Lindsay Lohan’s PR Machine De-Gays Lesbian Relationship with Sam

Well, finally it looks like the Lohan PR machine has clamped down and is safely restoring Lohan’s image in at least one area — her certified sex appeal to men. She has told The Sun that if she doesn’t get back together with Samantha, she’ll date a man next.

Although Lohan’s bisexuality was well-known within gay circles before Samantha Ronson became Lohan’s official Plus One, Lohan is now reading the standard script (likely fed to her by agents & handlers) — that her attraction to Sam was a surprise as she’s never liked women before and — hello magic 8 ball — she’ll defo never fall for another lady again! LOL!

Hold your aggressive comments for just a minute, angry ladies /otherwise-identified persons! (We’re sure you’ll find a reason to leave one anyhow, but hear us out first, it saves time.) Yes, we realize that being with Samantha and then “returning to men” still “qualifies” Lindsay as “bisexual” (whatever that means). But context is everything. We’ll get right back to that — first, here’s the interview:

Reports The Sun:

“I never really thought about women before, it kind of just happened with Samantha. It surprised me. We’re still in touch. We live in the same apartment building in LA and see each other often. She has always been one of my best friends.

“If I wasn’t with Samantha, I would probably be with a boy next. She’s the only woman I’ve been attracted to.

“We love each other. We might reconcile the relationship, maybe. I don’t know.”

It’s all about context.

The “I just went gay for one woman” storyline is a PR favorite and a certified technique employed to safely restore the perceived heterosexuality of a starlet, particularly when most mainstream media has been eagerly anticipating said starlet’s return to their heterosexual spank banks since Sam & Lindsay had their first public row.

But here’s why it matters that Lindsay’s people are making her tell this story now, and why it’s disappointing: this isn’t just a Hollywood story. Perhaps your first girlfriend tells a similar story? Perhaps you once did? Perhaps you’ve seen this story hurt people in seminal works including Tipping the Velvet, Brokeback Mountain, Rubyfruit Jungle, The Well of Loneliness

We’re not discounting that many humans “go gay” for just one person, but officially declaring the rest of the gender off-limits so declaratively is a fundamentally problematic declaration when utilized to safely return to socially-sanctioned heterosexuality. (No, it’s not the same the other way around.) So confidently predicting the future is almost transparently employed to restore image or ensure self-rationalization.

Nikki Stevens on "The L Word" is rumored to have been based on Lindsay Lohan

Nikki Stevens on "The L Word" - very Lohan-esque

Of course, Lindsay’s affection for Sam cuts through even this public rationalization — notoriously keeping tabs on each other via public interviews with other people, it’s like, “FYI Sam, that doesn’t mean you! We can still get back together!”

Lohan on Feb 20th at Harrah's Las Vegas

This shit trickles down, y’all. Bisexuality, we know, is misunderstood, and until gays become socially accepted, your parents & friends might still be hoping that just like Lohan, that girlfriend of yours is an anomaly, and after her, you’ll also be able to declaratively ensure a permanent return to penis. And hell, if you are bisexual, maybe you will only date dudes after! But maybe you won’t! Nobody knows yet, the future is a large & uncertain place.

After all, when it comes to the rest of her narrative, Lohan is anything but certain, telling OK Magazine regarding her career, “I don’t know. I can’t decide what’s going to happen. I don’t want to know, actually. That’s the nice thing about life. It’s a bit mysterious.”

Honestly, the fact that it took this long (as far as we know) for her to say this is a minor miracle! And perhaps suggests Lindsay Lohan is a lot stronger and more self-actualized than people want to paint her out to be. Regardless, we’re hopeful she’ll continue to be herself regardless of what public image she’s encouraged to maintain.

Lindsay also talked extensively about her relationship with Samantha Ronson. It was a favorable review:

“I think Samantha was growing as a celebrity and a musician and I think that might have scared her family. But I’ve always been her biggest supporter and, yeah, I love her.

