This is a gift guide based on DeAnne Smith‘s viral video, “Nerdy Love Song With Added Kitten Bonus.” If you haven’t seen that video yet, here it is.
You’re welcome.
For an added texture, scroll down while the song is playing!
I wanna be your abacus, baby. You can count on me.
Japanese Soroban Style Abacus, $14.99
And I won’t say that I love you or I heart you, but I will say less than 3, I less than 3 you.
Your molecules must be moving really quickly, ’cause girl, you’re hot.
Caffeine Molecule Necklace, $84.99.
Are you igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary? All I know is, baby, you rock.
If god existed, I’d thank him for you but I’m rational and I read (a lot of) Sam Harris.
Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. $11.38.
You’re beautiful like the font of Garamond but I wanna see you sans serif.
(take your pants off)
Dinosaur Underwear Three Pack, $32.
I wanna be your abacus, baby. You can count on me.
Round Up Your Thoughts Calculator Notebook, $14.99.
I observe your quarks oscillating, and I’m formulating a g-string theory.
The Little Book of String Theory by Steven S. Gubser, $18.29.
I’m an archaeologist and I’m gonna compute your age, yeah, I wanna absolutely date you.
You make me feel like a male giraffe. I wanna nudge your rump, make you urinate, and mate you (that’s what they do).
The value of my love for you cannot be expressed exactly. It’s more irrational than pi.
Achatz Pie Handmade Pie Company’s Signature Michigan 4-Berry Pie, $39. Or you can set up a Pie of the Month Club with My Sugar Pie.
Hey “Fuck” is a legitimate word in Scrabble, just FYI.
Make this thing with your hands! Thank you Hansen!

via We Heart It
Donate to the ASPCA in honor of your special someone.
I wanna be your abacus, baby. You can count on me.
Cute and Astute Necklace, $99.99.
You can suck me into the supermassive black hole at the center of your galaxy (I’m talking vagina).
Glow In the Dark Galaxy Boy Shorts, $23.99.
I may not be the biggest or strongest but my knowledge of grammar shines –
Grammatically Correct Dessert Plates (set of 4), $49.99.
I know how to use the words further and farther correctly every freaking time.
I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar by Sharon Eliza Nichols, $9.99.
Farther indicates physical distance –
– and further a depth or degree.
Example: the moon is getting farther from the earth about 4 centimeters annually (true fact).
Holy Crap You Guys It’s a Rock From The Moon! $24.99 – $169.99
Example: you just keep getting further into my heart –
Make this thing with your hands! Thanks again, Hansen!
Wait: you just keep getting farther into my heart –
Customized Long Distance Relationship Pillow, $50.
No, wait: you just keep getting further into my heart –
Pixel Heart Heat Changing Mug, $11.99.
Hang on: you just keep getting farther into my heart –
I wanna be your abacus, baby. You can count on me.
If the situation is ambiguous further and farther can be used interchangeably (that’s a rule! I knew that all along).
I wanna be your abacus, baby. You can count on me.
Math Equation Bow Tie, $13.99.
And I won’t say that I love you or I heart you but I will say I less than 3 you.
Robot Less Than Three You Card, $4.00.
(please take off your pants)
Adventure Time Boy Shorts (set of 3), $17.99.
Standing ovation!!
Awww, thanks Emily.
This is the absolute best thing!!!!
I need everything on this list.
(me too)
(me three)
This video just made my week! And this list is awesome. Thank you!
And they glow in the dark. THEY GLOW IN THE DARK.
Best. Article Ever. Bonus points for finishing on Adventure Time! (Subtext…?)
WOW! this is so cool. i feel like i need you to complete/betterize all my songs, jokes, and thoughts from now on. :)
<3 <3 <3 <3
BEST THING EVER! (and I love the galaxy underwear)
Oh god! I need almost all of these things! and the things I don’t need, I need a person to give those things to!
So much want!
This is just so awesome!!!
Best gift list ever!
This is so, so, so perfect.
Could I have Deanne Smith serenade me for Christmas? Even though I’m Jewish and celebrate Hannukah…
This was excellent. Well done!
Also I may or may not have bookmarked some of these items for long-distance girlfriend’s Christmas gift :P
Also, math bowtie.
This is the most amazing thing ever!!
I never knew I could want a package of underwear so badly. Dinosaurs. Ridiculously comfortable Topman trunks. Ugh. Somebody wanna play Santa?!
All of these things are the very best.
This list was a thing of beauty!
Ahhhh, the kitten. This completely made my day.
This is so adorable, a perfect match to the song. Adventure Time boy shorts! The grammar dessert plates!
Seriously people, really good reads this week!!!!
I know, right?!
Probably my favorite holigay list ever!!!
so perfect!
This is amazing. Also while watching the nerdy love song video, my cat came over and fell asleep on my lap. DeAnne is kitten bait is what I’m saying.
This is inspired. Also, all articles should include kitten breaks.
This is so amazing! So many boyshorts that I need! And that caffeine necklace is perfection.
Hell yeah!
This is so supremely useful because I have a brother in a PhD math program who I have no idea what I buy for. He’s not queer, but it doesn’t matter. For all the unanswered questions in my life, Autostraddle will provide.
I want those galaxy boxer shorts, they are amazing :O
And I’ve actually offered the Equation watch, with great success!
Yes. Yes. Yes! Loving everything on this list. Especially the Adventure Time boyshorts ;)
i’m late to this party but this is some mensa level shit ali
<3 <3 <3 <3
Ali, this is Out Of Control.
This is perfect!! I’m not much into bowties, but that math one is superb, well done.
…I’m making a Christmas list for myself…