No Filter: As We Say Goodbye to Pride, May This Image of Laverne Cox Bring You Strength

feature image of Laverne Cox via Laverne’s Instagram

Hello and welcome back to No Filter, the place where I provide glimpses into queer famous people’s lives, via IG! Let’s roll!

I have to say, this is good merch. The nicest number! 69!

Hot? Hot and cool? Love this jacket.

My actual favorite IG captions are “all caps verb + emoji.” Sorry to be a millennial!

Niecy did, of course, like 3,000 posts for Jessica’s birthday but this one, a lone photo of herself looking stunning? Easily my favorite.

You have to understand that all I can think when I see this video is Les Mis. Which, tbh, is a compliment!

Loooove a loved up birthday post, nothing better!

Literally shocking that Pride is very nearly over, as seeing the various Pride events fame-o’s go to is such a joy to me.

Renee giving the people what we clamor for: a ding dang BRIDGE in a song! This used to be a proper country!!

There was once a time where the words “Chrishell + Bestey Johnson + youth foundation fundraiser” would not have made sense to me, and that was a much sadder world.

As we say goodbye to Pride, may this image bring you strength.

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 327 articles for us.


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