Sam is deep in the vortex of her own information age, complicated by cameras and suspicion.

She watches several recordings from … what, official city surveillance cameras? I don’t quite understand why she has all this perfectly precise, crystal-clear footage of herself and Cat. I guess this is all part of Britain’s “surveillance society,” but it seems kind of extreme. Hey, Sam, if you really have access to everything, can you take five minutes to see where Tamsin Greig is? I miss Friday Night Dinner and would like a glimpse of her.
Sam watches as Cat ducks into that building where she didn’t have an appointment, then strolls back out once Sam is out of sight. And so it begins.
In another whiplash-inducing mood shift, we move to a romantically lit place where Ed, Nora, and Nora’s friend Meg are greeting a trepidatious Tess.
Meg looks and sounds like a cross between Kristin Chenoweth, toxic Tonya from The L Word, and Bubble from Ab Fab. Oh, plus everything that is not Tess’s type.

Ed and Nora jump up to go have a cigarette. Tess asks Meg how she knows Nora; Meg is a makeup artist on Cardiac Care, one of the many shows Nora’s been on. Tess says “wow” and the conversation immediately stalls.

Back at the only slightly less awkward Minus 21 party, Sadie inserts herself into a conversation. She’s disarmingly direct.
Partygoer: I take it you don’t work here, then?
Sadie: I don’t work anywhere. That’s why I’m here. Got any jobs going?
The guy expresses slight interest in Sadie’s property background. She reaches into her bag to give him her card … and puts her hand right into in some of the gooey cheese she nicked earlier. She excuses herself and heads for the ladies’ room.
In the bathroom, a curious onlooker asks Sadie about her cheese fingers.
Woman: What happened there?
Sadie: Social annihilation by cheese.
Sadie, I think you should write a column all about the ways you continually get yourself into, and back out of, sticky situations. Actually, I didn’t mean “sticky” literally, but when you think about it: mud, condiments, cheese — there’s definitely a pattern here.
Sadie: Do you work here too?
Woman: Oh, no, I run an art gallery over in the Merchant City. It’s called The Space.
Sadie: (offering her hand) Sadie Anderson.
Woman: Oh, cool. Jo Glass. I’m Lauren’s partner.

Of COURSE you are! And I like you already, as does Sadie, which is going to make this even more problematic all around.
I’m sure Jo’s name isn’t actually a nod to George Glass, but I’m going to pretend it is. Also, I know I’m not the first person to ask this, but why are there so many lesbian art gallery owners/directors/whatevers in TV and film?
Sam is still watching surveillance video. Her worst fear becomes reality when she finds a recording of Cat going into Frankie’s flat shortly after Cat and Sam went their separate ways that fateful day.
Ryder shows up and wonders what Sam’s doing. Sam lies and says she’s trying to dig up something about Lexy’s possible stalker, but Ryder looks at the video and knows exactly what’s up. He warns her that she could get suspended.
Ryder: I never saw this, OK?
You’re a good guy, Ryder. Would you mind swinging by the hospital and teaching Declan how not to be an ass?
Speaking of Lexy’s possible stalker, Lexy is sitting alone, eating dinner and staring at that note that says “I KNOW.” I have so many questions about this: why are you carrying that note around? Why didn’t Sam take it in for handwriting analysis or a DNA test or something? And why won’t you give me the recipe for whatever you made with all those peppers?
Lexy writes STALKER DIARY on a notebook. I feel like this could be used against you at some point, Lexy; you should have made it clear that you’re the stalkee rather than someone who’s perfecting her own creepy craft.
Back in the candid camera viewing room, Sam watches Cat put on (and then take off) the bracelet Frankie gave her for her birthday. Sam nods, just barely; just enough to acknowledge this new layer of heartbreak that will fester and flare and perpetuate the grief.
This is way too painful. Please don’t watch a video of the crash next, OK?
