In Other Gay News: DADT Discharge Who Didn’t Tell, Why H8ers are Surprised by Verdict


If you watched Rachel Maddow’s show featuring the former West Point cadet Katherine Miller and two other soldiers discharged under DADT, you’ll already have heard her incredible call on President Obama to stop the discharges. But if you didn’t, Pam’s House Blend has the full transcript of her calling on Obama to “stand up for what’s right” and end DADT for you here:

What’s the rush? Why are we kicking people out now, in the meantime, while we are waiting for the views of the commander-in-chief and the defense secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs-of-staff to be implemented?

If you are changing the policy soon, why not hold off the ruination of lives under the policy now, in the meantime? Why not do that? I’ll tell you why. Because that would take some political capital. That would take some guts.


Part of what Maddow addressed in her speech was the case of Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, who is expected to be discharged under DADT any day now. He would be one of the highest-ranking officers to ever be affected by the policy, and also pushing the envelope as far as what qualifies someone for a discharge (kind of like the case of Jene Newsome, who was discharged when police “saw her marriage license through her kitchen window”) because military guidelines state that accusations of homosexuality must come from “a credible source” and the sexual harassment suit that originally led to the investigation of Fehrenbach’s sexuality was dismissed. Reading that Fehrenbach was described as “a proven leader who raised morale in his unit” by superiors really puts Maddow’s question into perspective: Why are we doing this? Who is it helping? (@nytimes)


It turns out that when you donate $150,000 to a homophobic Republican candidate, an apology isn’t enough to make gay people forget about it! Target has said it’s sorry, but angry gay customers are threatening to oppose the construction of two new Target locations in San Francisco, where they have enough political power to bring Target’s expansion to a halt. “Among the bullets in our gun is their continued relationship with the LGBT [lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender] community,” [the vice president of HRC] said. “Gay and lesbian customers are among Target’s most loyal customer base.” The company is seen by many in the gay community as “the progressive alternative” to Walmart.” Some wonder whether this will pressure other corporations to be more responsible about political donations, or just make them more likely to donate anonymously.


When we read this, the first thing we said was “Ohmigod, this feels just like reading that Newsweek article. William Black breaks down why conservative homophobes were so angry about the Prop 8 trial in California – because they don’t think they should have to provide any justification for their views (or enforcing them legislatively), and are actively looking for ways to avoid doing that. “The disaster he fears is any fair trial because it will expose the fact the attacks on gays are baseless. He recognizes that this will cause immense harm to those that wish to discriminate against homosexuals by exposing their bias and by demonstrating that gays are normal rather than demonic… Bradley was so convinced of the anti-gay forces’ inability to provide a rational basis for prohibiting homosexuals to marry that he proposed three strategies to restore the right to discriminate against gays… He knows that he could not demonstrate this claimed rational basis if a trial were held at which he had to prove his assertions.” (@huffpo)


David Hansell is the acting head of the Administration for Children and Families at the US Department of Health and Human Services. He is also gay. Many conservatives are upset about this because it means that Hansell is now in a position to put gay juice in the water, like fluoride, and turn all of American’s children into Broadway stars and softball players respectively. “From what I can see, our government has been infiltrated from top to bottom by a bunch of pervert butt plumbers and carpet cleaners… They are a minority with speical rights to sexually dominate the adults and children society now. We thought feme-nazi Dykes were bad. Just wait. Hetersexual men and boys are going to suffer even more.” WATCH OUT, HETERSEXUALS! (@holybullies)


An article from the LA Times that breaks down for you exactly what the future of Prop 8 looks like: where it’s headed next, and what it will take for its defenders to save it in court. (@latimes)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. I love that for Rachel Maddow, it doesn’t matter who’s in charge, she always stands up for what’s right.

    Do any of you here know what we can do to organize around DADT?

  2. Could someone explain to me what a “speical” right is? I’m not sure I follow.

    As a “feme”-nazi “Dyke” who is part of the “adults and children society” I wish this “hetersexual” man would leave the internet.

  3. I’m not sure how to feel about Target.

    D: D: D:

    I’ve decided to continue shopping there because piecing my usual toiletries together in the grocery store is. not. happening.

    So I guess I accept the apology? They probably will continue to donate to whoever they want anonymously but meh. I GIVE UP. I HAVE TO HAVE MY THINGS. ALL OF MY THINGS. D:

    • they just built a target in east harlem too, like the day the news broke. actually i just now said “i’d like to go to target today” and then walked over to my computer at this post i was reading and thought oh, shit, right

    • I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – I am SO GLAD that Target in Australia isn’t owned by the same people as Target in America!

  4. Pingback: BiFemLounge.Com » Target stores negotiate with gay-lesbian group over political spending – Los Angeles Times

  5. The whole rotten phenomena of Homophobia is coming to an end. Just as the same rotten rules about women not voting, bans on inter-racial marriage, slavery being justified as per the bible, have ended.

    And where did these evils come from? the bible and the religious culture in America.

    NOt only will our gay friends be free to marry, but the 100000 or more gay soldiers currently showering with, living with, fighting with and yes even saving the lives of str8 soldiers at the risk of their own will be free of the evil of DADT.

    Just another piece of fear mongering given to us by the southern white religious culture that gave us slavery, the KKK, and segregation.

    And the catholic church, whose hatred of the Jews Hitler – a born and baptised Catholic from very catholic Austria – leveraged to gain power and 55 million died. Including half of world Jewry and Germanyt’s gays as well who perished in Hitlers death camps.

    And the church has yet to Excommunicate Hitler – because if they did, they’d have3 to excommunicate the church as well.

    BTW, the only country in Nato besides the USA that doesn’t let gays serve openly is Islamic turkey. Nice company we keep, or is it true that parts of christianity are everybit as vile as parts of Islam.

    • is this wierd agreement spam or what? what is the deal w/ this comment? “our gay friends”? did someone copy part of an ad from the back of my mom’s copy of the nation on here? also religion is not all bad, sexism, racism, every other ism ever still clearly exist even if they are legislated against in some ways blah blah.

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