We’ve been joking for years that everyone is gay, and while that’s not exactly true, everyone on YouTube is gay. Okay, fine. That’s not really true either, but an awful lot of YouTubers are lesbian, bisexual, and otherwise queer-identified human beings. Their channels are about makeup, parenting, television, coming out, mental health, politics, fashion, music, you name it. And week after week, year after year, they create content centering their queer experiences for millions of viewers. In fact, if you add the subscribers of the top ten names on this list, queer YouTube is more watched than Game of Thrones.
This is a list of the 100 most popular lesbian and bisexual YouTubers, and the amazing thing is, this isn’t even all of us! I didn’t include any non-English speaking channels, for example. (Sorry Carla and Cynthia!) I didn’t include channels with under 10k subscribers. And I’m very certain that I didn’t find every lesbian/bi/Autostraddle-relevant channel with over 10k subscribers; there are just too many of us these days. So you guys will have to fill in the gaps by sharing your favorites in the comments.
Watching the many hours of YouTube videos required to compile this list has given me a really interesting glimpse of a cross-section our community. So many people were driven to self-reflect and realized that they were gay while watching Glee, you guys! And so many more people were devastated by the shooting in Orlando. And so many people found the courage to come out after Ingrid Nilsen did.

Some of the YouTubers on this list.
The list below is ranked by number of subscribers at the time of writing.
My sincerest hope is that the figures recorded become immediately irrelevant as you all subscribe to new favorites.
100. Fiona / neonfiona – 10k subscribers
Fiona is bisexual and excellent at sarcasm. She describes herself on Twitter as a “literal witch and very famous internet celebrity,” which, you know, #goals. Her channel consists of social justice banter, collaborations, and (if you dig way back) quickie travel videos/life updates.
Fiona lives in London.
99. Jing and Monica / Jing & Monica / FACOG COLLAB – 10k subscribers
Jing and Monica are a lesbian couple who have been posting to YouTube for the past four years, sharing their weddings (a ceremony under Prop 8 in California in 2010 and a simple legal wedding in Washington in 2012), TTC journey, pregnancy, birth, and parenting experiences. They currently have one adorable daughter, Estelle, and are looking to conceive for the second time later this year.
98. Desiree Daviana / MissDesiree Daviana – 11k subscribers
Desiree is a bisexual vlogger. She’s made popular beauty FAQ videos on her experiences with lip injections and box braids 101, as well as opening up about battling depression and getting over breakups.
97. Cydney Alexandra / Keeping Busy with Cydney – 11k subscribers
Cydney makes videos on the things she loves, including her girlfriend, slutty brownies and minimizing waste. She’s gay and St. Louis-based.
96. Kale and Jess / Kale and Jess – 11k subscribers
Kale and Jess started their channel in March, and so far have primarily been posting vlogs and challenge videos. They’ve recently taken a break but do expect to resume making videos.
95. Marisa Eaton / Marisa Eaton – 11k subscribers
Marisa is gay and Christian. She posts makeup tutorials and occasional videos with her cutie girlfriend Nicole.
94. Danielle / Dani’s Dish – 12k subscribers
Danielle is a lesbian with an absolutely mesmerizing lipstick collection. She is the founder and creative director of Elle and Mane, where she sells hair products and a skincare line. Nearly 12k subscribers watch Dani’s style diaries, beauty hauls, and vlogs.
93. Madison Clark / Madison Clark – 12k subscribers
Madison has been posting on YouTube for the past eight months. She’s a lesbian who vlogs authentic feelings and emotions on her channel. She also works for Dreamworks as a consultant.
92. Rowan Ellis / Rowan Ellis – 12k subscribers
Rowan is a queer-identified femme cis woman. She makes thoughtful videos critiquing pop culture media from an intersectional feminist point of view. She is sick of straight people, has lots of feelings about queer witches, and you will absolutely love her.
