My Bisexual Girlfriend Only Likes Strap-On Sex, Should I Be Worried?

Does wanting strap-on sex all the time mean my girlfriend might leave me for a man?
So, I, a cis, masc of center lesbian in my early 30s, and am dating a bisexual cis woman in her early 30s. We’ve been together about 9 months. I’ve had a number of relationships with women. I’m her first serious relationship with a woman tho she’s hooked up with women before. At first, we were all over each other, fucking wherever we could find the space, we both have super high sex drives, nobody has ever matched me like her for sex drives. It’s still hot, but we started incorporating toys, and it’s become obvious that no matter what else we do or how much fun those other things are, what she wants most is for me to fuck her with a strap-on. Also the ...

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