Back at the bar, Tess orders another bottle of wine. I’m not sure what sort of wine pairs well with delusions of grandeur:
Meg: Course, I meet a lot of actresses in my line of work. And most of them fall for me. Oh, they don’t say anything, but I can always tell by the way they look at me. A lot of straight girls want to work out their lesbian fantasies on a girl like me.
Tess says flatly, “Oh, that’s lovely.” I mean, I guess what else do you say to something like that?
Meg: We’re a rare breed, you and me. Pretty dykes.
Tess doesn’t really agree that it’s a “bit of a dogs’ home” out there. Again, could we please get Fin back for a minute? She brought a lot of things to the table, and this particular table definitely needs some enhancing.
Meg expresses sympathy for Tess, who obviously doesn’t get to interact with the “same caliber of star” that Meg does. Meg offers to get Tess a meeting for Cardiac Care.
Tess: Oh, that’s … that’s sweet, but ‘m pretty busy with Chekhov at the moment, so …
That is the actual caption. But she’s joking, sort of: “Cardiac Care is today’s Shakespeare.” All Tess can do is drink some more wine.
At the Minus 21 party, Lauren sees Sadie. And her partner. Walking together and talking. Do Scots use the word plotz?

Sadie: This must be a nice surprise for you, Lauren.
I wonder if we’ll ever find out how Sadie got to be so … so Sadie.
That second bottle of wine (or maybe third or fourth?) is nearly gone. Meg is still rambling; Tess is inspecting the candle. Meg wonders where Ed and Nora have gone, prompting Tess to leap up and go look for them.
But she finds them in flagrante. Run away, Tess!
Tess returns to the table, where Meg has pulled Tess’s bar stool closer to her own. Meg goes right in for the kiss. Tess pulls away, pauses, considers, and decides there are worse ways to end the evening.
Tess takes Meg back to The Flat of Ill-Advised Sexual Encounters. They start to have some of the most awkward sex since Dana and Jenny.
Meg: Say, “Stand and deliver!”
Tess: Wh … what?
Meg: I’m a beautiful princess, and you’re a fearless highwaywoman holding up my carriage.

O.... K.....
Uh. Wow! Did you two stop for dinner in Crazy Town on the way back to the flat?
Tess shrugs and, because it’s not really more difficult or less natural than Chekhov, delivers the line. They make out some more and it starts to seem like it might actually be not the most horrible thing ever, until …
Meg: Now rub my royal lady mound!
I don’t think even Sam or Lexy or Frankie could make that sound sexy. Tess decides she’s not really up for a game of The Cracked Princess Bride, so she pretends she’s suddenly feeling really ill.
Meg is concerned, but also suspicious.
Tess: I’ve got a real bad headache. My leg … hurts.
Meg: Your leg?
Well, who knows what sorts of injuries highwaywomen are prone to? I love it when Fiona cute-as-a-Button gets to show off her advanced understanding of comic timing.
Tess commits to the ruse and says there’s a “sort of tingling” in her lower thigh. Meg offers to call NHS 24, but Tess tells her not to worry: “my housemate’s a doctor.” Which of course sends Meg right to Lexy’s door.
Meg: Is there a doctor in the house?
Lexy: Hang on. (answering the door) Everything all right?
Meg: No. It’s Tess. She’s really ill.
Lexy does her doctorly thing, asking questions about where it hurts and what Tess ate. Tess’s crazily expressive eyes help Lexy realize what’s really going on.



Well, the eyes, plus the fact that Tess mouths “Help me” while Meg’s not looking.
Lexy starts to examine Tess. As Tess talks about her headache, Meg mentions the leg thing.
Tess: Yeah … it’s like a … (trying not to giggle) t … tingling in my upper thigh.
Meg: You said lower before.
Tess: It’s moved.
Lexy: Uh, a tingling in your upper thigh. That’s quite an unusual presentation.


This is interesting: Lexy has found herself in inappropriate-laughing circumstances with both Sam and Tess in this episode. With Sam, it was charged and electric; with Tess, it’s just fun and friendly. Except I’m not sure Tess knows that.