Rowan runs the fortnightly #femtubechat and has been commissioned by Google’s YouTube Space in London to run a “Women on YouTube” workshop to facilitate collaboration and mentoring on the platform.
91. Heather Lee Fazz / LezGetIt – 12k subscribers
Heather is a lesbian vlogger and DJ. She got her start on YouTube with LezBeOnTalk, a couples channel that was taken down post-breakup. Heather is now happily engaged to Chrissie, who frequently makes appearances on LezGetIt.
90. Brittani Nichols (Writer) / Words With Girls – 13k subscribers
Words With Girls was a scripted comedy written by Autostraddle writer Brittani Nichols, starring Brittani and Hannah Hart (#3 on this list). It ran for seven episodes in 2014.
Since making Words With Girls, Brittani has gone on to write, produce and star in Suicide Kale, the feature length dark comedy demolishing the competition at film festivals around the country. She appeared as a recurring character on Season 2 of Transparent, and currently hosts Brand New Podcast with Ariana Lenarsky and Hamilton: The Podcast with Khalehla Rixon.
89. Frankie and Tiaa / Frankie and Tiaa – 13k subscribers
Frankie and Tiaa! Oh my goodness! These two are such cuties. Watch them doing the girlfriend tag, taking the chicken nugget challenge, and conquering Las Vegas. They live in Los Angeles.
88. Kelsey Canonaco / Kelsey Canonaco – 14k subscribers
Kelsey is a lesbian with really cool piercings and tattoos. Subscribe to her channel to watch her dye her hair bright red and teach you how to stretch your ears.
87. Tayler / Tayler Made – 15k subscribers
Tayler started her YouTube channel four years ago to share her experiences as a single, pregnant teenager. Since then, she’s given birth, fallen in love, gotten married, and made over 100 videos along the way! The channel now follows Tayler as she raises Sawyer as a stay at home mom and settles in to her new apartment with her wife Mindy, who is in the United States army.
86. Sarah Amann and Rachel Benson / Sarah & Rachel – 15k subscribers
Sarah and Rachel are a lesbian couple from Des Moines making vlogs, challenges, taste tests, and travel videos. They have been meat-free for the past year, and run a podcast called Between The Sheets.
85. Sarah and Jamaica / Sez & Jez – 16k subscribers
Sez and Jez are a cute lesbian couple based in Brisbane, Australia. They look at each other with so much love and adoration that you’ll forget heartbreak even exists in this world.
84. Riley J. Dennis / Riley J. Dennis – 16k subscribers
Riley is a polyamorous lesbian who delights her almost 16k subscribers with videos about feminism, politics, and vlogs about social justice and her everyday life. She’s genderfluid and identifies as non-binary and also a trans woman. She’s fantastic at breaking down confusing topics into clear, concise explanations. She’s also committed to improving accessibility on YouTube by correctly captioning all her videos — a service to her audience which is a) very uncommon to see within YouTube, b) not the easiest thing to do, and c) seriously awesome!
Outside of YouTube, Riley is a tech writer and Android editor for Make Us Of, author of young adult fantasy trilogy Through The Portal, and a writer for Everyday Feminism.
83. Torey Tomsovic / Torey Tomsovic – 16k subscribers
Torey is gay and has learned a lot in her early 20s. She’s resolved to keep the channel an individual channel from now on, regardless of her relationship status.
82. Yasmin Estrada / Yasmin Estrada – 17k subscribers
Yasmin is a bisexual makeup artist and stripper. She’s full Guatemalan and likes kissing her girlfriend. Subscribe for makeup tutorials and frank discussions about sexuality.
81. Button and Bly / Button and Bly – 17k subscribers
Remember that time last year when Button and Bly wrote about their travel show on Autostraddle? Here’s what they said:
We started Button and Bly’s Travel Show about a year an a half ago, after leaving our jobs in production (Button a camera operator, Bly a sound mixer) so we could backpack all over Europe. It started with us just documenting our travels for friends and family. Everywhere we went we were always on the lookout for new people, experiences, and the girl-on-girl culture in other countries. It was virtually impossible to find quality travel videos created by and for queer women, so we wanted to make sure we gave everyone a front row seat. In these past couple of years, the show has evolved into a LGBTQ-friendly travel/adventure/inspiration show, and here we are today!
