Excerpt Answer: Because it was soda pressing 😔
Mini Crossword Is Working Through Some Jealousy

Amanda Rafkin
Amanda is a crossword puzzle constructor and editor, pianist, and former therapist because who says you only get to have one career? She lives in LA and tries to go to the theater as much as possible when she's not guilted into staying home by her cat Zelda, who has a perfect white chin. She also enjoys board games, word games, seeing the LA Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl, and football, because none of the pieces of her personality go together.
Amanda has written 18 articles for us.
I think this is the first time I completed one with just the across clues. Had to go back and see what I’d missed
Just the hit of dopamine I needed this afternoon
My best time yet! I love how these come in different shapes to mix things up