Lindsay Lohan Has Lots of Stuff, Isn’t a Hoarder, Is Cute & Funny with Niecy Nash

LINDSAY LOHAN: Nicey Nash from Reno 911, one of our favorite people in the world, takes a NEVER BEFORE SEEN JOURNEY into the depths of Lindsay Lohan’s private home! [As opposed to her public home, which I suppose is everything besides her private home, as she is apparently fair game for the paparazzi at all times when leaving said private home.]

In general, this video (part one of two — the second half, which exposes Lindsay’s secret feelings, will air tonight) made me feel a lot better about Lindsay’s whole situation, ’cause clearly if she’s ever short on cash, she can ebay the hell out of her “closet’ (which is bigger than my apartment).

This “Insider Exclusive” has been talked up as an exposé on Lindsay Lohan’s “secret shame,” and the preview includes a Nicey Nash voiceover asking “is Lindsay a secret celebrity hoarder?” In the actual tape, there’s a “some would ask” dropped in before that question begins.

Nash eventually concludes, “I see potential in this mess, and I don’t think Lindsay is a hoarder.”

The video is cute. Lindsay seems cute, sober, and funny. Probs ’cause according to Autotstraddle commenters and The Hindustan Times, Lindsay & Sam are back together so it must be true: “Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan seems to have rekindled her romance with ex-girlfriend DJ Samantha Ronson, as they were seen partying together.” Or um, they’re totally not together and hate each other 4-life. Or everything is made up and we are all hollagrams. My head hurts.

Is Nicey Nash a correspondent for The Insider now? Because then I might be able to watch it without wanting to smash glass against my brain.

INTERVENTION: If you’re a fan of Intervention, as we are, then you will be very interested to read this interview with the ex-girlfriend of Robbie, the alcoholic featured a few weeks ago who was in the band City High. In the episode Robbie said her leaving him for his best friend was what started the alcoholism. She says Robbie was abusive and drunk when they were together, and they broke up a year before she started dating his friend. It was his alcoholism that broke up the band. Serious stuff guys. (@sheis)

ROSIE: Rosie O’Donnell is interviewed in The LA Times: “I was not looking for a sound bite. I am not looking to be on “Crossfire” and fight with a 30-year-old pregnant girl. I was glad at the time I did it, that there was a woman on TV with a voice of dissent. I found out that the format of network TV is too constricting for me at 47 years old.”(@latimes)

ELLEN: Here’s the first look at Ellen Degeneres as an American Idol judge:

The series has been showing audition episodes this week. The Hollywood round starts next week, and Ellen has her first show on Tuesday night.

THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID: Megan Mullally and the gay guy from Reno 911 on the origin of the legendary phrase:

DARIA: If you were a weirdo in high school like the rest of us, you probably had a special place in your heart for Daria and her combat boots. Get ready for some serious ’90s nostalgia because the series is about to (finally) be released on DVD. (@ewpopwatch) Okay though, hasn’t it already been out on DVD since 2002? What is Popwatch talking about, we’re confused.

GAGA: A publishing company has announced that an unauthorized biography of Lady Gaga is in the works. That seems repetitive. (@latimes)

And here’s a cute video of her at the Grammys. She credits “g-d and the gays” (one of our favorite phrases ever!) as the source of her inspiration. Awww. (@tvguide)

Last night, Gaga tweeted this adorably captioned photo of her, taken at the moment she realized she had won two Grammys.

DADT: There’s a fascinating new book coming out that features the work of a Los Angeles photographer who takes portraits of gay service members. The men and women hide their faces in the pictures because they have to hide their identity in the military. (@latimes)

GLAMBERT: Speaking of photos, here’s one someone sent us of our gay worlds colliding:

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I like to imagine thought bubbles on that last photo with Sam thinking “Hey, he’s not Lindsey!” and Adam looking off at Lindsey saying “No worries babe, I’m queer too!”

    Just me?

  2. Was the typo of the Hindustan Times deliberate, because there’s something about the concept of a Hindu devil having his own newspaper that is making me giggle.