Most recently, Button and Bly have been visiting Benidorm, Spain; Mallorca; and Belgium.
80. Red and Ashley Johnson / Mrs & Mrs Johnson – 18k subscribers
What’s neat Mrs. & Mrs. Johnson is that you can literally watch them build a family together in real time, from Red’s sweet proposal to their wedding, pregnancy announcement, birth of their son, and buying a new house! Almost all in the past two years! Check out their channel for couples pranks and vlogs about their daily lives.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5See entire article on one page
Thank you, Laura! I’ve been feeling old/lost when people talk about youtube because I haven’t actually gotten into any youtubers. For me it’s still the site for dog videos and preparing listening activities for students. This will be a huge help. :D
Another oldie here
From this whole list I’ve only heard of the former A-Camp talent
I’ve dreamed of Autostraddle doing something like this so so long! Thank you Laura! :)
I love a lot of these YouTubers but now there’s some more to fan grrrl over.
I’ve never followed any YouTuber because it’s neither my generation nor my culture (as a European + English isn’t my first/main language), but dear god, this is HUGE. I’m so glad these humans exist and I’m pretty sure they are changing lives.
I think for #12 you forgot a k at the end of the number of subscribers :)
Fixed. Thanks Emily!
When I was coming out in 2013/14 YouTube was so incredibly helpful for me. Just being able to see so many other women talk about their lives and have fun and be normal people.
This list gave me a lot of new people to check out. My personal faves are Ari Fitz and Jade.
Isn’t Riley J Dennis the YouTuber that lectures Lesbians they shouldn’t call themselves GoldStar? That it is offensive to non-female Lesbians, I guess the label police are here. I’m not GS but I celebrate anyone that is proud of any part of being a Lesbian. Don’t feel someone contentious should be on the list, Not positive representation.
I couldn’t disagree with you more. Calling it “Gold Star” implies that you are superior for not having ever slept with a man. Plenty of lesbians have slept with men for any number of reason and there is NO reason to shame them for it by giving yourself a label that implies that they are lesser. It’s not about being a proud lesbian, it’s about dividing lesbians into categories and labeling one superior which is not okay.
Perhaps I should have said “oneself” rather than “it”. Just to be clear, by “it” I meant “the fact that you have never slept with a man”.
Nah, I also think we have to recognise that LGBT women are a diverse community in ourselves and we all have different experiences. When we’re all here clamouring to use every single label that every other woman uses that’s failing to recognise the individual and diverse experiences of LGBT women. I’m a gold star lesbian and to say that me being positive about my (actually very difficult) life experiences has anything to do with anyone else, well I find that incredibly selfish. My sexuality has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anyone else but me. I’m really tired of everyone from straight dudes to bi chicks having a go at me for being a gold star. I also find it telling that no one has a problem with any other female positivity labels, except the ones about women exclusively loving women, like you’re all out here hashtagging black girl magic and slay queen and no one’s got an issue? I also find it telling that the GBT community has coopted every other lesbian label and literally the ONLY one they can’t appropriate is the one that is somehow “offensive”. Like nah, im very suspicious.
But like why gold star? Why is that in itself important to your identity? Why not just lesbian?
It’s not JUST that it’s a label for someone who hasn’t ever slept with a man, it’s called “gold star”. The name implies superiority. You give a gold to the best. Feel proud of your past, YES. Imply it’s better than someone else’s? No, sorry.
Also, “I also find it telling that no one has a problem with any other female positivity labels, except the ones about women exclusively loving women”? What? Lesbian itself means exclusively loving women. Gold star specifically means you have never slept with a man. It doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian if you have.
