No Filter: Megan Rapinoe Says Stay In Your Home, and Ashley Benson is Making Memes

Hello my loves, welcome back to another installment of No Filter, the column wherein I take you through the virtual halls of gay celebrity Instagram! On this week’s episode, I’ve included some pre-social distancing images, just for clarity!

Me? Just looking at the sky. No reason.

Thank you Hayley, we needed this!

BRB plastering this all over my walls so I can find strength!

Listen to Megan!

Socially distant but cute as hell!

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I thought to myself this morning about everything that’s going on during my morning meditation, which I try to do as much as possible… ⁣ ⁣ I was thinking how maybe the earth needs a time to rest… they have been going through so much pain (in my mind Earth pronouns are they/them). And maybe we as humans needed a tough realization of how beautiful it is to be alive, healthy, and safe. Some of us have had the privilege to be with no realization of how lucky we are… ⁣ ⁣ Take this time to read, write, begin that brand or idea you have been holding off, check on your love ones, the ones you call family. ⁣ ⁣ Remember to keep sane and positive, this can seem like the hardest one to do and confront. I’m trying to remind myself that everything will be all right if we make smart decisions. If you must go outside remember to wash your hands more frequently than before and I don’t get into large crowds. You could be saving thousands of lives just by doing so. You know, these can seem like scary times, but I am with you, I hear you, and love you. ⁣ ⁣ Tell me how is your heart today?⁣ ⁣ Image description: A photo of myself laying across an orange lovesofa in a purple gown with my eyes closed lounging. A photo of myself pretty much in blissβ™₯️

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This is actually the energy I am trying to bring, lush fabrics and dramatic elbow poses!

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You’re cute jeans im on tik tok @Ashleybenson

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Well of course Ashley is doing Tik Tok memes.

Gaby is cooking, like most of the our staff, tbh.

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what’s everybody reading rn

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We! Love! Reading!

Are headlamp stocks going up??

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I love everything about this.

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more @thegqstyle x @daniellelevitt

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And just for good luck, a King Princess photo shoot.

I hope you are all taking care of yourself, and I love each and every one of you very much!

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 336 articles for us.


  1. Christina! Excellent VapidFluff content this week (and every week). Where else could I see beautiful women wearing headlamps and purple velvet?

    Plus I’m excited to see Fawzia Mirza here.

  2. gaby dunn come cook for me!

    daycare is considered essential in my state (as of right now) so i’m still working ten hour days with very freaked out kids. last night i had half a bag of chex mix for dinner

    • @Caitlin sending you lots of positive thoughts and well wishes for you and yours! I had a daycare for years and now have foster kids who I send to daycare. I am always so grateful for extra people who care about our kiddos!

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