“All the fighting stuff was just because all her friends had got involved and made me an outcast, which wasn’t fair to Samantha. I think it was a jealousy thing in terms of her becoming more famous than the rest of them.

“She kind of does what she wants now. It’s changed, so who’s to say we won’t be together again?”

But she is happy to talk about Sam and claims most of their time together was happy and peaceful, despite dozens of pictures of Lindsay looking worse for wear after nights out with Sam ended in tears.

She says: “Maybe I was upset, or we had a tiff about something stupid.

“A picture can tell a thousand different words and lies. They want the negative, they want the drama. They want to say, ‘Oh Lindsay’s distraught, here we go again, should Sam leave?’.

“Mostly it was great. Everyone has ups and downs, it’s normal. But in front of the public eye they’re going to take the downs and make it seem like they’re a million times worse. That comes with the territory.

“It was a big deal for me because I’ve never had a relationship as public as that, especially being with a girl for the first time. That was really scary for me. But I didn’t care because I love her.”

As you know, we are big fans of The Muppets here. And we were excited therefore to see this list of the Top Ten Sexiest Muppets — well, first we saw it on ohnotheydidnt where the poster managed to make this seemingly innocent list kinda violating, like kicking it off with Kermit bent over and his you know what open. (@ontd, @hecklerspray)


GAGA: Advertising Age has a great editorial about why Lady Gaga is the perfect star for this moment in time and how she’s used social media to accelerate her whirlwind climb to the top.

All parties who work with her on her label, management and marketing teams cite Gaga herself as the ultimate brains behind many of her creative and social-media ideas and tactics.

“When you’re dealing with someone as good as Gaga, a lot of it is how to stay the fuck out of the way,” said Steve Berman, Universal Music’s president of sales and marketing. “Gaga has worked tirelessly in keeping up daily if not hourly communication with her fans and growing fanbase through all the technology that exists now.”


TELEPHONE: New deets keep leaking about Beyonce and Lady Gaga’s music video for Telephone. “I am such a huge fan of hers. We just filmed her video two weeks ago in Los Angeles, and it’s gonna be so crazy,” said Beyoncé, who also worked with Gaga on her clip for “Video Phone.” “I don’t want to give too much away because I don’t want her to be upset, but it’s a part two of ‘Paparazzi.’ She’s just so smart and she’s becoming an icon in her own right.” (@mtv)

BEST BUDS: Natalie Portman and her production company are working on a movie called “Best Buds.” You guessed it, it’s a stoner comedy, and yes, she’ll be starring in it. If you’re like me and your roommate once made you watch Pineapple Express every night for 10 days straight, this is very good news. (@newsinfilm)

LEZZYS: Hey kids, guess what? We’re nominated for a Lezzy Award! Isn’t that cute! You should probs vote for us if you have time. Vote in the NEW BLOG category, if you would. Thanks, you lovely readers, you! (@lezzys)

TIME: Oh hey, speaking of contests, Time Magazine is taking suggestions for best 25 blogs of the year. All you have to do is tweet your suggestion @Time. We’d love you forever if you picked us! But you don’t have to. Freedom of choice and all that. (@time)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Why should this young woman say anything different? For two years now she has loved another woman openly and madly , and no one has come to her defense . No gay community no gay friendly press .
    She has been called names , attacked from all sides . Even her lover this Ronson chick dropped her in a rather cruel way .
    She sacrificed so much for nothing in the end.

  2. Being bisexual != being in a serious relationship with a woman before. It can still be quite a surprising and somewhat scary experience, especially if you’ve been grappling with heterosexuality as the norm and you’re in a position where your romantic relationships are super-public.

