Lindsay Lohan’s Potential Sex Photos Make Us Understand America, Ireland Makes America Understand Same-Sex Marriage


This just in! We attempt to entertain the unreliable tips for identifying homosexuality based on today’s ridiculous twitter trend: #uknowhowiknowuregay. Read all about it.

ALSO – Laneia announces the winner of the Autostraddle Summer Scavenger Hunt! Look how cute you guys are!

Yesterday our Roundtable topic tackled the big enchilada: Healthcare! Our feelings and stories! The conversation in the comments is really compelling, so check it out.

Yesterday’s Daily Fix: 9.3.09 – Behind the Scenes of Three Rivers, Levi’s Life With Mrs. Palin and Rachel Maddow’s Swine Flu.


Also, remember Tuesday’s Daily Fix about “The Real L Word” where there was 122 responses/feelings about Chaiken’s new show? Yeah, that was awesome. Y’all are funny you know that? We even drew cartoons for you.

Don’t forget to catch up on your Televisionary this week where you can get your updates on True Blood’s Lesbian Vampire Queen, Nurse Jackie’s Overdose, & Weeds’ Questionable Makeup Choices. Just saying.

It’s Friday kids!!

+Arts & Culture

LESBIAN RABBI FTW: Also she has a Rabbi girlfriend and is famous in certain circles for her widely published sermon “God is a Woman and She Is Growing Older,” which portrays the deity as a loving if long-suffering mother who wonders why you haven’t called.” “Meet Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig, who preaches increasingly to the converted: Hebrew congregations and rabbinical and cantorial students who no longer assume that a rabbi has to be a he or heterosexual.” (@nytimes)Lindsay_Lohan_Samantha_Ronson

LINDSAY LOHAN: Lindsay Lohan has been telling all her ‘friends’ about sexy photos of her & Sam that were “way over the line” which she is worried were stolen from her apartment.  We think we just now finally understood the sex photo scandal excitement that the rest of the world has for heterosexual couple’s revelatory photos. I understand America.

GAY MARRIAGE TASTES GOOD: Should Ben & Jerry’s have come out for gay marriage? On Tuesday Ben and Jerry’s renamed their ‘Chubby Hubby’ flavour ice cream ‘Hubby Hubby’ in celebration of Vermont’s legalisation of gay marriage. Isn’t it odd, incidentally, that only the boys’ unions should be so lauded? Girls, strangely, seem to have been frozen out. (@guardian uk)

WE ARE ALSO HOPING FOR A BISEXUAL CHIC MOMENT: If Lady Gaga Doesn’t Kiss Britney + Madonna at the VMAs, Will You Still Be Impressed?There’s never a reason to do something unless it’s going to be memorable, unless it’s going to change things, unless it’s going to inspire a movement. With the song and with the performance, I hope to say something very grave about fame and the price of it.”

Lizzi Miller GlamourI CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE: “A year of Sarah Palin: The Video Highlights.” One year ago we were introduced to Sarah Palin via John McCain’s VP nomination… and now we can’t imagine our life without her. (@mediaite)

JESUS: It’s another one of those new-fangled “Stuff this kind of person Likes” blogs, except this one keeps it reals! Stuff Christian Culture Likes is written by the daughter of a preacher — a serious cutie who’s smart and funny. Also, it’s kind of educational — I had no idea Christian culture likes papyrus font!

HOT & HEAVY: Lizzi Miller’s belly roll in Glamour caused a sensation. The Daily Beast talks about why the 180-pound beauty is leading a plus-size revolution AND has a photo gallery of ‘hot & heavy’ models.

from Queerty: Dear Straights, Have No Fear There’s Always a Queer!


+News & Politics

SURPRISE: Oh good! Once again, other people get to decide if gays will be able to marry or not. So here we are again with the right to marry in a specific state where there’s a chance it’ll just be revoked in two months. When will they stop letting the majority vote for the minority? (@nytimes)

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: The argument over whether same-sex couples should marry in the District is about a decade past its expiration date: Reality Makes D.C. Marriage Debate Obsolete. (@washington post)

ON A POSITIVE NOTE:Watching this ad, titled “Sinead’s Hand,” makes it crystal clear that putting the question of marriage on the ballot is not only ludicrous, but it’s offensive as hell”: Ireland’s unbelievably good commercial for marriage equality.

