Cast your mind back, if you will, to November 2010. Not because of Thanksgiving or the U.S. midterm elections or Jill Clayburgh’s death or Ingrid Pitt’s death — the two extremes of feminism, you might say — or for any other historical or cultural or seasonal item of note. But because that’s when the season/series 1 finale of Lip Service aired.
November 2010. That is 17 months ago! And I had to really think hard about that, because how often do you count out 17 months? It’s not a span of time that makes any kind of sense to the human brain. “Maybe I need another vacation. I went to Mykonos 17 months ago.” Nobody says that! “My job duties have really changed a lot in the last 17 months.” Nope. Never uttered. “But I told you all about this 17 months ago!” Take your Mayan calendar and your abacus and get the hell out of here.
But amyray, we’re back! Yes! We’re back in Glasgow, and even if you can’t say anything else about the inherent qualities of 17 months as a block of time, you can probably assume that it involved at least one haircut and/or new hairstyle. In this case, it involved at least 6.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Which is the opposite of Frankie, who is behind on her bills.

Frankie looks more than different. She seems almost transformed somehow. I wasn’t really drawn to her at all last season, but something about her new look is making me look. What have you been up to, Mighty_Minto?
As Frankie sifts through the rubble of her fiscal wasteland, I get distracted by the lyrics of the song that is playing (“Keep Me in Your Heart” by Bill Wells and Aidan Moffat):
Keep me in your phone
Keep me on your key ring
Keep me rolling around about the bottom of your bag
And keep me in your hall
Keep me in your bathroom
Keep me hanging up, stretched out and dripping next to you
What? This is like a song you make up when you’re a kid and you’re just wandering around empty-headed and aimless, enjoying the sunshine and making sounds that turn into words but have no meaning behind them or really anywhere near them.
Frankie is not empty-headed at all, though: her brain is still saying CAT CAT CAT the way a stereotypical dog’s might (but I am not saying Frankie is a dog, unless you mean it in a cool “dawg” sort of way).
Frankie calls (I feel like I should say “rings,” but that would be pretentious of me) the object of her intermittent affection. After one of those charming double-rings, it goes to voice mail, so Frankie sends an email instead.

Apparently Cat’s email address is [email protected]. Hang on, I need to email her something real quick.

Frankie kind of rocks back and forth a bit, as if she’s feeling lost without Cat.

I do feel a little sympathy for her, but not enough to rock back and forth or anything. I am not anti-Frankie in a general way, but I am definitely on Team Sam.
And there’s my team! Sam and Cat are just getting back from a trip to Rio. They’re discussing an Awkward Airport Security Moment:
Cat: I told you we shouldn’t take any toys.
Sam: He so fancied you. I think we made his day!
Wait, why was that offstage? We need to see these things! But nope, we’ve moved on to kissing. Which is probably better than the airport security thing.

They’re so busy kissing, they don’t realize they’re at the end of the escalator. Cat almost trips and falls. This is no joke, people! Escalators can kill!
But looks can’t kill, even when they’re delivered by homophobes going up the other escalator. Sam just stares back and says “hi.” ‘Cause she’s great like that.
Cat plays with her necklace; Sam compliments her on it.
Cat: I wonder who gave me that?
I bet I know! That hot cop right next to you! And I understand your confusion: I wouldn’t remember who gave me my own name, let alone my necklace.
Suddenly they’re back at their apartment, and the sunglasses are on the other head. I don’t mean that like “the shoe’s on the other foot”; I mean the continuity person was napping (cf. previous kiss photo). Or maybe it’s all just part of the escalator-riding, toy-revealing, necklace-fiddling aura of young love.

Cat: Shouldn’t we at least unpack?
Sam: You seriously want to unpack?
Obviously the next line should have been “No, but I seriously want to see what you’re packing.” They set it up so perfectly, with that mention of the toys! What a missed opportunity.
They do end up doing it right there on the kitchen floor, but that’s offstage too. This time I don’t care, because it’s a preposterous idea: who really wants to have sex when they’re just getting home from a trip? I’m not saying Cat had a better idea, because I don’t want to unpack the minute I get home either. But sex? No. The first thing you do when you get home from a trip is order some food, flop down on the couch, and catch up on all the TV you missed while you were away. This is true even if Sam is present, and I do not say that lightly.
Tess is trying to watch her new girlfriend (Fin, the “spark” she met at the end of last season) play football. Doesn’t she look enthralled?