  3. While watching Oprah about 2 years ago, she had a woman on who explained her bisexuality so well that I had the “AHA!” moment O speaks of. I never heard anyone explain it in a way that I related to so closely. She explained that she didn’t identify with “lesbian” because she had been with men, been married, and all that meant something to her. She said she was a “bisexual: female identified”, meaning she wanted to only date women. I don’t know if this is a term now or if she made it up herself, but that was it. That’s what I had been feeling all along. So I can’t say, like Lindsay, that I would go for a guy or a girl next, just as I didn’t know I would be with my current gf now. I didn’t plan it, it just happened, I agree with her that it can JUST happen. I feel like I am more attracted to women and would PROB be with a woman again and forever, but no, I would never go as far as saying no men ever. You just don’t know what person you will meet.
    She shouldn’t come across like bisexuality is a choice, like if she wants to switch to men she can. Makes us all look fickle, and like we’re choosing this (maybe for attention/to be different) and that trickles down make being gay to look like a choice in the eyes of those who don’t know what they are talking about.
    but I still love Lindz and hope the best for them.

    • ditto — based on my life at present (as is very obvious by looking around this website), I’m betting that it’s unlikely I’ll end up dating a man in a serious way again. But it’s certainly not impossible — I’ve always been attracted to both, and though I defo feel more lesbian-leaning, my relationships with men were also very real and did not involve denial of my sexuality, as I hear they do for more strictly Kinsey-0s. But like you said, I never know, and I’d never claim that my current girlfriend (or my first girlfriend) was the only girl i was ever attracted to nor would I claim any of my ex-boyfriends were the only boys I was ever into.

      • I’d say I’m in about the same boat. But there’s definite pressure for me to identify as “gay”, “queer”, or increasingly “lesbian” (because I live in Germany right now and that’s the only word that is used for women who [predominantly] dig women) instead of “bisexual.”

        I mean, it’d be awesome to live in a world where we don’t have to label ourselves or each other blah blah blah, but that’s not reality. How do you “lesbian-leaning” girls feel about the pressure to place yourself solidly in the gay camp?

        The other question this thread has got me pondering relates to the timeframe and I guess essentialism of self-definition. To define myself as bisexual because at a time I had real relationships with men years ago or even because I believe it is possible I might again sometime in the future, defines myself based on a lifespan of variation, rather than on who I am today. I don’t still define myself as a soccer player even though that was a huge part of my life for years. It’s just not who I am today, even if it helped shape me into the person I am, I’m just not a soccer player. Of course, sexuality runs deeper than the activities we partake in… but I don’t know; there are many versions of me and to define myself as bisexual because of some lifetime aggregate seems incorrect.

        • aaaaugggggghhhh! We have the same brain! :)

          We will always have to label, yes, because this world only works (easier) with labels. I, personally, feel more comfortable with a label. It makes me feel more confident (until I have to share that label–bi–and there goes the confidence…but that’s besides the point for now). I guess my label is linear because I want it to be. To me, lesbian means you were always gay. That could definitely not be the definition for others. I am comfortable with lesbian and gay for myself as far as some are concerned because the people I meet today will prob only know me forevs with a female partner. Those from yesterday and years ago will be confused by lesbian, so for them I give another label and explanation altogether. I don’t feel bad for this and no one is forcing me to do this, therefore I am ok with it. But for some, who do feel forced, I could see how this whole label thing would be a struggle.
          Sometimes I wish I really did feel like I was a lesbian cuz it’s so much easier for me, currently, to be that. Inside I know who I am, so really that’s all that matters.
          Life could be worse, so I count my blessings.

          • Yea, god, who knows. Sometimes I feel like I’m repressing my “straightness” just as much as I was repressing my “gayness” when I told people (and importantly myself) I was straight. There’s no real way to know for sure right now, because I know now I did a pretty good job of convincing myself that I was straight when I wasn’t (and I can say I wasn’t because I now can see that obsessing over girl crushes etc. is not what straight girls do). I mean, I’m not obsessing over “boy crushes” but, man, I just don’t know anymore.

            There’s another interesting question (oh boy this metaphysical stuff is making stay up too late, dammit!) Let’s go with a perdurantic view ( – yay wikipedia!) for the moment, and say identity is fluid: Does it really matter if, in a particular moment, I have wholly repressed any attraction I might have to males? I mean, if that attraction is somehow part of me but I do not see it, does it still define me? Do we define ourselves wholly or are there essential things we cannot get away from, even if we do not see it in ourselves?

