Jess’s Team Pick
Ever want someone to pat you on the head and tell you that everything will be just fine?
This magic button does just that.
Do you feel better now?

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Jess is a pop culture junkie living in New York City. She enjoys endless debates about The L Word, Howard Stern, new techy gadgets, DVR, exploring the labyrinth of the Lesbian Internet, memoirs, working out, sushi, making lists, artsy things, anything Lady Gaga touches, traveling, puppies, and nyc in the fall. Find her on Twitter @jessxnyc or via email.
Jess has written 240 articles for us.
That’s cute! And for someone quite desperately homesick like me, the reminder at the end was useful ;)
This post came shortly after the mini-earthquake we felt in Boston as I thought I was going to die alone in my underwear while watching the Lisa Frank video.
I pressed the button. Everything is okay now. Thank you.
This is the second person that I’ve heard that was sitting in their underwear while the earthquake happened.
I’m glad everything is okay now.
I was also in my underwear when the earthquake hit in DC. I just barely managed to pull on shorts before running screaming from my house. Wasn’t so lucky on the shoes front, though.
that was oddly satisfying
//presses again
//and again
//and again
//and again
I just read Rachel’s article on Larry King’s murderer’s trial and the button’s not working =(
i actually tried doing this in the middle of writing that article and was surprised by how much it helped!
Each press of the button is like a shot of xanax calming down my anxiety
Wow. It’s really the loading time that does it; all that can be done is to take a deep, calm breath while being told everything is fine :)
love it
I really need this right now as I’m getting my exam results tomorrow and i’m feeling quite nauseous about it.
Ok so after this button thing happened I was weighing out…some chemical (yeah, I’m a scientist) and the balance said “waiting for stability” and I looked mournfully at it and thought “you’re going to be waiting a long time, little dude.”
and then I needed to hit the button again.
Everything is okay now.