Fin even scores a goal.
Then the ball finds its way to the fence near Tess, and Fin and her mates expect Tess to kick it back onto the field. Like you would.

She resists, then finally gives it a try. It goes about 1.2 feet, so she picks it up and throws it instead. It goes a teeny bit farther. Poor Tess! All the footballers are chuckling and tsking and making it very clear that she’s not a real lesbian. All Tess can do is sigh and wince.
They all go for breakfast, where Fin’s friends continue to mock Tess’s lack of athleticism and love of sleeping late.
Fin: Oy! Leave her alone. She’s got plenty of other skills.

As another somewhat artistic type who has been in the presence of taunting athletic types, I feel your pain, Tess. But I don’t think the feisty footballers really mean anything by it; it’s just their “way,” you know? Just pretend you’re in Bend It Like Beckham. Except instead of Keira Knightley (yawn) or Parminder Nagra (shrug), you’ve got Fin, who’s just as cute and way more gay. (And much to everyone’s great relief, she looks nothing like that other Fin(n).)
Despite the awkwardness (or maybe because of it), I’m happy to see Tess! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the fact that Tess is played by Fiona (cute as a) Button. Talk about an aptonym.
Wait, maybe I’m already over Fin. Ed texts Tess about an upcoming play, and Tess asks Fin whether she wants to go. Fin mumbles about being busy. I would love to go to the theater with you absolutely anytime, Tess. I’d even sit through the lobotomizing production of Jean Genet’s The Maids that I endured off-Broadway last month. Hmm. Maybe I take that back. Is Sam coming too?
Bored Frankie is watching boring TV. But this new flat looks pretty fab. As in, you could probably buy some of those pillows and things on

Like everyone else in the world, when TV fails her, Frankie turns to the internet. She starts to check her mail; there’s a message with the subject “Fwd: Scotland Form,” sent to [email protected]. Before we can think about what that might mean, Tess breezes in and Frankie slams her MacBook shut. Yeah, be careful, Frankie: it’s one thing for Tess to catch you underneath a grunting Jay, but you mustn’t scar her for life with the sight of you reading email.
Frankie: Have you had any more calls about the ad?
Cat: Uh, a bloke who sounded excited about living with lesbians, and a woman who sounded drunk.
See how much shorter the whole roommate search thing could have been on The L Word?
Frankie expresses her strong desire to get a flatmate very soon. She’s not even sure she’ll be able to pay her own share of the rent much longer, if she doesn’t get a job. I don’t understand how the person who had that amazing apartment in NYC last season can suddenly be out of money. They don’t even let you stand on the same block as an apartment like that if you’re not pulling down a cool 10 mil a year.
Frankie asks Tess whether she’s heard from Cat. Why, yes, as a matter of fact, Tess has. This news turns Frankie into a Lichtenstein painting.

Frankie’s eyes seems so much more alive so far this season. I guess suffering really does build character?
Frankie jumps up and leaves in a burst of feigned nonchalance. “Bye?” shrugs Tess.
Frankie stomps along and finds herself staring up at the window of Cat’s flat, much like she stared up at the window of Cat’s office in the very first episode. But this time the face at the fenester is Sam’s. At first I want her to see Frankie, but then I don’t, and she doesn’t. It’s much too soon for the triangle to come crashing in on itself!
At a … hmm, some sort of quirky vintage shop, Tess ruminates while Ed stands patiently by. Awww, Ed.
Tess is worried about Frankie, who hasn’t even slept with anyone since breaking up with Sadie. Ed gripes about his own dry spell. Tess assures him that he’ll have plenty of groupies once his book is published, but he doesn’t want to wait that long.
Ed: I’ve decided I’m gettin’ laid tonight.
Tess: Ah. It’s gay disco night at Rubies; I kind of told people we’d go there.
Poor Ed. He’s pretty much the Eeyore of this group. (Also, poor us that “disco” doesn’t actually mean disco the way it did on Glee last week. I’d pay good money to see Sam do that pistols-at-your-hip disco move, or the lasso thing. Or pretty much all of Nick’s disco routine in the “Discos and Dragons” episode of Freaks and Geeks.)
Tess tries to get Ed to focus on the task at hand: helping her find some clothes that say “serious actress.” Ed wants to know why Fin isn’t doing this instead.
Tess: She’s at work. And anyway, shopping’s not really her thing.
As a sentient life form with more than one brain cell, Ed finds it amusing that Tess would date someone who’s more into football than shopping.
Tess: Well, at least she’s nice to me, unlike every other woman I’ve dated.
Tess! I would be nice to you. And I would make you go to lots of theater but no football. Actually, never mind: I don’t really want to date you at all. But my girlfriend and I would both like to hang out with you and help you memorize your lines or anything else. Because you’re cute as a Button, Fiona!
Tess also notes that the sex with Fin is grrrrrreat.
Tess: Most of my other girlfriends have been really selfish in bed. But she’s, like, really, really… Well, she’s just… she’s just really good.