            Sorry dudes, I’ve taken this too far. Time for bed! Do not feel compelled to try to answer any of this nonsense.

        • That’s funny because my friend called me a hockey player today, even though I told her that I don’t play hockey anymore and she said that I’m still a hockey player anyway. I think it’s different though — I chose to quit hockey, I can’t quit being gay.

          That being said, I usually say I’m gay because like Leah said, labels are easier, and ‘gay’ is an easier label to explain. Maybe that’s a cop-out but I hate explaining.

          To some myself and some people I identify as bisexual with lesbian tendencies.

  4. Homophobes and biphobes win; bisexuality loses.

    If you say you’ll never date women ever again, apart from one, you cannot call yourself bisexual. Perhaps you’re heterosexual + Ronsexual. Being attracted to the male part of the human race + one woman IMO does not qualify you as a bisexual.

    Bisexual means you do not divide the human race into men and women when it comes to sexual attraction, emotional bonding, and all that plays a part into relationships. You do not discriminate. But in my books, being open to millions of men + one woman on earth IS rather discriminatory.

  5. If I were in Samantha’s place (which I have been in my small way, perhaps that is why I am particularly sensitive here), I would feel offended by Lindsay’s remarks. I would feel less of a woman. I would feel as if Lindsay were saying, I like men, plus that weird little alien which does not resemble women at all.

      • Well, ok, but whatever SamRo did, she didn’t put women in an unfavorable light as a gender, as opposed to men. She did not say “heck, Lindsay is just a stupid chick, as all women are”, or something like that. While Lindsay did.

        She fell in the all-too-famous bisexual trap: I love both genders, but since I am only socially sanctioned for loving one, I will follow the easy path and ditch women.

        This does not sound bisexual to me: it sounds coward and opportunistic.

  6. Niki!!!! Noooooo!!!! You’re going back into the closet :( Remember when they said you would never do it? And your people said that if you didn’t beard then everyone would say you were gay and people wouldn’t like you anymore and your career would be over? And so Angela’s gf told Jenny to say ‘WTF do you think this is 1952? Where you can give her a beard/50 beards so you can pretend she’s straight? You should be ashamed’ to your people?. But Jenny soon dumped you coz she didn’t wanna be with someone who couldn’t live with honesty. Well, just a few months later, you DID IT! And you said fuck you, AgentSnot/publicist/mother. And then they freaked out and tried to shove you back in, but no, you had the chutzpah to stay out. Ilene didn’t know what to do with you other than throw you back in your old haunt the Chateau Marmont (bad choice Ilene, bad) where you cried about the times Paris and Britney threw your ass on the curb and told you they never even loved you :'( And so then Angela said you don’t hurt my Niki and she featured you in her last episode and she agreed with you that fuck yeah you WERE telling the truth in 2005, gay, ugly, lesbian = shoe-ins for Oscars. She also affectionately mocked your style (leather jacket, boots, leggings,scarf, aviators in other episodes) and that’s ok :) She honed in on your command of the dancefloor and you spoke of your penchant for older women (I had seen evidence of that already, Nik) ;)

    And so, while you have made the decision to return to the closet and probably your ugly beards again, just know one thing girlfriend. For almost 2 years, you were out, proud just being your little gay self. That’s more than many lesbian actresses can say.

  7. 1. I understand Lindsay de-gaying her relationship with Sam. I’m really ok with it. Her only career right now is in the tabloids. The only reason for me letting a big sigh out right now is disappointment in THE PEOPLE. Someone at Autostraddle or Youtube (Tegan and Sara videos and Autostraddle are my first internet priority) said that parents should stop looking at celebrities as role models for their kids. I agree with that 100%. Let people live and love. #yeygay, she’s bisexual. In an ideal world however, I would expect ppl not liking her for extending the leggings thing a bit too long. Not because of her choice of an arguably attractive yet shady DJ as her lovercindy.

