My Friend Keeps Getting Romantically Rejected and I Think I Know Why — How Do I Break It To Her?

How do you talk to a friend about what you think is holding them back?
Dealing with this is kinda tricky. I know modern dating can be a real mess. I have a friend who’s super cool and fun, but for some reason, they just can’t seem to get past dating into a relationship, and I think I know exactly why but it’s so awkward to bring up. Their place is disgusting and they smell kinda off.
Sometimes things fizzle after a first or second date, but even dating situations with people they're excited about who they see for a few weeks or a month or two seem to fizzle out in a way that I can’t help but suspect it’s related to the first time these people see my friend’s place. I mean, it’s not quite hoarder status, but it’s definitely not clean. ...

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