No Filter: A Rare Kristen Stewart Sighting on Instagram! What Does This Portend?

Feature image of Kristen Stewart and Dylan Meyer via Dylan’s Instagram

Hello and welcome back to No Filter, the place where I bring you all the hot happenings from celesbian Instagram and make banging, witty comments about them!

A rare KStew sighting on IG! What does this portend for the future? Does this have anything to do with the moon being in Virgo right now? Either way, it is very cute! They aren’t married yet, right? I feel like they are just gonna pop up one day like “Oh we got married three months ago!”

What song do we think Chef Melissa is singing? The only times I lose myself with this much passion into a whisk usually involve Broadway standards or Whitney Houston. This is giving “I Have Nothing” imo!

Confession: I did think, for a brief moment, that St. Vincent was a graduate of the greatest high school on earth, Albuquerque’s own East High. Go Wildcats!!! But no, turns out Wildcats are just a fairly common high school mascot and St.Vincent was not in fact in High School Musical.

Do yourself a favor, stop and look at MJ in the flowers. Don’t you feel better???

Brb I have to try to recreate this eye makeup for the rest of the day!!

Hugely pro a good dramatic transition video!

A PRACTICAL MAGIC TATTOO???? I am obsessed, I am thrilled!

Yes, Niecy got Jessica a PUPPY named MICHAEL for their anniversary!!

and OF COURSE he has his own IG, why are you even asking???

AND they went to Ava DuVernay’s 50th birthday party, what a week these two are having!

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 327 articles for us.


  1. If I didn’t already have a left shoulder tat I would STRONGLY consider a Practical Magic tribute!!

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