Gold starism is steeped in biphobia and transmisogyny. I have plenty of lesbian friends who have never slept with a man, and more power to them, but when I hear someone proudly identify as a gold star I usually fall to the ground and play dead. The term is loaded af, and to insist otherwise is ahistorical.
tbh I get that the phrase gold star can be used by dickheads to insult people who have had sex with men or who are trans. Just like literally any girl complimenting themselves can do it in a way that is insulting to other people. My main issue is why everyone is so brutal about THIS label in particular. You need to analyse why it is you think lesbians are more likely to be dickheads than anyone else? You need to think about why you’re falling into that ‘all lesbians are aggressive’ stereotype. When I, an actual gold star myself, have never met another lesbian who is a gold star I find it hard to believe that literally every other member of the queer community has some ‘nightmare story’ about the gold star bogeylesbian who called them names and was super bitchy. That screams of lesbophobia tbh.
At this point I don’t even need to go around calling myself a gold star lesbian (as if I would I would be murdered to death by the queer community) all I need to do is be honest about having never had any relationships with men, and lo and behold I STILL get the exact same rude comments and general lesbophobia as if I’d just said I were a gold star. It’s not the label people can’t tolerate, it’s the idea that a woman who has only been with women and is perfectly happy that way exists.
I do not call myself a gold star (see above, actual fears for safety), it’s a flippant positivity thing my friends goof around with. I’d hardly call it an identity in the same way lesbian is. But if we’re going to erase gold star, why not just erase lesbian, why not erase queer? We’re all human, why do we need to talk about and acknowledge our separate experiences? Why do we need to shove our sexualities in everyone’s faces amirite?
Literally I experience so much vitriol every time I’m even vaguely honest about my sexuality (without even using the gold star thing), I do not care about anyone’s opinion unless they have experienced what I have. Both straight and queer people like to talk all day long about what a mean lesbian I am, how easy my life is, how I should try dudes at least once. I cannot talk about my experiences because people, both straight and queer, will do nothing but pigeonhole me into a lesbophobic stereotype and scream oppression the moment I question them. So you can talk about how lesbians are oppressing you till the cows come home, I’ve heard it all a million times before, but until you address your own lesbophobia I’m not listening.
I certainly don’t see where anyone attacked lesbians or assumed they were dickheads. Words have meaning and I was very clearly taking issue with the word, not the people it could apply to.
Why not erase lesbian if we are going to erase gold star? Because the two do not at all serve the same purpose. Lesbian is a label for your sexual orientation. I proudly call myself a lesbian. Doing so does not imply I am any better or worse than someone who isn’t a lesbian.
Gold star is a label for your sexual history. Pretty much every label used to apply to someone’s sexual history is loaded with judgement. You don’t need to be “super bitchy” or “agressive”, as you’ve said, to make the label hurtful. Using it at all is implying that not having slept with a man somehow makes one superior and that is hurtful.
I’m genuinely happy for you if you’ve never slept with a man because you’re only interested in women. Wonderful! But for any number of lesbians who have slept with men or even married one (hi Lauren Morelli, congrats on the engagement!), labeling yourself as the gold standard implies that they are not as good as you are. Even if you use it flippantly and positively for yourself and don’t intend for it to affect others, it does.
Thank you, Rachel.
So just to be clear? You got me here experiencing some pretty direct and intense lesbophobia (i.e ppl telling me I’m not really a lesbian until I’ve been with a dude, ppl (inc other queer ppl) threatening corrective rape, ppl assuming that my experiences must have been super easy and privileged (despite the whole, you know, gay thing), ppl assuming that all girls (especially lesbians) complimenting themselves are actually out to get them (because girls are catty and lesbians are mean!), ppl being totally fine with labels like high femme and stud because you can be positive about your gender presentation but be damned if sex positivity extends to lesbians, ppl not even needing to hear the phrase gold star before they start on all this at me, because just never having been with dudes is offensive?) AND im supposed to care because someone thinks I’m insinuating in the most round about way possible that I’m better than a whole bunch of other girls because I have something positive to say about myself in the face of all this? As though this isn’t the literal plot of every 90s era teen drama where they analyse why the ‘girl complimenting herself=catty bitch’ trope is illogical and sexist?