Lexy is concerned that Tess might have “bacterial hydritis” and tells Meg to go home. Meg starts to protest, wanting to stand by her highwaywoman, but Lexy warns Meg that bacterial hydritis is very infectious. So the princess gets the heck outta Dodge.
As soon as the door closes, Tess and Lexy collapse on the bed with laughter. Again, not really the sort of collapsing on the bed that Tess was hoping for, but so excellent anyway.
I watched that scene three times! Because it was fizzy and entertaining and well-acted and well-written and hilarious and not fraught in any way, and that’s one of the things Lip Service does very well. Not the only thing. But one of the best things.
Back at the Minus 21 party, Lauren wants to introduce Sadie to some “useful people.” Which means “people who are not near my partner because I really want you to get away from her.” But it’s too late.
Sadie: There’s no need. I’ve already landed myself a plum job.
Jo: She’s coming to work for me.
Lauren: No!
Jo thinks Lauren is saying “No” in the sense of “No, really?” or “You don’t say,” but Lauren’s saying it in the sense of “Fucking hell no this cannot be happening.”
Sadie, you’re such a shit-stirrer! I guess we’ll be seeing some gallery sex then. But between whom and whom, exactly?
Lauren excuses herself to go pick up some “bits and pieces” from the office. Sadie is close on her heels.
Lauren: What the fuck are you doing?
Sadie: I told you, I need a job.
Lauren: With my wife? Are you fucking mad?
Sadie: No. Just very practical.
Oh, hey, I just realized Lauren uses the word “wife,” while Jo uses the word “partner.” But right now, nobody’s using any words at all because Sadie and Lauren are making out again.
Back at the flat of misfortune, a very distraught Sam reaches out to Lexy. She’s been crying.
Sam: It was true. Cat was fucking Frankie.
Lexy: What?
Sam: They were meeting here too.
Sam says Cat could at least have told her. And I couldn’t agree more. Actually, maybe I don’t mean that; I wish Sam had never found out at all, because she’s really wrecked. She starts shouting about “Frankie, that useless bitch,” so Lexy tries to just hug her and comfort her. But there’s not much comforting Sam right now.
Sam: I haven’t changed the sheets. I’ve done everything else. I’ve packed up her clothes.
And then Sam is too far gone, so she goes too far.
It’s all just pain, pain, pain, and revenge, and grief, and anguish. And Lexy knows it, so she tries to resist, but Sam keeps pushing. Eventually Lexy pushes Sam away completely.
Lexy: Don’t! I don’t want it. Not like this, OK?
Sam can only whisper an apology and leave.
What an eventful episode! But not a heavy one overall; a pretty well-balanced diet of drama and mystery and hilarity and sex. It might turn out to be one of my favorite episodes ever. It’s like someone said to the show, “Stand and deliver!” And it did!
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If I had to describe my love life I would say it is like the exact moment in which Tess do not want to be with Meg but then she decided that being with Meg is better than nothing.
I prefer nothing rather to stay if someone just because “is better than nothing”
Yeah, but sometimes you just need to get laid
loved that scene – fiona is an amazing actor… i watched it multiple times (someone should make a gif!)
Same here, I vacillate between caving like Tess and having nothing.
there was a 10 Reais bill on cat’s possessions.. that’s so cool!
Sound of Music reference A+++++ Would read again.
I can’t decide whether I prefer the recaps, or the show itself. Probably the recaps, just for the endless Helen/Nikki Bad Girls references and picture captions. Oh, and because you guys love Heather Peace just as much as I do!
This show is a lot better without all the Cat and Frankie drama
That scene when Tess was faking being sick was great, a perfect spot of lightheartedness.
I feel so bad for Sam when she has those panic attacks, but at least Lexy was there to help. It would be brilliant if a hot doctor showed up the next time I have a panic attack.
Meg was a nightmare but because of her we got arguably one of the best scenes in Lip Service history. Fiona Button is one of the best actresses this show has got and she proves it every time they give her these types of scenes.