Ed and the rest of us were about to drool for a minute there. Stop tantalizing the Eeyores, Tigger Tess!
Tess claims not to be worried about not having enough in common with Fin and notes that they’ve only been together for 2 months. 2 months? It’s been 17 on my planet! Einstein should be glad he only had to deal with the twin paradox, rather than TV perplexities.
At chez consternation, there’s a knock at the door.


“Come in,” says the spider to the fly. Cat looks terrified or thrilled or something. I don’t know what to do with my hands or feet or eyebrows or corpuscles right now, because this sort of situation is exactly what makes this show so deliciously maddening.
Having confirmed that Tess is out, Cat only gets more terrified. But she apologizes for not telling Frankie that she was back in town, and inquires as to Frankie’s health.
Frankie: Been better. It’s not been fun sitting around waiting to find out what you want.
Cat: Well, now you know how it feels.
Ouchie. Wait, I think I just figured out why Frankie is so much more appealing to me this season. She sorta looks like Delirium of The Endless.

I met a lady once who had an imaginary fish.
I don’t mean this as a negative thing. I’ve always adored Delirium — and she used to be called Delight. Maybe when Cat fell in love with Frankie originally, she was more on the Delight end of the spectrum.
Cat apologizes for her below-the-belt retort. Frankie, proving she’s British through and through, offers Cat some tea.
Frankie: Tess seems to have gone all lesbian on me and brought a million herbal varieties.
That joke never gets old! Actually, maybe it just did.
They banter a little about Tess and tea, and Cat seems a little more friendly. Frankie steps forward to make her move, but Cat is steadfast.
Cat: I can’t sleep with you anymore, Frankie. It was a mistake.
Ouchie again! Cat insists that she loves Sam and doesn’t want to leave her, but when Frankie forces her hand with “And you don’t love me?” a cat gets Cat’s tongue. And then this happens.