Like nah, soz but I STILL think I have bigger problems than anyone who is literally upset by a girl being positive about herself. I’m out, this whole rabble is about as deep and meaningful as me taking selfies, putting a million crown emojis on it and people getting angry because they think I’m think I’m prettier than them (get it, crowns only go to the very best, so offensive, just like gold stars??). It ain’t worth my time, I’m never going to stop loving myself no matter how awful everyone around me is.
Well if that was the case 4 of these youtubers would not be on the list for being bi-phobic, and 3 of them for being borderline transphobic. Also, I’m a straight up lesbian, but other women have shut me down because when I was in HS I had sex once with a dude because of the patriarchy.
Hey all,
Couple things:
> Criteria for inclusion on this list was a) gender + LGBQ status, and b) number of subscribers. There are 800+ videos made by the people on this list, and I do not personally agree with everything everyone on this list has said. (Nor would it be possible to!)
> Riley’s video on this subject is actually excellent, and I would encourage everyone here to watch it. Really clear explanation on why “gold star” is a hurtful term.
thank you for this video! subbing to her channel right now.
Rose and Rosie are not the first? Really?
I nead girlfriend
Adding to the list: Vesper (aka QueerAsCat) describes themselves as a “non-binary bi/pan/asexual queer person of color” and they make awesome videos about lesser-known identities. They have about 5k subscribers. Check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/QueerAsCat
Ava Gordy is also a new-ish host on Source Fed, which is great and you should all check it out. Didn’t know for sure she was queer but had a feeling.
And in my own classic style, i haven’t heard of 90% of them, including the #1 spot. I’m sort of proud of myself for that actually.
Same. Whenever I tried I always felt that they ramble in too much and there’s little to no editing.
I’ll give it a shot again with some of the people from this list.
There seems to be a pattern developing.
I’ve got you beat there – I only know Hannah Hart & Ingrid Nilsen. But, I don’t follow YouTubers at all, so that’s not really a surprise.
“Ally Hills joined YouTube to post a love song to the girl she loved.”
And that girl was Rose Ellen Dix. Ahh… the memories. Too bad she deleted the video, it was great.
Soooo many people do beauty and make up tutorials
This YouTuber thing is a whole universe that I know close to nothing about.
Very interesting article, that must have been very time consuming
Thank you, Laura
I’ve opened so many tabs, my computer is now suffering from queer overload.
Thanks for that!
Everyone is gay* and the future is so fucking bright
I am an Old so I don’t watch youtubers, really, but I am so so glad that they are all there and doing their thing! My future kids are going to grow up in a totally different world. It’s rad.
another oldie but goldie. I’m not into some of the latest tech only enough to know what I like
I fucking love lesbians…
Gay is bad for you
I don’t really understand the whole YouTube craze. The only YouTuber I ever followed was Hannah Hart, because drunk cooking is hilarious.
Isnt drunk cooking dangerous?
Probably, but I’m not the one doing the drunk cooking, so it’s okay!
There are so many people on here that I don’t know, but excited to see the few that I do watch! Ambers closet, foxy,Ari, and Ebony and Denise are all amazing people that I actually do check out pretty regularly! Jade especially,(foxyhotmess) she is really hilarious and I can’t figure out wny she isn’t more well known.
great list! so many good people I love on here.
Another good one is Rachel Whitehurst! She has around 175k subscribers and is bisexual! She also has a series (and shirts to go with it) called Bye Biphobia.
Yes! I was so disappointed to see Rachel left off the list.
This is so amazing! What a lovely bunch of people. Thank you!!
