Welcome back to another rousing edition of No Filter, where we dissect the week’s celebrity Instagrams and dream of a better tomorrow. This week, Samira Wiley didn’t post anything good and I feel like she’s messing with me on purpose. I solemnly swear that I will not rest until she has given us another week of glorious, beaming selfies. Anyway, some other famous people did some stuff, let’s check that out.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my browser open on this photo for like 15 minutes.
This dog looks like it shares my stance on people dyeing animals, but Ruby Rose seems unfazed. :/
Here’s Angel Haze signing some boobs, if you’re into that.
Julia Nunes, Dannielle Owens-Reid and Janet have perfected the coveted triple spoon.
Here’s Mey Rude with a physical copy of Juliet Takes A Breath by Gabby Rivera. Hey Mey, great idea!
And here is the glorious author herself. Hey cool story, have you read this book yet? I just finished my copy and it’s beautiful.
I always wonder what the hell dogs talk about when they meet each other on the street.
It’s clear that in this marriage, Rhea is the order muppet and Cameron is the chaos muppet.
You’ll never believe what color Ruby Rose’s tongue is gonna be next week!
Rhea Butcher also posted a pic in a nice suit and tie the other day and I just about lost it. Lady knows how to dress.
Cameron and Rhea were on my plane on the way back from Sundance and they are both just as impeccably dressed/hot in real life, but like wayyyyyy tinier than I thought, in a very adorable way. Rhea was wearing an amazing hat and when she took it off…she was wearing a different amazing hat underneath it. Mind. Blown. Also I’m pretty sure I made eye contact with Cameron when she was walking to the bathroom NBD NBD jk it took all of my will power not to grab the person sitting next to me to be like DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!?!!!
wait wait wait this two hats story is my favorite thing all week
Stef but what happened to the first comments, especially the one by Gabby which was hilarious ?!
i fucked up the url of this post and it was a mess and saint heather hogan fixed it! but the post had to be trashed and reposted. wordpress is a mystery.
I think she just won Lesbianing
one time jaden smith came to my work wearing two hats, it was amazing
but rhea doing it is wayyyy better
hahahahaha crying
I am dyinngggg at work right now. I can’t believe you blasted that CVS photo my work wife took of me. Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much joy you’ve brought to me this morning?
ay dios mio, why don’t you have a late night talk show on the old MTV?
now that you are a famous author get ready to be hounded by the paparazzi.
So Ruby Rose is dating Smurfette?
Or is she dating Neytiri?
she rocked it. also, her name is a challenge for French speakers.
Awesome! Also, *they. (I always forget too)
you mean Angel Haze prefers the pronoun they? good to know!
Brotha G rockin those cvs receipts
Is this an appropriate place to brag that I touched Haze’s thumb during their gig in Gothenburg?? (NO ONE ELSE CARES.) I mean, it’s not like having my breasts signed, but…
chaos and order muppet is like my favorite thing in the world! I remember reading an article about it a few years ago and since I’ve been so into categorizing people in my life into chaos and order muppets! <3
true story i broke up with someone last month because they were too much of a chaos muppet
haha YES! It is a very important distinction that really says a lot about a person and their life. I’m definitely more of an order muppet
Have your seen Joan Jett on the newest episode of The Muppets!!!!?
She’s the musical guest on Miss Piggy’s show Up Late With Miss Piggy, and plays Bad Reputation! Its awesome seeing her and the Muppets together! Plus the series is getting a lot better now and more Muppet-y! Camilla is back and everything is just getting better. I recommend checking it out
I have the same rainbow unicorn toy as Ruby Rose! :D
what a great no filter week! my smile is so big
ooo can you plz do an Instagram link round up of the autostraddle crew?
I’m going to insist my library gets a copy of Gabby’s book because it is severely lacking in queer things and there would be baby gays in this small town searching the same empty shelves that I did.
I am constantly following and unfollowing ruby rose.
Also, whenever I see your posts I automatically assume you are wearing a cape now thanks to a camp recaps
we did!
Thank you!