Lindsay, Sam, Gaga and Glee: FeelingsFest 2010

Hortense at Jezebel has written a lovely and thoughtful but ultimately also depressing post about why nobody is going to help Lindsay Lohan. Sadly, not everyone’s love for Lindsay is as true and pure as ours, and we’re getting a little tired of all these people who are really “concerned” about her (oh hey Michael Lohan, what’s up). Hortense puts it best: “The truth, I suspect, is that many people are actually hoping Lohan does die, or at least comes pretty fucking close, because that’s the story that’s going to sell. That’s the story that allows her dirtbag father to position himself as a savior of sorts by holding press conferences to discuss his daughter’s condition and present himself as a Jamie Spears-wannabe who seeks to save Lindsay from herself. That’s the story that allows “sources” to go to TMZ and spill their “concerns” about Lohan’s health and well-being. And that’s the story I’ve tried to write around several times, because it is so sick, and so sad.” Of course, to a certain extent it goes without saying – celebrities have maybe always been there for us to project our own emotional needs onto – but for us it strikes home because Lindsay is maybe a more relatable celeb than, say, Jesse James. She’s young, she’s queer, she wears leggings and has an ex she can’t quite get over, she’s obsessed with Lady Gaga – sound like anyone you know? In reality, she’s not that different from a lot of us, and that makes it a little easier to see that the people who hate on her are more interested in schadenfreude than in any of Lindsay’s actual life decisions.

And as Hortense also points out, we have no way of even knowing if these “concerns” about Lindsay are true – that when you think about it trying to construct a coherent narrative of someone’s life based on a series of tweets and 15-second video clips from aggressive paparazzi. Most of what we talk about when we talk about “what’s going on with Lindsay” (or any celebrity, really) is based only on what we’ve heard other people say about what’s going with Lindsay. “And yet even in writing this article, I am complicit in the Lindsay Lohan Bullshit Complex: all I know of Lohan’s alleged troubles is what I see in pictures, what I hear in gossip items, and what can be put together from Lohan’s past history of addictions… The truth is that we don’t know the truth.” And that in the course of writing and then reading this post itself we’re feeding into it. Imagine that. Maybe it’s a sign that we could try finding other things to talk about, just every once in a while? (@jezebel)

All of our internet lesbian dreams came true: Samantha Ronson tweeted about Lady Gaga! The verdict is that she’s way better than Britney, but definitely no Madonna. Ok SamRo, whatever, you did a great job at the Dinah white party this weekend! (@ohnotheydidnt)

Frank Anthony Polito, author of the 2008 Lambda Literary Award nominee Band Fags, says that Facebook has deleted the fan page for his book because it was apparently “hateful, threatening or obscene.” Polito says he’s contacted Facebook about the removal, but as of Friday still hadn’t heard back. This is interesting, because there are plenty of Facebook pages that actually do use the word “fag” in a “hateful, threatening or obscene” manner that haven’t been deleted. (@theadvocate)

Jonathan Safran Foer’s second novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which is a book you should maybe read, will be turned into a movie by producer Scott Rudin and screenwriter Eric Roth. At least it hopefull will be, as apparently Rudin has in the past secured the rights to both A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and Me Talk Pretty One Day and then let the projects fall by the wayside. (@pajiba)

Cute pictures of the cast of Glee on the White House lawn for Easter!(@ohnotheydidnt)

She said some really awesome stuff in this interview, like that “nothing will come between her and her art, even if it makes her go mad.” “I’m already crazy,” Gaga, 24, told OK!. “I’m a fearless person. I think it creeps up on you. I don’t think it can be stopped. If my destiny is to lose my mind because of fame, then that’s my destiny.” She also claims that stardom for her was “like rocket fuel,” and that sometimes her energy is so high she doesn’t sleep for days. I wish she would take a nap or something, girl is crazy! (@digitalspy)

We just found out that the supersexycool interview our girl Carlytron did with Kaki King will be airing this week on Logo – make sure you catch it on April 11th at 12 midnight! In the meantime, check out the promo!

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close has been on my reading list for about a year now. I WILL READ IT THIS SUMMER I SWEAR.