And am I the only one who still wishes Lou would come back and beg Tess for another chance?
After Cat died I really was not sure the show would bounce back, but this episode is by far my favorite – and it confirms my love for Lexy!
here’s the reference for Alana Hood being an out lesbian – 2nd paragraph from the end.
and I’m just waiting for a re-cap to comment on this short featuring Alana:
lauren’s boob looks like it’s made out of clay in that screencap. just imagine boobs that you can form like clay. you could form those madonna cones! (justneededtogetthatout)
and I’m seriously regretting not applying to glasgow for uni when watching this series, but it’s prolly for the best – keeping up the illusion.
oh dear god, I shouldn’t be allowed near any electronic devices when I’m sleep deprived and/or drunk.
PERHAPS I HAD A WICKED CHILDHOOD. That and the gif after made my night.
This was a great episode too.
Sadie is Spike is so on the money.
Brilliant recap, as usual.
i would totally watch this show if it was just sam and lexy doing stuff together….going to wine tastings, visiting sex shops, yoga, safety drills, then going home and saying dirty things to each other…..that last part just came out and i totally feel fine leaving it in.
Wonderful recap as always. The Sadie as Spike thing is so true! I’m loving the show, but having Your recaps to look forward to make it all even better.
I don’t care if it is a little soon realistically for Sam and Lexy to happen. Think about the alternative. Do you really want to wait several (or SEVENTEEN) months for them to finally get it on? And that’s only if the BBC is nice and gives us a third series. Personally I need to see this.
I am really starting to like Sadie. Here’s hoping that Tess gets over her crush on Lexy and finds someone who is actually into her because she definitely deserves something real. (We’ll just pretend that Fin from the first season doesn’t exist since the script kind of did.)
I don’t really like the Sam and Lexy thing. I don’t know. I don’t think that Sam is a very interesting character so they don’t compliment each other well. It’s an unpopular opinion but… *shrug*.
I might be the only one thinking this, but the last Sam/Lexy scene made me really uncomfortable. Obviously Lexy didn’t feel assaulted or anything, but I hated how Sam refused stop until Lexy physically pushed her away.
I’m glad you said this- that scene made me really uncomfortable too. I kept thinking “No Sam! No!” because there really isn’t any excuse for forcing yourself on someone like that and because I love Sam and I didn’t like the way that was headed at all. I thought the rest of that scene was pretty bang-on in its portrayal of grief and anger and loneliness. Heather Peace is just breaking my heart with her acting this series.
Other than that I really loved this episode and I’m glad the show works so well (better, even, if this episode is any indication) without the Cat/Frankie drama. Also I like how they showed off some of Glasgow’s greenery- they do make the city look pretty great, even if they generally only focus of very specific parts of it. Very nice recap, scribegrrrl. I always look forward to them :)
When I heard “Jo Glass” I thought the same thing…is that George Glass’s daughter? Then I wanted to save that name in case I ran into my ex: “Oh, I’m doing great! I’m, um…dating, she is great. Jo is her name. Jo, um (takes a sip of beer), Pint, I mean Glass! Jo Glass is her name!”
I love Tess, but she is such a martyr and a doormat sometimes. If you want to ask Lexy out, then do it. I thought she’d ‘man up’ after yelling at Sadie to clean the kitchen “NOW!” but she went back into turtle mode. I didn’t think mentioning the roller disco was an invitation. Lexy seems respectful enough to either decline or accept, not just blow it off for that hot blonde bob buddy. I, on the other hand, would blow Tess off for the hot blonde bob buddy, but that’s just me.
ps. Thanks for the shout out scribegrrrl!
Brilliant recaps as ever! I actually want to marry all of the captions.
I know I’m in the minority here but I really don’t like the Lexy / Sam thing… I’m honestly finding Sam a real drag this season. I know she’s grieving but it’s not that, her character was most effective as a juxtaposition to Frankie, but now Frankie’s gone I just feel that she doesn’t “fit”.