    2. Can you tell I’m a bit drunk? It’s Tuesday, I know. But it’s 23:52 in Sweden. That’s the time when everyone’s drunk here. or not.

    3. I’m soooo incredibly happy for Autostraddle being nominated for a Lezzy. I just figured out the reason: I feel included in the concept. Even as a reader/commenter. That’s never happened to me before. I mean it in a good way. You just nailed it with the feelings thing. WE HAVE SOOO MANY FEELINGS. WE JUST WANNA BLURT THEM OUT LOUD. NSFW SUNDAYS ARE AWESOME.

  8. I think auto straddle is right on point on this being PR to restore her as a somewhat straight sex seymbol.
    Lohan is literally obsessed with sam ronson. Its been almost a year since they broke up and lohan is still twittering and talking about ronson and generally following her around.
    This thing smells PR and to add there is pictures of her going into max clifford (uk’s leading damage control publicist who famous for dealing with tell alls and closeted celebrities) the days leading up to this interview.

    The majority of the article is about her pining over ronson who she wants back. Its almost as someone has said alright pine over her but make sure to emphasis that you will are ready for boys if that doesnt work out.

    • Exactly, this sounds extremely romantic: but to quote Cherie Jaffe, it’s too bad we live in a “f*cking ugly world” where “that kind of love does not exist”. And Lindsay ends up as the girl who will be forever obsessed by a potential happy ending, where potential is the key word.

      Now she can relax and date plenty of boys she’ll never twitter-obsess about. She can have plenty of “simple” boy-girl romances, that perhaps no one will notice. Society will leave her alone, but she is letting history win, and progress and revolution lose.

  9. This girl just simply needs to stop talking about plans for future relationships. We need to be the ones to stop obsessing over what she “is”, myself included. Trust me, I’m as fascinated by the whole relationship as much as the next guy, mostly cuz it mirrored my own journey at the time, but I know she deserves privacy.
    How do we really know she is obsessed? How do we know Sam doesn’t string the poor thing along? Why is she the crazy one? What if Sam is there every night, promising her stuff we don’t know about. We will never know all of it.

    This is so crazy to be analyzing this. I guess it’s something to do. PR will be PR. It is a trap to make her marketable. To make money. I hate money.

    I think people are whatever they feel they are. I label some as one thing, but you know what, if they tell me otherwise it is only respectful and right to take that at face value as truth. We can’t control a lot in this life, so the things that are inherently ours to feel and be should always be granted to us.

  10. I’m glad you guys agree. I love sharing with people who have similar stories/journeys as me. :) AS for life…

  11. I never really followed this Sam & Lindsay saga, but from the text above, it kind of seems like Ms. Lohan is not quite over it all. That is, seems that maybe she’s still smitten or in love or what have you.

    So… while the PR cover-up is a good explanation, I will pose an alternate explanation (not positing it to be true, simply possible):

    Going off of a personal experience, the first time I was in love (with a dude, no less), or rather the first time I was truly heartbroken after a failed love, I thought I’d never be that happy/that in love/that smiley ever again. MAYBE, Lindsay Lohan just feels this way about Sam – but instead of it being about ALL love (since Ms. Lohan maybe experienced some other heartbreak earlier in life), she just feels it about female love. That it will never be better than it was with Sam Ronson and that’s that. I dunno, pop culture and alternative internet media tells me that this is sometimes the case after one’s coming out affair – wasn’t for me, so I can’t add the anecdotal, weightless evidence on this count.

    I mean, WE all know that’s not true (at least I do NOW), but when you’re caught in the moment of not being able to get over someone, you don’t see things so clearly. Just a possibility.

    • I agree this might be a possibility, Dot! Here is another personal story which I’ll share in the guise of illuminating Lindsay’s behavior. Every time I had a secret crush on a girl, I felt like spirits had possessed me, and when the crush ended, I went back to “normal” attraction to boys. Then The Big One hit and I was madly, passionately, psychotically in love with a woman who did not love me back for three tortuous years and when I got over THAT, despite having felt electrified with the gay 24 hours a day over the past 36 months, I was still wondering if it would ever happen again. I doubted it. I equated girlove with LIGHTNINGBOLTLOVE — such things don’t strike twice, right? (And maybe it doesn’t. But I still like girls. And boys. But it took me a while to figure out that this is a permanent fixture of my make-up and not just some influenza that I suffered from.)

