Mormons Are Rethinking That Prop 8 Investment, Being Shocked by Nationwide Kiss-In: Sunday Funday Daily Fix!

KISS-IN: The Utah-based Mormon Church’s vigorous, well-heeled support for Proposition 8 has sparked nationwide annoyance and frustration towards the Mormons from the gays, culminating in a Nationwide Kiss-in this Saturdaya grassroots project organized by two gay bloggers with a lot of feelings about equality. Team Autostraddle missed the NYC Kiss-In because we were in the park eating french fries from a giant paper sack with our interns, but there’s already so many cute photos.

Despite all the nationwide kissing, gays are sill not allowed to get married.

However, the Associated Press reports that the Mormon church’s fight against gay marriage and support of Prop 8 has put it add odds with many of its own members.

You already know how Autostraddle feels about the Mormons.

[This will be an evolving daily fix … more links will be added Sunday afternoon! and the autostraddler and NSFW Sunday and etc!]

LEXAPRO FIXES EVERYTHING: You’re All Crazy, says new UCLA Study: 48.5% of queers sought mental health treatment, opposed to just 22.5 percent of heteros. (@queerty) That’s ’cause gays: have feelings, get sent to ex-gay therapy, are bullied/ostracized by their peers/communities, have no one to talk to their feelings about and are all totally crazy.

Another Three Rivers promo photo:

NOSTALGIA: The August of Our Nostalgia:“We are swimming in an August of nostalgia: Woodstock is being celebrated yet again during its 40th anniversary, and G.I. Joe is currently kicking the shit out of someone or blowing something up or some such at the movie theater.” (@jezebel)

ROSIE: We love ohnotheydidnt’s weekly compilations of the best of Ask Ro. Like this one:

BRITNEY: Some people think Britney doesn’t deserve a prestigious MTV VMA Award this year for “her one and only music video this year, Womanizer, in which she suggestively caresses her seemingly naked body, photocopies her bottom after stomping around a corporate office in a black wig and gets raunchy in the back of a car in her secret-service inspired get-up.” (@fox)

NOSTALGIA AGAIN: Diary Nostalgia! (@jezebel)

ART: Masculinities: photos of men talking about how they feel about being men and actually it’s kinda fascinating/cool. (@chadstates)

GLEE: New GLEE Promo!(@ohnotheydidnt)

PEOPLE WHO AREN’T GAY: Weekend Crush: Kelly Clarkson (@dorothy surrenders)


Grant Stoddard did it for science: he had sex with himself! He made a mold of his penis, turned said mold into a dildo, bent over and took it from his girlfriend: “Now, there’s no delicate way to put this, so I’m just going to come out and say it. Taking a foreign object in your ass is like shitting in rewind.” (

Some of us are morning people, but some of us need more than an alarm clock to get us out of bed. For those of us who are difficult to rouse, red hot lesbian action always does the trick. (@fleshbot)

More scenes from “Strapped Dykes.” (@fleshbot)

Girl meets Tron. (@quickhoney)

Seriously fun lesbo girly porn comics, collected into a wonderful graphic novel. (@lastgasp)

Midwestern Teenager’s Intercourse Program 5: There Are Some Things Girlfriends Can Provide That Boyfriends Can’t. (@midwest teen sex show)



from Intern Emily:

Hey I don’t know if you guys have heard this, but you have some pretty quiet neighbors that you should probably get to know.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. The ‘Masculinities’ gallery was neat, simply DTTF that I had mixed emotions about (almost) every one of the featured statements. I tend to live in a bit of an androgynous pod, so whenevs I hear a radically feminine or masculine comment, I automatically think, “Hey, I can relate, but it’s not always like that.”

    It really blows my mind that a majority of the population sticks exclusively to one end of such a linear model.

    • I think also men are far more gender-rigid than women. But I suppose they believe in the gendered model with more at stake than we do — the Male Gender Strategy has earned them money & power, so they’re sticking to it. They’re beginning to realize that they do this at the stake of losing their actual feelings and abilities to be vulnerable … even the hipster movement has done quite a bit to reconstruct masculinity. and then we have these traditional marriages reinforcing these gendered roles/behaviors … I hope that this changes in society, and I feel like it is, in baby steps.

  2. GLEE! Eeek it’s so close, yet so far away… Can’t wait to see the Lynch-mister plus plus Jayma Mays’ character seems like a cutie. :D

  3. That Nerve article made me laugh so hard that I actually had tears coming out of my eyes. In a cafe full of people. Or maybe that was partly the caffeine, hard to say. Either way, the description of the casting process was hysterical!

  4. good neighbours! and nice ones! also poutine!! on top of being quiet!
    come on girls, get it together.

  5. i thought the UCLA article was interesting. cant say much more do to the fact that i dont want to maybe piss anyone off. but it was interesting.

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