Also I think Tess and Lexy would be so cute together, I thought their chemistry in the scene with Meg was brilliant.
Also, despite not liking Sadie at all in season 1, I really love her now. The actress is great, and I can’t wait to see where this thing with Lauren goes!
Definitely the best Lip Service ep yet!
“Rub my royal lady mound” is easily the best quote ever on Lip Service.
Sadie, fucking the wife of the woman who finally got you a decent job is a douche move. She’s gotta back off soon if she doesn’t want to become Scumbag Sadie.
I liked “Did you want to be princess?” Aaah, that whole scene was great.
Am I the only one holding out for Lexy and Tess? I think there’s still potential there that doesn’t necessarily mean writing the whole thing off. Actually though, typing this out is making me realise that it is kind of ridiculous and I’m only saying this because Tess’ attraction to Lexy mirrors almost every attraction I have for other people! Bah!
If Sadie had been a better cheese enthusiast, she would have stolen harder cheeses.
I’m a little surprised at how well this show still works with neither Cat or Frankie in it.
I prefer Lexy with Tess. I cannot see Lexy’s chemistry with Sam that other people are talking about. Oh well…
Overall, a good ep, though I find the Sadie-Lauren-Jo storyline not interesting. I love Sadie though, so I will watch anyway.
Kinda miss Cat and Frankie.
I agree! Although it probably won’t happen, I would love to see Lexy with Tess. They seemed so perfect for each other when they first met! I haven’t seen the first season though, maybe that would change my perspective?
Watching the first season would only make you want Lexy/Tess more (and therefore make you sad) because it’s not like Tess getting hurt is something new.
It’s four days later and I’ve now watched the first season (what can I say, it was a slow week?). You’re absolutely right, I really hope Tess gets a break soon.
best ep yet by far. soooo not bothered that cat n frankie are gone.
can’t believe there only 2 eps left. stingy bbc
Soooo the person who wrote the note in Lexy’s locker… isn’t it obvious that it’s Bea’s gf?? Lexy doesn’t have anything that even remotely resembles a secret…
I don’t know about Lexy not having a secret. It seems pretty implausible that a seemingly gainfully employed ER doctor would have to (or choose to) live in a flat with 2 marginally employed/unemployed gypsy-types unless she were running from something or had had some recent life-altering event occur. One could argue that she’s just moved to town, but her work relationships seem to suggest that she’s been there for a while. Something’s fishy there.
I was thinking along the same lines as Tarzan but you make a very good point.
I was thinking that maybe Bea’s gf is actually a bf–because it was a man in “the chairs” and a man who called her.
Why would it be the gf though when they are said to be in an open relationship..?
Depends on how happy she actually is with the way her relationship is going.
Some people agree to an open relationship because they’re afraid if they say no they will lose their partner altogether, but they’re not happy about outside relationships, and they may try to sabotage them when they come up.
Others are absolutely fine with it as long as there is no emotional involvement with outside partners, or at least nothing beyond mild friendship, and they get jealous and paranoid if it seems their partner is starting to become attached to an outside person. Or if the outside partner is someone they feel threatens the stability of their relationship.
If she feels her relationship with Bea is currently unstable in itself, she may resent or fear outside partners.
Or, she may have asked Bea to cool it off with Lexy, because she feels threatened by it, but Bea may have ignored her request. Or may have said that she has stopped seeing Lexy, but then carried on.
OR Bea might be completely lying about the relationship being open: unless Lexy has met her partner and spoken to her about it, she can’t be sure.
All logical points. But none of these sorts of explanations sound like TV-logic to me. If Bea’s gf is stalking Lexy, wouldn’t she notice how infrequently Lexy sees Bea and how not a big deal Bea is to Lexy? Surely this crazed gf would be looking through texts, emails.. and she would find nothing romantic from Lexy professing her love or asking Bea to leave the gf. I dunno.. it just doesn’t seem like it would be the thing the showrunners are building toward.
