Carolyn’s Team Pick:
Pin-ups, lesbians, and typography are together at last in Makila Favre’s Lesbian Wallpaper Alphabet, originally created for the Sex & Art issue of Wallpaper magazine. I have no words for how neat this is.

Favre, a French graphic artist based in London, also sent FormFiftyFive some of the early sketches of the alphabet. You’re welcome. (If you really miss “The Playboy Club,” there is also one with bunnies).

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Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
this is super! I would totally want these on my walls!
dang everything on that website is expensive, I think I can settle to make it my desktop backround instead. (wallpaper of sorts, yeah?)
i know it’s only 9am, but like, this makes my day. there’s really no need to get out of bed now, because there’s no way anything else is going to compete with this. thanks, carolyn!
Well I know what typeface I’m using on my “save the date” should I ever have one.
um YUM!! totally made my day!
These are literally ALL of my favorite things. I am now so excited.
I felt exactly the same way.
This is so perfectly designed and also makes me feel better about the world
I would totally send completely innocuous messages to people I liked with this typography.
I have never before had a favorite letter of the alphabet..I do now..
That is so..vagina! Oh yeah…It’s a thing!
love this!