      I mean, of course it’s a stupid PR measure. You’re right, they’re trying to straighten her out so she can be marketable to men. And yes it is setting the revolution back, by having Lindsay Lohan lie about which people she was attracted do and/or slept with pre-Sam. But why are we looking to OK magazine to deliver news of the revolution? What if Lindsay really wants to have sex with men while maintaining her love obsession with SamRo? Can we handle that degree of complexity within our queer community, y’all? I would enjoy it if we could ascribe that kind of complex and, admittedly, most likely fantastical narrative to Lindsay, instead of assuming that deep inside she is another heteroprivileged bisexual chick out to hurt lesbian women, in denial of her true feelings. Because I am so sick of that storyline. If Lindsay won’t liberate herself, let us liberate her.

      • I think we can handle it sure. I just know people who’s parents specifically cite celebrities like this as evidence of why their kids are clearly just going through a phase and after they get over their “thing” with this one girl, they’ll be straight again. Or even well-meaning friends, who think they are relating to your bisexuality when they bring it back around to ‘what happened to Anne Heche’ or some shit, and you’re like, really, no, that is not how I feel, what a reductive idea. It’s certainly not the end of the world, and she or really most people in Hollywood (aside from those who devote significant time to actively making the world a better, fairer, more peaceful place) shouldn’t be anyone’s role model necessarily regardless, it just kinda sucks a little bit sorta.

        • I’m not convinced yet. Sure, the queer community CAN handle that degree of complexity. But the point is, why SHOULD we? Just because we can’t do anything about it? Should we accept reality as it is, just because it is as it is? This reminds me of the historical tendency of women to settle for less.

          I think this is a sad day because the boys, or the straights, or the homophobes, and all the other beneficiaries of these declarations, didn’t need this win. We needed this win more than they did, yet we lost.

          And ok, tomorrow the sun will rise and birds will sing and the milkman will knock at the door, but I’m still pissed off.

      • I agree. I think we can and we should. I mean, no one really knows for sure what’s going on in Lindsay Lohan’s head/heart/wherever sexual desire is determined (maybe not even Lindsay knows…) So, since it is all conjecture or spin or whatever, I think that’s all the more reason for us to write a different narrative, or at least highlight various possible narratives besides the given one.

        We don’t have the power of the mainstream media, but as you can see when Taylor-Swift-loving trolls et al. flare up, AS seems to have some pull. I think it should be used.

        • “no one really knows for sure what’s going on in Lindsay Lohan’s head/heart/wherever sexual desire is determined”

          But if it’s something so personal and mysterious why does the same thing happen to SO many people? I think it’s pretty obvious that she’s being afraid of so many things, and the same happens to tons of other women.

          At some point I think I’ll just have to agree to disagree

          • I just mean we don’t know if

            – Lilo really thinks she’s a one-woman woman cuz she is/was so in love it could never be matched
            – Lilo really thinks Sam was an abberation in her sexuality that is otherwise hetero
            – Lilo has no qualms about accepting her bisexuality and this is 100% a PR game

            I’m just pointing out that generally 1) outsiders don’t really know what’s up with love/emotion etc which are very personal and 2) in the case of figuring out that love/emotion as well as sexuality, it can be very esoteric or confusing to the person him/herself.

            I am wary to paint a picture of absolute certainty about what’s going on with Lindsay cuz i honestly don’t know. That’s my point, I guess. There are a lot of possibilities and I think discussing them is good. I support what you’re saying in the sense that I think getting alternate ideas out in the open is healthy instead of eating up the story we’re fed.