But Cat pushes Frankie away with an “I can’t do this” and pushes herself right out the door.
I still don’t quite understand why or how or what the whole story is, but I’ll admit that there was some chemistry in that kiss. (If you’re on Team Frankie, this is where you yell “SOME?!” at the device on which you’re reading this. Try to do it on the subway or in a crowded Starbucks, because that way you can identify other team members and maybe reenact the scene [complete with tea, if you’re in the second location].)
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Last season, I thought I hate Frankie. But now I realize it’s Cat who should LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK. And Fin is being a bit of a dick, but the explanation “we don’t have anything in common” is not really the problem– the problem is that Fin isn’t respecting the things that Tess likes.
I’m so happy this show is back.
I agree with everything! Frankie continues to annoy me, but I am struggling to be sympathetic to Cat when she is so consciously douchey to Sam. SAM MY HEART. (And everyone else’s.)
I read that Lexy/Frankie dialogue as Frankie trying to encourage Lexy to go after Sam just to mess with that relationship. See, annoying, but I am cool with this because I’m ALREADY Team Sam/Lexy. Or Team Lexy/anyone really.
I seriously couldn’t concentrate during Jay’s scenes because of his likeness to Stanley Tucci. Thought it was a good episode overall though and the new doctor/roommate character seems promising. Excited for more recaps too!
No way is Frankie a Lannister, she lives in the frozen north, she mopes around all the time, gets in the way of her own happiness, everything is sad and bad and all her family die but then wait no they’re not really dead – she’s so a Stark. I can just see it, “relationships are just things people do before they fuck other people. And winter is coming.”
Season 1 Frankie is more of a Lannister than Stark. she has all these wicked schemes, etc. but based on this recap, it’s Cat now who’s turned into a Lannister. Season 2 Frankie is more of the Stark bastard (the night’s watch guy).
and based on this recap, Tess is King Robert.
No no no, season one Frankie’s not wicked and cunning and twincestuous, she’s more tormented and cynical and bitter and taking it out on the world. If anyone she would be The Hound I guess? And Sam is more like Robert, all unaware of the lies and corruption and her impending doom.
I think I need to re evaluate my life.
Frankie can’t be a Lannister because a Lannister always pays his debts.
I love you.
woah it’s a bit insulting to say that the Starks just sit and mop in arround in the North. Have we read the same books or even seen the same show? Starks are no punks… Just saying.
I love Starks, I have a Stark t shirt seriously it’s a problem, but you can’t deny that they’re all a bit melancholy? Like a kick ass sort of melancholy but still.
Sam is more of a Ned Stark. Noble, righteous, faithful, valiant. She may not be completely aware of said impending doom, but like Ned, she’s def. aware that not everything is peachy keen all up in King’s Landing. She already knows Frankie is murky waters. War is coming!
I felt like I’ve totally been where Cat is, where Frankie is, and where Tess is, so this episode was really cool! I feel like most of my relationships with guys were like Tess’s with Fin. I thought it was interesting for them to do that, it reminded me of how in hetero shows, scenes like Tess coming home and needing a rest and getting bombarded by her gf’s football fans, are like every scene of the show and are usually a joke.
i feel like Cat is doing that thing where you’re doing something so self-destructive that it’s impossible to think clearly or do anything right, like the amount of sanity you have to let go of to have that kind of affair trickles into every aspect of your life and you just wanna get high and also disappoint people because you’re already disappointing yourself so much that you can’t hold it in. it’s like a free-fall and you run out of fucks to give, hoping the end is near and that you won’t have to be the one to create that end. i don’t even know if that makes sense, anyhow
that being said, just like you said in the recap, i really don’t get it! the cat/frankie thing. i can see how frankie would romanticize cat as this responsible perfect female, but aside from what everybody sees in frankie -the intensity, the allure of being the One Person who can break through the player’s emotional walls — i don’t get what either of them are thinking, i feel like they’d make a terrible couple, like it would be Tina dating Shane or something.
Anyhow! Yay! I’m so glad that you’re recapping this, also i love that fucking gif,
YES! TINA AND SHANE. it’s the weirdest pairing ever. cat even has that tina-esque (and super-annoying) pensive worried upset face 100% of the time. girl’s gonna get a serious frown line if she doesn’t calm tf down.