FOX NEWS IS RUINING MY LIFE: Schools in 6 states (surprise, they’re conservative!) won’t air Obama’s back-to-school speech next week because “it gives the appearance of creating a cult of personality” (according to Oklahoma State Sen. Steve Russell.) Nevermind that George H.W. Bush gave a similar address to students back in 1991… or that Reagan did, or that when John Kennedy said “ask not what your country can do you for, ask what you can do for your country” our nation celebrated. Nevermind all that or respecting freedom of speech. Really.

Did You See That Comment Friday

In which we honor the week’s ‘best comments.’

alex!commenter-friday-71709Alex! on “Daily Fix Thursday” Anyone who has 5+ tweets dedicated to bacon is worth listening to.


bcwbcw on Meet Brian Brown: I love that they named their campaign “2M4M.”Love it. Idiots. 2M4M wants you! Come BARE your signs and BLOW your whistles with people JUST LIKE YOU! The turnout will be a SHOCKER! We must not let the gays TAINT marriage! Join us afterwards for a delicious TOSSED SALAD and SAUSAGES!

msNJSMsNJS on NSFW Sunday’s Volleyball Butts: “HaHa. Those pictures made me laugh because, where I am from, none of those women have a butt … just saying.”


green-iconfrom Laneia:
I don’t know what this is but, hey, look! Nashville’s on there! And Berlin! Do you know what’s going on? Feel free to explain it to me. Brooklyn! – The Board

alex-iconfrom Alex:
Courtney Love infamously goes into rants, raves and some manic episodes via twitter almost every day. Luckily, Stef takes it upon herself to translate Courtney Love’s psycho-tweets so you don’t have to! (See below) and get it here: @CLtranslated.


Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I thought Ben and Jerry’s always had a lesbian themed flavor. Chocolate Therapy?

    Besides Chubby Hubby is cute and it rhymes. I guess they could have changed Mango, Mango to Fandango, Fandango.

  2. The fact that any one would not want their child to be lectured on the importance of education is inconceivable. I read some of the “lesson plan” that is suggested, and all it is asking children to do is think about why it’s important to stay in school and such. Who could possibly be upset by that. This country is fucked. I WISH my daughter was old enough to be in school so she could watch it.

    • I agree completely. Just because you don’t like your President doesn’t mean it’s a dictatorship or that you can’t show him the respect as an elected official. Ridiculous.

  3. I really, really hope that someone stole those LiRo sex photos. And I really, really hope that whoever stole them gives them to me. PLEASE GOD. DELIVER UNTO ME THE BOUNTIES OF THY GLORY. THANK YOU. AMEN.

    • If this was Lindsay circa 2004, Mean Girls style and Sam Ro morphed into Kate Moennig. I would be right alone with you.

      But these days, blonde hair and dropped lbs., is not as appealing. I feel like we have seen enough of lindsay. I would love to see her with some clothes on! Thank You

      • can we start a fan club that encourages lindsay to look like this again campaign? I think she was literally a bajillion times cuter before she got all rexi. But, I’m still I think just curious about what they would have pictures of. Like what do they do in bed? I want to know. I cannot defend myself here but to say you know, just that I want to know.

          • I feel like I want those photos to be released just so I can be reassured that they’re actually fucking and not just fighting. Like, I think I am just concerned about the health of their relationship. Maybe that is weird? Also I vote a curvy Lindsay too, maybe we can send her a pan of lasagna or something

          • Oh I am totally concerned about the health of their relationship as well. Pictures would definitely be reassuring.

            We should start a campaign to get Lindsay to gain 10 pounds.

  4. Oh, Stuff Christian Culture likes…yeah, I discovered that a little while ago. As funny as it is, that site’s serious, too. Everything you see on there? Not made up. It’s totally my entire childhood; no joke. *sigh*

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