I would like to add Sally LePage to this list! She is a rad British science YouTuber, queer, and excellent. She has 37k subscribers and has two different video series: Shed Science (where she mostly talks about supercool science stuff), and Sofa Science (where she talks to scientists/science YouTubers about their supercool science stuff– and she does a really good job of ).
I’m linking her “coming out” video, but they are all great!
how come zoey proasheck isn’t on here? https://www.youtube.com/user/ZoeyProasheck she has 440,000 subscribers which would put her at #20 on this list.
great list! I really really really recommend Annie Segarra (annieelainey), she’s a wonderful funny disabled Latina lesbian YouTuber, she vlogs about disability and social justice in general, makes a lot of very helpful, personal videos about mental health, too – and she’s also very funny and relatable and has colourful hair and I looove her videos
You forgot a fun Youtuber named Alyx Weiss (Ayydubs) She did a coming out video in January and said she’s “probably gay” and is rumored to be dating fellow Youtuber Jenn McAllister.
YEAH! ayydubbs likes girls and makes awesome videos!
I think I should be watching some of the make up videos, and especially the one from woc and trans women. But, I kind of feel like there are too many to choose from(even from here) and not too sure who is the better one to follow.
I only familiar with a few of these youtubers, but I can say that at least one of them is a bit problematic, & pretty sure still thinks that way.
Are you referring to the biphobic star, the transphobic star, or one who is both.
It’s great to see such a comprehensive list! Even when the content is silly, it’s always amazing to see how many babyqueer fans these YouTubers have. It’s like walking into a lesbian bar for the first time in a while and thinking “wow, 10% is still a lot of women!”
Foxy really is highly underrated. Her videos are hilarious. Especially her Beyonce videos and the one about dressing up as different races on Halloween. It’s almost that time of year again.
Jade is seriously one of my favourite people!
Laura, this is awesome! (Remember me? I still love autostraddle, I’ve just been preoccupied with grad school.) I’m always on the lookout for new youtubers to watch (especially since I don’t have TV). I follow some of these people, but there are a tons of new ones too. I think Everyone is Gay was one of the first channels I started watching when I was first coming out to myself (and so of course when I saw Kristen at A-camp, the first thing I said was an awkward fangirl “Hey I know you from youtube!”). I also enjoy watching Just Between Us – their videos are always so cute and funny. Anyway, thanks for compiling this list – now I have a new source of distraction to help me procrastinate when I should be studying. :)
Also- I would recommend Ashley Wylde (AshleysWyldeLife) who started the gender tag project, which is pretty cool.
How in the world can you include Kiarra says (97,094 subscribers) Torey Tomsovic (16,093 subscribers) but didn’t include Sarah and Adrianna of the Gay Women Channel (345,360 subscribers)??!!!! They give lesbian dating and relationship advice, cooking shows, create major films, and write comedy skits. Furthermore, they are the only couple that isn’t romantically involved, they are simply friends. I am addicted to their vids!!!
Scrolling through the list, I kept waiting to see Sarah & Adrianna. They are one of my favs too!
Great list!
I’d love to add ASL Stew. (nearly 12k subscribers)
Here, wives Jenna (Deaf) and Jill (hearing)
discuss their relationship, do challenges, address issues in the Deaf and LGBTQIA worlds, and are awesome humans.
Jenna shares important information about Deafness, and
Jill also educates about being an American Sign Language (ASL)Interpreter.
They both sign in ASL and then have perfect closed captions and are voiced over by Jill, which makes their videos fully inclusive and great!
Over the past few years, Jill has also learned how to better use hearing privilege, and has changed the way she makes videos in line with that – not signing and speaking at the same time, not teaching ASL as a hearing person, etc., and it’s a good journey to see.
Don’t forget Elle and Laura from elleisforlaura – it’s a shame it’s not on views per video otherwise we’d be nestled in there too!!
Go check the channel out!!