      • It’s ok, the Adventures of the Hindusatan Times Newsroom will continue to live on in my imagination, revolving around the hijinks of a pair of hot Indian lesbian journalists who are secretly avatars of the devil tasked with spreading deviancy around the streets of Delhi whilst combatting corrupt corporations and fighting crime.

        Spreading deviancy while fighting crime sounds paradoxical, but Hinduism’s all about the dualism you know.

  3. The Daria DVDs that are already out are just of the “movie” episodes, ‘Is It Fall Yet’ and ‘Is It College Yet’. But the whole series hasn’t been released officially on DVD yet, I think because they had issues getting rights to all the cuts of music they used? I hope they didn’t have to replace any of them… still, very excited that no one will have to rely on poorly edited pirated DVD sets anymore! It’s about time.

    • I totes have one of those poorly edited pirated DVD sets, and I love it! It comes complete with little snipets of commericials that transport me to when I was in middle school again. Don’t worry, guys. I’m able to take fun adult things with me in the time machine.

      • Yep, my poorly edited pirated dvd set came from China. I am looking forward to some high quality jane lane.

      • Mine have these surprisingly funny snippets from some ancient MTV “Sarcastithon”, with Daria and Jane introducing episodes here and there.. So i’ll definitely never get rid of them, but the editing sometimes cuts out chunks of speech, plus the occasional dodgy sound and annoying pop ups informing me that some random show is “Next!”. And of course the tendency for them to overheat and skip in any form of dvd player (including my computer and PS3/PS2)… Yeah, I can’t wait for these to come out.
        Of course, i’m going to have to wait even longer for them to actually be released in region 4 (Australia etc). Sigh.

  4. did i miss something? is there now a thing where you can have nicey nash come to your house and help you clean your mess up slash put your life in order? because if so, sign me up.

    • As fitting as Nicey seems (you know, since she is being so nice to LiLo) the poor woman’s name is Niecy (a nickname for Denise).

    • Yes, actually, Clean House. She and a few other people visit LA area houses and clean up their mess. It gets pretty funny/sad at times watching people battle against them to keep stuff.

  5. re: the insider intvw, i wish they wouldn’t use phrases like, “her hollywood home is in complete shambles.” like, my dining room table is pretty cluttered right now, and i don’t think i need an intervention. girl just has a lot of stuff. seems like she just needs a personal assistant / organizer, which i will now officially volunteer myself for.

    riese, i know i said i’d never ever leave you ever, but i’d totally take a sabbatical to organize lilo’s clothes by color / sleeve length.

    also: art on the balcony. SHE’S MAKING ART ON HER BALCONY. <3

    • If they looked into our laundry room or my dad’s office on a regular basis, they’d say something like “Loving Jewish family now in a shambles, unable even to sort clothing!” “Musician shut-in trapped by his own work!” “Daughter ignorant to the entire situation!”

    • It’s too effing small my boobs would eat it and ma boobs be small too but not so small as that DARWIN BOOBS.

    • see, that shirt’s great and all but you guys, isn’t the formula wrong!?
      like how much is a rah worth? is it 1 unit? then, it’d be (rah)(2) + (ah)(3), as opposed to rah^2 + ah^3

      i don’t know about you guys but i’d feel wrong wearing a poorly thought out formula.

  6. Hoarders: I always feel like I have to clean after that show. BTW: Did anyone see the episode a couple weeks ago when the guy had kept the van his dad had died in??? That was intense.

  7. Somehow after watching the Lilo interview I can’t picture her on Hoarders because she doesn’t have any rotten pumpkins or dead cats. Who knows what they may find amongst her closet rubble, perhaps her career?

  8. The DADT pictures are really good. Also so is that Lady Gaga picture.

    I love “that’s what she said”.

  9. You just gotta love that we’re living in a time when Lindsey and Sam (and Adam and the persistent rumors that he’s back with his last ex) are covered by the paps the same way Brangelina are.

    I mean, *they* probably don’t love it. But I kinda do. Equality of photography?

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