Yeah, def. feeling the Tina/Shane pairing. Except I immediately thought Bette only because of Cat’s OCD, high strung tendencies and then the Bev/Shaun clip from Lez Girls came to mind. *shiver* But, it def. is more Tina with her little anxieties and insecurities. YES to that wrinkle! I stare at it all the time. Especially in that gif on page 3 with like 4 wrinkles.
Team Frankie! Her eyes are reason enough for Cat to choose her.
I was just about to ask–is there anyone rooting for Frankie? You’ve answered my question: there is at least one person!
I have a hard time believing her and Cat as friends, let alone soul mates.
i totally love frankie, obvs, but i dont buy the thing with cat
Frankie needs to stop sulking all the time. She’s just like Shane (and no, unlike most people, I never bought “but Shane is a good friend, that’s her redemption”) screwing up and then sulking when she gets called out for her bs. The Frankie-Cat angst is grating.
Love Tess. She’s so funny and cute. But this whole ‘too femme for Fin’ thing is weird seeing as last season she was wearing boyfriend jeans and pink men’s-type shirts.
I like Sam now and so Cat’s cheating annoyed me.
I also like the Australian, Lexy. Nice to see some Aussie representation but her introduction on the show was kind of lame.
I don’t think the problem with Tess’s relationship is that she’s too femme–it’s that they don’t share interests. The clothes you wear are not a predictor for being interested in sports.
Oh, to clarify. I’m not saying they are. I think what I meant to say was that there was no indication last season that she only dates other femmes, so I disagreed with Ed’s ‘surprise’. Also, that comment about the clothes came out totally wrong. That wasn’t my intent at all. I’m a femme myself and I like sports.
Ed’s surprise seemed to indicate that he thought she liked femme girls*
i agree i was also surprised by ed’s comment — i never got the idea that she preferred femme girls
The comment about clothes was supposed to be a totally separate comment about Tess just dressing more femme this season.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see what the big deal is about Sam. Everyone seems to love her and swoon over her and I’m just like “Eh.” I don’t think she’s that attractive. *ducks*
I do like Heather Peace though, she’s cool. Also, Ruta Gedmintas makes me swoon. Her lips and eyes are beautiful. And Fiona Button is definitely cute as a button! Love her.
Great recap btw :)
Agree with all. I’ll *duck* with you…and after we can process our feeeelingsss.
Yep, also don’t see what’s so hot about Sam, although probably cause I have Frankie bias!
I feel bad for Sam, but sympathise with Cat.
Ahh I love all the characters
and woo Lexy – Aussie’s represent!
Yay for Tess. She so cute.
Oh, to clarify. I’m not saying they are. I think what I meant to say was that there was no indication last season that she only dates other femmes, so I disagreed with Ed’s ‘surprise’. Also, that comment about the clothes came out totally wrong. That wasn’t my intent at all. I’m a femme myself and I like sports.
I don’t have cable and I can’t find the second season anywhere online :( And I’m not in the UK so I can’t watch it on the link Ruta Gedmintas posted on twitter. Anyone?
I used this software it alouds you to see any content even if you are not in the UK. This way you can watch on BBC Iplayer or you can download the episode in here:
I think that torrent has bad quality, you can try with this one:
Or you can install the stealthy plug-in on chrome/firefox, once it’s on and set to united kingdom, you can watch on the bbc3 website.
Hmmmm that is relevant to my interests…. Thank you
This is the best information I have ever received.
It’s on youtube
i generally find that searching tumblr posts tagged “lip service” will eventually lead you to a thing that you need (LET IT BE NOTED that were the show available for purchase on the internet, I would fully buy it, b/c I believe in paying it forward and paying for arts/entertainment, but it is not, nor can I watch it on the BBC site ’cause i’m in the US, and desperate times call for desperate measures)
See stealthy plug-in on chrome/firefox set to united kingdom tip above
I actually tried it after reading this but had to resort to Youtube because it drastically slowed down my connection.
I related to Cat last season but I feel like the wishy washy thing can only go on for so long. I don’t have a strong stance when it comes to Sam vs. Frankie, though… maybe because I find them both extremely attractive.
So many feelings about this episode. I’m having a really hard finding the rootability in the Cat/Sam/Frankie triangle. Cat isn’t sympathetic due to acting like a complete twat who is not only cheating on her girlfriend but being an asshole to her when she’s in her presence. Then you have Frankie who is pursuing a woman already in a relationship without the faintest hint of remorse. That leaves me with Sam who is the most sympathetic of the three but is already starting to look like a moron for not picking up on what’s going on behind her back.
