First of all–HAPPY BISEXUALITY DAY EVERYONE! How are you celebrating this momentous occasion? Are you baking a cake for Lord Ivar Mountbatten? Have you had your heart-strings tugged by Maree’s story [Impossible Machinery: On (Not) Coming Out to My Dad as Bisexual]? I hope you are really enjoying this day, wherever you are, and enjoying your rad Bi+ selves and friends!
Bi Bi Bi Unisex Tee
We just added (TODAY!!) this brand new tee in the Autostraddle store. The design of this shirt simultaneously declares bisexual visibility, celebrates music of the millennium, and tells the haters “SEE YA” in one fell swoop! It’s screen-printed with a neon mint ink and a subtly contrasting purple hue that only just brings out its secondary message. The one that tells those jerks erasing bisexuals to take a hike!
We’ve printed this design on the Unisex Jersey Short-Sleeve Bella + Canvas tee, which “fits like a well-loved favorite”, and it’s a bright, magnificent purple, which I think is the color of every bisexual’s soul.
Do you want this on your body?
Visit the Autostraddle store and bi one for yourself!
(See what I did there?) Hm. Yes.
As always, buying our merch is a huge way to support us so we can keep going and doing this thing! We appreciate and love all you Scissoring-and-GalPal-clad humans out there! ♡
This is awesome but now I’m just picturing Justin Timberlake mh. I’d rather think about Jessica Biel thank you very much.
Ain’t no lie
Oh my goddd, I love this. Buying as soon as my budget balances out a little.
Buy buy buy
bi one for yourself

i see you.
A+ gif game
Everything I never knew I wanted
I don’t normally wear purple, but I’m gonna have to make an exception.
I cannot wait to own one of these.
Omg, I made a typo and now I’m going to go crawl under my desk for the evening. I’ll be here all night.
I fixed it for you! Come out from under that desk; we can’t have you making yourself invisible on Bi Visibility Day!
I <3 this shirt! Well done, AS.
Ah my friends and I were listening to this song last night and made this pun!
This is the most bi-licious article of clothing ever.
I really wish I could buy this but am not really out (although that has doubled! ….to two people so possibly less momentous than that sounds) so have my imaginary money and my t-shirt dreams.
Inkspot, it’s okay not to be out! I hope someday soon you’re in a place where you feel safe enough to come out and you receive lots of love and support when you do <3
Thank you! For me it’s that there is a serious illness in my immediate family. The ill member is homophobic in the most literal sense – she can’t quite grasp the concept and it unnerves her, rather than her making any judgement call. To add to her stress and unhappiness with something that isn’t in theory going to be an ‘issue’ (I’m in a relationship with a cis man and very much hope to stay there) seems unkind. The two people I’ve come out to have been wonderful, and I know many others would too – I just can’t have it trickling back, you know?
It is frustrating though, as it means this is literally my only online space. I come from a very close family where all my social media channels are all followed by one member or another, so this is my only anonymous place, and I’m a big tangle of secrets elsewhere. So thank you for being so lovely in the place where I come to unpick some of the knots!
That sounds very frustrating and hard to deal with! Sending you lots of internet love. I’m glad AS can be your safe space and we’ll always be here for you <3
I’m extremely impressed that you know the color of my soul! I feel so visible!
i’m so bi-xcited
Yaaass these are amazing! Do want.
Does anyone have insight on how the Unisex Bella + Canvas tees fit? e.g. I see the “chest to fit” measurement on the store page — are those diameters approximately the same for the waist too? How stretchy is the fabric?