Danielle Brooks is the queen of my heart and Jen Richards deserves all the love and tenderness this world can muster.
Also, I love the top Jiz Lee is wearing! And Stef, I can’t believe you got to hang with ERWB! What a wonderful world!