I just see no love from Cat towards Sam. What I see is Cat choosing Sam because she thinks that’s what she’s supposed to do but she barely seems interested in Sam unless they are alone together. And even then her mind is some place else. Why should I root for them to stay a couple with all this going on? I’d rather she just choose Frankie so Sam can meet someone else who doesn’t treat her like an afterthought.
I don’t like Finn at all and judging by fan reaction I’m probably alone in that but I usually am about these things so whatever. Not only does she not have anything in common with Tess, she doesn’t even seem that interested in wanting to be supportive of her interests. At least Tess went to her stupid football game and puts up with her wild pack of friends. Finn can’t even be bothered to go to a play. And according to Tess, her two best qualities seem to be “she’s nice to me” and “good in bed”. That it’s? Oh, honey your relationship is doomed if that’s all you can come up with. I just don’t buy Tess being interested in a football playing jock like Finn. I think Lexy might be a better fit for her.
Speaking of Lexy, I like her already. Then again I’m biased towards husky voiced Australians. I just hope they keep her away from Frankie. Frankie already gets enough women. Give somebody else a turn. I like the possibility of her with Tess or Sam.
Jay amused me throughout this episode and I usually hate Jay. Ed was fun at the club too. And I vote no on a Ed/Tess pairing. I’m also not a big fan of the drug use on this show. I think it’s really irresponsible. Especially for a show geared toward our community.
I love this stupid show.
I was a huge Cat fan last season but I feel like this episode she was having some sort of mental breakdown or something. I guess Frankie has that effect on people. Sadie knows what’s up.
Lexy looks like Olivia Wilde, she’s totally Thirteen’s long lost sister.
YES. I knew she reminded me of someone. I loved Thirteen…
You guys, I kind of can’t stand Sam. I have no solid reasoning behind this but I’m standing by it.
ME TOOO. She’s too nice and good and well-everything. But Cat’s bullshit is getting to be too much as well.
I’m so glad this show is back!
i thought frankie was hot last season but oh boy, she’s sizzlin this season!!!
#1 feeling: frankie
ps. love the recap :)
dnw Cat/Frankie end-game. I never really warmed up to Frankie during the last season (I basically only liked Sam and Tess) and I’m not really looking forward to wishy-washy Cat flailing around between her ex and Sam.
But, I’m gonna be watching anyway. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn’t.
Keira Knightley in Bend It Like Beckham was sexy. Seeing her running about in a sports bra… If I hadn’t been just a kid when it came out I would’ve understood why I enjoyed it so much.
Thanks for recapping this Scribegrrrl! Love your writing! I always learn so much whenever I read any of your recaps! Big fan of yours since when you were at Afterellen doing recaps of QAF and TLW. Amazing. Thank you!
This has made my monday morning amazing! Hilarious :)!!
I’m so happy this show is finally back, If I were a dog my tail would be wagging
Goodby Cat……Hellooooo Lexy!
I love Sam and Tess more and more..
I just figured out a Sam/Lexy couple name. Sam + Lexy = Sexy.
I’m just glad Tess is back.
Praise the lord Tess is back in my life
Ah but does anyone else think that Frankie is just way too skinny this season, she is super beautiful, but it’d be like being with a morose skeleton!
I may also have to revise my rules for the Lip Service drinking game too….my main rules of one drink every time Frankie looks glum, and one drink for every time someone cheats on/wants to cheat on their significant other may lead to vodka induced comas within the first ten minutes of every episode!
It’s not just you. I think Frankie is far too skinny too. I had the same issue with Shane.
Totally agree; I was surprised that so many people seem to find her more attractive this season! I mean, she has stunning eyes and the whole sexy ‘n sullen thing going on, but to me she just looks…unwell. I’m attracted to women of many shapes and sizes (including scrawny Shane), but I was a little alarmed at the appearance of Frankie version 2.0.
Another one to add: Every time we have scenes of Frankie walking down the street with her hands in her pockets. The alcohol induced coma would happen VERY quickly. Haha.
I quite like Ruta’s portrayal of Frankie. That pain in her eyes when she looks at Cat and Sam together is very believable. It’s just hard to sympathize with her character when Frankie doesn’t learn from her mistakes. Tess is magnificent, she should have her own show. I kind of wish she’d get paired up with Sexy Lexy. Lexy seems pretty bad ass.
Cat looked like fecal-matter-coming-out-of-a-Chiroptera’s ass (aka batshit)crazy this entire episode. I’m legit concerned for the character’s mental well-being. And it’s downright bizarre that the writers are making Cat’s friends so blind to her OBVIOUS problems.