          • I am not painting a picture of certainty, I am just remarking that declarations like:

            “I never really thought about women before, it kind of just happened with Samantha. It surprised me. […] If I wasn’t with Samantha, I would probably be with a boy next. She’s the only woman I’ve been attracted to.”

            are very clear in terms of gender preferences. Judging from these declarations, LiLo is not attracted to both GENDERS, but to MEN (some boy as she says) and SamRo. Oh, and the latter is a woman btw.

            She is attracted to 1 gender + 1 person. An unidentified mass of male individuals plus one woman.

            And I would have been a tiny wee bit happier if she had flown the flag of bisexuality as meaning attraction to TWO genders.

          • [apologies in advance for the law school bit of me creeping out in this post.]

            From the statement you quoted, I think that’s a logical leap to conclude that she is saying/thinking that 1 gender + 1 person is a characterization of her lifetime of sexual preference:

            1) “probably” – she’s not even asserting certainty in the statement.

            2) “next” – in a sequence, it does not mean that all subsequent items will be of a certain sort, just the one that immediately follows.

            3) “been” – like next, but the other way around. She’s saying up to this point it’s just been Sam Ronson… but that’s not indicative of the future. She’s not saying “I’ll never be attracted to another woman” or “She’s the only woman I’ll ever be attracted to.”

            We can agree, though, that WE would have been pleased to see a clearer affirmation of bisexuality (and as a pre-req for that, for Lilo to know/hold that as true, of course). As it stands, I still see much gray area, which means a lot to play around with. :)

  12. Bullshit! “The Sun” doesn’t get exclusives with any stars of any kind. Much like their exclusive with Robert Pattinson it all took place in the “interviewer”‘s head.

  13. Nicol Paone described bisexuality the best way I’ve heard yet. It was in an interview she did with some woman whose name I don’t remember on the Sweet Cruise. I’m paraphrasing here, but she said to the interviewer (who identified as lesbian), “if you were to meet a man, and feel totally connected to him, and go off and spend the rest of your life with him, would you then turn around and say you were totally straight, and disregard all the feelings and relationships you had with women before that?” She was basically saying that this is what’s happened with her, only the other way around. She can’t forget feelings for individual people she’s been involved with. So just because she’s with a woman now, she can’t eradicate what she had with men before, which makes her bisexual. I found it to be a very human way of looking at it. It then becomes about individuals as opposed to body parts or entire collections of gender. In this light, I personally see “real” bisexuals as rather noble in a sense. People willing to really love. (I’m talking about the real ones, not the fake ones).

    • This is exactly what I heard that kid from Glee say, at least I think it was the kid from Glee. I don’t know, some celeb gay dude said this same thing and I was like yes, this is it. This is what we “real” ones feel.

      Thank you, Sam and Lindz, for prompting this therapeutic convo. I wish I was in a cool bar with all of your right now having this dialogue over some stoli vanilla.

  14. Oh, by the way, I used to work for a movie executive, and Samantha Ronson may well be Lindsay Lohan’s first and last girlfriend, but there have been a few others in between. TRUST ME.

  15. Pingback: Lez-BeHonest Press » Amber Rose’s New Photo Shoot for Kanye, Lindsay Lohan Says “I’m not Gay Unless its With Samantha”, Natalie Nunn from The Bad Girls Club Gets “Dissed”, Lady Gaga Says She Wants to Wear a Strap

  16. Somewhat related to Lindsay..But I’ve been thinking lately as I was brought up my parents and relatives always told me how a girl should “be” and how she should act and that she should like guys. They told me i should wear dresses paint my nails and one day I would be worthy of a mans love and become his wife. And this is what is wrong with us today we start children off young in educating them in having “normal” (heterosexual) views. I knew from a very young age i dint want to get married (to a man) and after maturing into myself i finally rezlized that I was never able to clearly sort out who i was attracted to because my family and society were to busy shoving down my throat who i should be attracted to. Now i know i’m completely off topic but Lindsay needs her own voice her PR people are to busy trying to cover up who she is and this only hurts herself and who she is really and was attracted to.

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