Didn’t Lexy mention that she’s moved to Glasgow semi-recently? I thought she presented all shady-past when she was first introduced. I’ve just been assuming this is someone who followed her to Glasgow- an ex or something. But my memory isn’t great and I may be making this up. As a Buffy fan, one develops the ability to just invent their own answers to issues which confuse.
Re: Sadie without the hard fringe/makeup.. I saw this on youtube and was all like ‘woah, what a difference, look at those eyes’:
I thought I saw Sadie on the street the other day, which I’m not sure is even possible. Obviously I just stared at her intently trying to figure out if it was her (different hair).
I couldn’t decide if her reaction to my staring should be read as “You are a creep” or “You are a Lesbian” so I guess I’ll never know.
Yes!! Haa this made me laugh so hard! I also loved the part where Sam was having her panic attack and they had that awkward/awesome moment where you almost kiss someone.
I thought the Helen Stewart thing when I saw the letter was from Helen too!
Love these recaps x
Wait… I thought that it was Jo who made the joke about social something something by cheese and Sadie was all closed-mouth-laughing and nice-one-cool-stranger about it?
Anyway, I would like to register my vote for Lexy and Sam. I found Sam to be a big wooden bore of a prop last season but Lexy actually makes Sam interesting. Their chemistry is kinda crazy.
So I had to lose Cat to get Frankie off my screen, eh? Well, dammit.. it was worth it.
My only complaint about this episode is the wasting of Fiona Button. I would sincerely prefer a long scene in which she is memorizing Chekhov than have to see her pitifully pining away. This is what we get of her this season? New regulars Lexy and Sadie are seen rocking professional and sexing wildly and Tess is.. sniffing moldy roller-skates? pssht.
I agree with you. The chemistry with Lexy and Sam is full of angst, pain, sexual frustration, confusion, passion…all of the things that work in a crazy-love relationship. Mind you, those never work out in the end, but man, those are the ones that stick with you. Ok, moving on (talk about a tornado of emotion). Tess isn’t a good fit for Lexy. I think she needs someone like Fin, but less selfish/bro-centric. They were opposites, but sometimes that works best. Two drama queens don’t work. Maybe Tess just has to get over her roomie crush and they can be great friends. Who here hasn’t had a quick fling with someone, only to have them become an awesome friend after getting to know them? Either they have to fling and move on or Tess needs to find someone more her speed. Lexy is too naughty for her (in a good way).
Re the “by cheese” lines: Sadie said “social annihilation by cheese” and then Jo said “unemployment by cheese.” It was sorta the same line twice, which I think meant they were totally bonding. Over cheese.
So nobody else saw the ghost of Cat on the poster behind Sam during the cafe scene with Lexy?
My gf made me pause and go back to see that. Pretty creepy image
until the focus sharpens and you realize it’s a poster.
Phew, at least I know I was not imagining it.
I’ve been reading the recaps in lieu of watching the episodes, and it just hit me that I’m seriously missing out on those gorgeous accents.
When they stopped at the cafe after their (Lexy and Sam) run, I thought there was Lexy’s stalker in the background just standing there… turns out it was actually a poster. For a second, I was freaking out and thinking how this whole situation was going to turn into a Grudge type thing. *high fives if anyone actually knows what I’m talking about*
I thought it was Lexy’s stalker too! (No high-fives for me though – I don’t get the Grudge reference.)
I feel so bad for Tess. And I slightly like sadistic Sadie, here character brings a little spice into the mix.
where the hell is franie? i want my hot frankie back. sadie is gorgeous with or without makeup and i love that she does and says what she wants. sam and lexy have interesting chemistry. tess pining away for lexy is boring.
Love Lexy. But I miss Frankie.
All TV shows do it, but I feel like lesbian TV shows are really bad about picking up story arcs and then discarding them as if they were never there.
I hate Cat and Sam, however, I am love w/ Sam and Lexy. If Cat wasn’t dead, maybe this could have solved the love triangle!
pls bring frankie back
When I saw the note “I know”, I instantly screamed: “I know what you did last Spring Break!”
Gosh, I miss Popular…