Mini Crossword for Irked Androids

I’m so excited to be part of the amazing team bringing crosswords to Autostraddle! As someone who has been accused by an anonymous commenter of planting “LGBTQ propaganda” in my mainstream puzzles, I think this is the right place for me. If you want to check out some of my other work, you can find my favorites at my free puzzle blog, the New Yorker, and the USA Today. Connect with me on Twitter here!

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brooke has written 49 articles for us.


  1. I’m slow at crosswords, so I’m sure that 2:45 is a slow time but I’m really excited and proud! How fun!!

  2. 36 seconds, but I only had the first horizontal clue—needed the vertical clues for the rest. Love this new addition to AS!

    • wait no don’t let let them make you feel like a dummy! if you ever get stumped you can just google the subject of the clue and learn something new! only YOU can decide what counts as ‘cheating’ and what counts as simply ‘expanding one’s knowledge base’ and PERSONALLY i’m always simply expanding my knowledge base 👼🏻

  3. 33 seconds and a score of 310! are the scores related to wrong letters/skipped clues, or just time, or?

    • I think it’s based on how maybe any letters you revealed (and maybe if you used the check grid function?). I’m pretty sure it doesn’t take into account your time.

  4. 280, and 2:54! this was so much fun! I love that they’re bite size so i could just do this waiting for the bus

  5. 41 seconds!! Love these!!

    A note/question – is there a way to zoom out the interface? The puzzle + keyboard is a liiiiittle too small for my iPhone SE, so i can’t always see where I’m typing.

  6. 3:21, I’m getting worse ;_;

    Took me too long to realize some of them, I guess ‘Mooni’ isn’t a Wiccan symbol!

  7. I am THRILLED that these exist now!!!! I’m a total crossword nerd (and obvs v v queer), so this content is fulfilling all of my self actualisation needs
    1:02 !

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