    • No, really. It is an exceptional read. I loved JSF to an unhealthy extent until he wrote “Eating Animals,” a one-dimensional rant against non-veg people.
      Now I just want his fiction inside me, which is still a pretty good ranking.

  2. Although the words in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close were better, Everything is Illuminated was really pretty. I judge books by their covers. (And movies. And albums.) Even if I really want the book, I wait until I find a cover I like.

    Also, did anyone see the glee kids sing? Always adorable, but.. ouch.

    • I’m that way too. I don’t like to have books with ugly covers. Especially since there is always an edition out there that has a neat one. My girlfriend says that is weird, but I am glad to know I’m not the only person who does that.

      • She’ll appreciate it someday. If not, remember that weird is cute. Always.
        The worst ones? Moviepostercovers (I’m pretending like English is structured like a Germanic language for a second). Who thought that was a good idea? And convinced everyone else?

        • Moviepostercovers are the worst. Especially when they make a really bad movie and then plaster it all over a book you love. I mean please, don’t remind me!

          • To be fair, I do own multiple books whose covers are basically just a huge picture of Kate Winslet (The Reader, Revolutionary Road) but I ain’t mad.

  3. I don’t understand SamRo’s tweet? First she says Lady Gaga is a real artist, writes her stuff (and I wonder if she’s also thinking SINGS, that Lady Gaga can sing for real); but then she says, years to go before being close to Madonna? Did Madonna write her stuff, too? I didn’t know that. For sure she can’t sing for her life.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I think Lady Gaga is a far-superior genius as compared to Madonna. Like, she has twice the brain. At least the creative / artistic hemisphere.

    • I completely agree. The only reason I would say Madonna is better or good at is longevity. She has been around forever. We have yet to see Gaga’s staying power.

      But regardless, Kylie Minogue is my pop queen.

  4. Honestly, I have never gotten the Madonna hype. I think it was too before my time. Gaga has a great voice. Therefore, she tops Madonna, imo.

    • i guess i kind of agree with the people who say that madonna made gaga possible – she’s definitely a pioneer and archetype in terms of strong women in pop who define their own image, push the boundaries, and aren’t totally controlled by their management. props for that, madonna. but i agree that musically there’s no comparison, and i will basically love lady gaga more than i love anything else forever and ever.

      • I agree that in a way they are not comparable, and Madonna made Gaga possible. But there’s no comparison not just musically, I would say artistically, at a more general creative level… Gaga is a total genius-like genius, Madonna was sort of innovative. Gaga oozes and bubbles with ideas and madness, Madonna was a rational businesswoman who sold herself for the highest possible price.

        And about longevity, Gaga has just stated nothing can come between her and decades of music-writing for us little monsters…. so. Sorry SamRo, but even though you are really way more attractiver in person than in pictures, it’s Gaga hands down.

  5. Pretty sure Samro’s point was that although Gaga is a real artist with vision, creativity that also writes her own songs, madonnas has written better songs.. so far.
    I was following her on twitter at the time and sounded like she was saying that although gaga is great she has a long way to go before people can compare her to madonna which they are already doing maybe a little prematurely.

    Speaking of Samro, why didn’t you girls get an interview/ some pics from dinah?

    • SamRo and I have different musical tastes. I do not agree that Madonna’s songs are better… perhaps better-selling, which does not equal better.

    • we have a lot of pics of her from dinah! did you look at our liveblog? and while we would have loved to get an interview, i don’t think it was really an option. from what i heard she was very much only there in a DJ capacity.

  6. Sam Ronson is (methinks) talking about longevity < can't really fault that. Madonnas been at it for almost 30 years and is still rocking.
    I love Gaga though and I love Sam too . Maybe more for being an utterly sexy specimen of the androgynous sort than a celeb dj. After seeing her live last month at a gig I kinda get why the ginger one is still pining. More Sam please!!

  7. I was obsessed with Madonna in my youth, but I’m sorry she can’t touch Gaga right now. You’re wrong, SamRo. Wrong. And anyone who even compares Gaga to Britney? Come on! Gaga is nothing like her contemporaries.

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