dude, the doctor was snorting coke?! I don’t know how I’d feel if I knew my doc was snorting coke. But this isn’t real life, so moving on…Lexy is a cutie.
Tess…you’ve got to communicate with your gf. While I find women who play football/soccer super sexy and wouldn’t mind watching FA Cup matches on some weekends, how the heck is your gf supposed to know you hate doing it unless you tell her?
you’d be suprised what doctors are capable of in their downtime. i once drove in a car with a doctor who: refused to wear a seat, was drinking a beer, and was speeding all at the same time. we were also driving over a bridge at night while it was raining and the roads were slick with water. my life literally flashed before my eyes, and i never got in his car again. he also regularly popped prescription pills that he wrote for himself and smoked (cigarettes and weed). he was good at his job, he just acted crazy when he wasn’t at work. thanks to this guy, i can now can totally believe a doctor would do coke (and worse) on her off time. and i think coke leaves your system fairly quickly too.
*refused to wear a seat belt
You guyz, Sam is a COP. Why/how is she buying all of Cat’s bullshit?
i kinda like how frankie is the hard to get player character in the mould of shane or whatever, but she’s actually being more like the girls who chased shane. she’s all mopey and obsessed.
I missed the first season because it aired in 2010 when I was still in baby-pansexual-queermo phase and unaware of television, so I have no idea what’s happened.
I’m just going to start wearing a lot more eyeliner from now on though, as it will apparently get girls to like me?
I always think this, but then remember that when I put on eyeliner I just look like a child who’s raided her mother’s make up box. Plus, assuming your avatar is a picture of you I should think girls would like you just because of your awesome hair!
“Is it wrong of me to sometimes want Ed to end up with Tess after all? He’s such a sweet little Eeyore.”
Yes it is. The last thing we need on television is another case of a male fantasy being played out. Just because Ed is likeable enough, does not mean we should root for Tess to magically become bi so Ed can have sex with her.
Why the heck is this site promoting that kind of junk?
I’m not really rooting for that. It was an offhand remark.
Also, just because “this site” is publishing my recaps doesn’t mean it’s “promoting” my “junk.”
I’ll rephrase: I hope Ed, who seems like a nice guy, can find a straight girl who’s as funny and cool as Tess.
I don’t want Tess to end up with Ed simply because it’s clear she’s not in love with him and only sees him as a friend. Not because he’s a guy.
Ed is a genuine, kind-hearted person who happened to fall in love with his best friend. His best friend is a gay girl. How different is that from falling in love with your straight girl best friend? I think they’re just trying to create a reverse parallel. I love the story because I think it’s a classic case. I don’t think it’s just some “male fantasy”, where he’s just getting off at the idea of two chicks. He knows her in and out(country surprise birthday), has been there through her ups & downs (hiding under her ex’s bed & Botox?) and sincerely loves her. If she shared the same feelings, I’d be fine with them being together because I think he’d really make her happy.
Isn’t that all that matters? That you’re with someone who will make you happy? I don’t think Tess could “magically become bi” anymore than anyone “magically becomes gay” or “magically becomes straight”. I think sexuality can sometimes be confusing and you don’t necessarily realize who you love til you’re loving them.
I love AS for promoting themselves as a site for “girl-on-girl culture”, and not as strictly lesbian or bi or whatever because it allows for flexibility of labels and non-labels. Bisexuality or the option of being with a man is not “junk”. Even though the author maintains she wasn’t rooting for Ed/Tess, I wouldn’t knock someone who was. Especially not a contributing author who was because it would offer a different perspective and hopefully open dialogue.
I just don’t understand how in a climate where we’re fighting for the rights & recognition for people to love who they choose how some LGBTQ members can be equally as judgmental & narrow-minded as the people we’re fighting against.
I’m probably the only person here who doesn’t really care for Lexy as a character. a doctor who does coke, really?
Ed is cute/nice but still boring. Jay, on the other hand, has become pretty hilarious. I need them to bring back Sadie.
also. this Frankie/Cat thing HAS. TO. STOP. seriously, who buys it? it’s not interesting, yet I know it’s going to be one of the main arcs this season. then I have to deal with Frankie feeling sorry for herself all the time (reminds me of the other Frankie from Skins, who was also self absorbed, emo & annoying).