Elle and Laura youtube.com/elleisforlaura
Noooo….. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH Elle and Laura (elleisforlaura). They’re my favourites!!!
Really funny and super cute British lesbian couple. They’re like Rose and Rosie!
Very delighted to see Kate Flowers on this list. She’s my favorite. She and her fiance are so lovely.
Oh look! You found *a* trans woman to include! Well done you!
Hi! There are multiple pages to this article. If you click through the numbers at the bottom, you should be able to find the other trans women included on this list.
I’m kind of upset Rachel Whitehurst was left off this list. Shes got 174k subscribers. She’s bisexual and has been a beauty youtuber for years. She’s been out for a while and makes videos on mental health. She also has a series called ByeBiphobia that combats stigmas surrounding bisexuality.
No Sarah and Adrianna?! Unsolicited project aka THE GAY WOMEN CHANNEL?! I think I was more excited about seeing them on the list that knowing who was #1…
Why isnt the gaywomenchannel/UnsolicitedProject in here? They have over 300k subscribers and they are awesome. Actually the first channel I’ve ever subscribed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l8EbswZ53Y
Love this list, and queer lady Youtubers!
But you forgot a huge one! Jaclyn Glenn! She has 449k subscribers!
Also “The Next Family” has some wonderful lesbian parenting content.. although they don’t have enough subscribers to make the list.
Jaclyn Glenn is straight though
Nice list, bug why did you leave out Sarah and Adriana from the Gay women channel?
Just gone through this list and added every British Youtuber on the list :) As a UK person, trying to find UK youtubers that aren’t fashion bloggers(which is fine but not my kind of thing) has been hard. So thank you!
Gay Women Channel / Unsolicited Project??? 350k subscribers… they should your #23!!! You can’t leave Sarah and Adrianna out!
Love ’em.
I agree. S & A are entertaining and belong on this list.
I have fallen into a few youtube rabbitholes before and super fascinated by the crazy popular couple channels startups/breakups & wondered if it would ever cross over into autostraddle content. Thanks for doing this!!
I appreciate that you sorted them by subscriber count in reverse order. Thanks for giving some of the smaller channels a fair shot of getting some clicks, views, and new fans! That means a LOT to me. Definitely going to have to check out a whole bunch of these!
I actually found this list quite surprising in that it made me realize the lack of API queer representation on Youtube. Even though Asian Americans are among some of the most subscribed YouTubers, especially when Youtube was first gaining traction.
What about Savvanah Brown? She said she likes girls and guys why is she not on this list :/
Also you never put in Natasha Negovanlis (her channel is KindaTV)
oh man maybe i should start a youtube channel
Loving this list! I’m trying to diversify my subscriptions on YouTube. Does anyone have any other suggestions for awesome women of color (LGBTQ or not) on YouTube?
What about Connor Franta ?
He is a cis man. This is for lesbians and queer/trans* women.
You should put Cris & virgo on here too
I’m excited to see people I’ve never heard of and check them out, but a little surprised at the lack of more recognizable names because I think it should be celebrated that so many of us have made it into the Big Youtuber realm.
Others have mentioned Ari fitz and Foxyhotmess, there’s also Gaby Dunn, Amberscloset, Alexis G Zall, STEF SANJATI (a super sweet fun incredible trans woman who facilitates a lot of great discussions), and probably more I’m not thinking of.
Still, it’s nice to have new people to check out.
Hi! I’m sorry I know this was written 3 years ago before he had come out as trans, but I was wondering if you could possibly remove Miles McKenna or even just remove his deadname and incorrect pronouns?
Robinsonbuckler@ hotmail. com has the key bring couples back together…
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Hi! I’m sorry I know this was written 3 years ago before he had come out as trans, but I was wondering if you could possibly remove Miles McKenna or even just remove his deadname and incorrect pronouns?
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I think ld sadow ladey and kawaiikunicorn should be on this list
Forgot Tae and Lu
They have over a million subscribers
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