No Filter: Hayley Kiyoko in Taylor Swift “cardigan” Cosplay

Hello my loves! We are back with No Filter, you know the deal, it’s queer celebs on IG, we all know and love it, let’s get it on and poppin!

I am also feeling this look! What a time!

*chanting* Trench Coat, Trench Coat, Trench Coat!

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Even strong Zaddies need a beach day 💆🏾😎

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I agree. With this image, with this caption, with the vibe, with all of it.

Thirst trappin’ for socical justice? Approved!

This is just very sweet! That is all!

Sara Ramirez has made a triumphant return to posting thirst traps and we simply must stan!

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I put it on and it’s my favorite @taylorswift

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BE HONEST, how many of you have ordered The Cardigan?

WHY won’t my curls behave like this?

Her jawline 2020

I personally live for this kind of drama!

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Quinn’s dedication to providing Horse Girl representation is frankly inspiring.

Cool. This is cool.

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“We should be asking ourselves why disability continues to even be a factor,” Mercado says. “I'm honored to be one of the first to reach this level, but the number of layers of systematic stereotypes I had to climb to get here should be concerning."⁣ -⁣ With it being the 30th anniversary of the ADA and this being Disability Pride Month, my good friend @irachernova and I came up with the idea to curate an article with portrait photography highlighting disabled people in Los Angeles. Making space for them to talk their truths about being someone with a disability today. I am so grateful for @refinery29 for giving us the platform to do this and @wendyluwrites for writing it! Welcome to Voices of Disability. ⁣ -⁣ image description: Sitting in my wheelchair next to a large window in a clean white industrial space also known as my hallway at home. I am wearing a graphic tee shirt, jean shorts and i’m barefoot.

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pink! braids!

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 327 articles for us.


  1. My TWO favorite top chef contestants in one no filter? I’m not worthy.

    Re: the cardigan. I have not ordered but there is so much other folklore merch I’m eyeing!

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