this is sad because the writers are making it difficult for me to enjoy Ruta Gedmintas’ hotness.
well, at the very least Tess remains adorable & flaw-free, so. they better not fuck this one up.
I don’t think doctors who do coke are such a rarity really – there was some sort of investigation into alcohol/drug use in young doctors over here in the UK a couple of years ago, and if my friends who have been student doctors over the years are any sort of representative sample I’d have to say Lexy fits in quite well. I guess it’d be irresponsible if you were working the next day, but young doctors have odd shifts and extremely stressful jobs/working hours. Not that I’ve ever been into clubbing or drugs, but it doesn’t seem particularly out of character to me.
Absolutely agree with this. From what I’ve seen of young doctors/medical students they tend to be even worse (by worse I mean they do more) because they know the chemistry and know what drugs they can mix to what extent and just how far they can push themselves… generalising of course.
I’m really glad this is back on TV! Although this is largely because I adore Scottish accents (my awesome girlfriend is Scottish – score!). I kind of understand the whole Frankie/Cat thing – I’ve fallen in love with totally unsuitable people who I have a lot of history with before, and I could see how Cat could think she really loves Sam AND Frankie, Sam because she’s hot and caring and stable, and Frankie because she’s also hot and they have all these shared memories. In fact, the part of the programme I like which is unrelated to Scottish accents is the probably fact that I am just so glad my life isn’t full of that sort of drama any more!
And again…Scottish accents…mmmmm
But what we all want to know is why Frankie sounds like a Londoner if she’s spent her life in Glasgow. That was the real mystery last series…
Why doesn’t Tess realise that Fin isn’t right for her but Lexy could be (both are super hot as well which helps XD).
Also Cat… Why doesn’t she just break up with Sam instead of messing her about, maybe a grown up meaningful relationship with Cat might help Frankie’s state of mind. Plus I don’t like Sam. She’s dull and she is a seriously crappy cop to not notice Cat’s cheating.
And Ed I keep hoping it’ll come out that he is gay and hasn’t realised, I was expecting that to happen in the club with all those gay guys trying to pick him up.
at what website can you watch this show? (it would be even better if it started with season 1)
There are a few different ways posted earlier in the comments, but the quickest and easiest is YouTube. You might have to look around for good quality but it’s not too hard, and you can find playlists of the entire first and second series. Some people upload episodes in quarters and some have the whole sixty minutes in one vid.
i didn’t get cat’s appeal in the first season, and i don’t get it now. she doesn’t deserve hot frankie or hot sam. frankie and sadie were a hot couple that made sense. not frankie and cat.
i kind of liked frankie’s first hair cut better then this one, but no matter how she wears her hair, the actress is beyond gorgeous. the actress who plays sam is gorgeous too. why would they be attracted to anal retentive, high strung, duplicitous, unattractive cat again? don’t get it. and i realized the main diffrence between shane and frankie this episode: shane didn’t seem to try as hard as frankie does to come off like a lothario. she wasn’t doing some contrived ccc thing to attract women, she was being herself and being friendly and women flocked to her.
i’ve always found tess kind of ridiculous but funny. and i want to rip that leopard fur coat off her back. i don’t understand why they set up fin to be so great for her last season but made her seem so boorish and inconsiderate this season. at this point she’s the only person of color on the show and i’d like her to stay on. and she’s gorgeous too.
lexie is okay. i liked her leather jacket. i’ve never really liked either of the guys. particularly cheating perverted jay.
The best thing about LS S2 are these recaps!!!! LOVE you Scribegrrrrl!!!!!!!!! thanks thanks thanks
Cannot WAIT for you to see and recap the latest episode, o…m….g.
me too, I have a lot of feelings right now! there’s a blog up on the BBC as well explaining the reasoning behind it.
Whoa! Last night’s episode was insane. I totally wasn’t expecting that and it came right out of the blue.
I have to say that the actress who plays Frankie drives me nuts. I don’t think she’s super believable in that role and her over-acting drives me nuts.
I love the new Australian doctor!
OMG!!! I was SHOCKED by Ep 2…My mouth is still hanging open. What the hell?! I just watched it and I need a double whiskey too.
OMG my fiancee and I were saying how much Jay looks like Stanley Tucci during that very scene you screencapped!
Don’t you love discovering that you weren’t the only one thinking that?