BBC3 Renews “Lip Service” Because What’s Not to Love About Lesbians?

BBC 3 has announced that they will be picking up Lip Service — aka It’s Never Sunny in Glasgow — for a second season, which means you’ll get to see that hot cop again that you’re all so obsessed with!

Writer/creator Harriet Braun says, “I am incredibly happy to be given this opportunity to take the characters forward and to allow all of our loyal viewers a chance to get to know them even better. I’ve got some great twists, turns and surprises up my sleeve for series two.”

“Acting Controller” Harry Lansdown says, “I’m delighted to announce there will be a second series of Lip Service; a deserved return for both the drama and its fantastically loyal following.”

Says “Executive Producer of Kudos Film and Television” Derek Wax: “Lip Service was a
wonderful series to make, and we were overwhelmed by the hugely enthusiastic response from the audience. Kudos are thrilled at the prospect of making a second series with Harriet Braun, and proud to be setting out once again on this adventure in Glasgow with our wonderful cast and team. We are of course delighted by the BBC’s continued support for the series.”

Probably another motivating factor is that the show garnered pretty impressive ratings — the first episode, which debuted on October 12, drew in 580,000 viewers and then more on BBC HD. A lot of people freaked out because someone fucked in a morgue and you know lesbians are crazy!

Speaking of the show’s premiere in The Guardian, Claudia Cahalane expressed what many thought about The L Word when it premiered:

“For too long, lesbians have been perceived as unfashionable, miserable and ugly. Those types do exist, of course, just as they do in the straight world, but they should no more define us than they do straight girls. If I were to make one criticism based on the first episode, it’s that perhaps the most frequently seen type of woman on the gay scene, the sexy butch – think Rhona Cameron – is not represented at all. I know Lip Service’s lady-loving writer Harriet Braun has said she wasn’t trying to represent all lesbians, but modern butches like this are very popular in the lesbian world and if we don’t see any in the first series it will show a lack of guts. It will also annoy lots of gay girls.”

We are anticipating more of this kind of thing…

DEFINITELY more of this girl …

More of this…

And,  you know. Lots of character development.

Also we would like to request an episode entitled “Frankie Goes to Hollywood.” We need someone to mashup this scene:

…with this scene:

Okay? Okay good. Otherwise Sam will come after you:


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  1. OMG YES! – but with the downside of only getting 6 more episodes. But the upside of being british and having 0 advert breaks!

  2. I want to see more Tess & the electrician and more tension between Frankie and Cat and the cop feeling stupid and getting angry

  3. Threatening me with Sam is hardly a good way to convince me to do anything. Unless it’s some kind of weird reverse psychology thing where you want me to not do something. Anyways, yay!

  4. “…which means you’ll get to see that hot cop again that you’re all so obsessed with!”

    I yelled like I was an audience member on TRL when I read that. Sam’s SO hot! I’m stoked for more of her!

  5. 1st video- I just was excited about The XX playing. I mean, The XX.

    2nd video- It took me at least 5 times to actually scroll down because the video was that captivating. It also reminds me of Zoolander when Ben Stiller is getting hypnotized.

  6. I want Naomi, Emily, and Freddie (he’s like a pretty girl) from Skins to turn up in Glasgow and maybe hot cop Sam can chase them around.

  7. wooo hoooooo…. *^___^*

    “…which means you’ll get to see that hot cop again that you’re all so obsessed with..” f**k yeah !!

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