Lena Waithe Got Engaged on Thanksgiving, Is Truly Committed To Queering Thanksgiving

This year Lena Waithe made Emmys history when she won an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series on Master of None — and then she just went ahead and got engaged on Thanksgiving Day. Yes, this poetry is true! On the most recent episode of the podcast Homophilia — gloriously titled “Getting Engaged, Soft Stud Pen Pals, and Boring in the Best Possible Way” she broke the news, telling hosts Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey:

“I was in Tokyo, as one goes to Tokyo for Thanksgiving. No, it was sort of like this thing that my lovely lady and I decided because it was actually our first Thanksgiving together…normally, she goes home to Cleveland, I stay here and freeload off of people, so this year, she was like, ‘let’s spend it together’ and I was, ‘okay, of course.’ And then a friend of ours who’s been to Tokyo many times was like, ‘we should go there,’ and, you know, it’s also good to go to Tokyo with someone who knows it very well because it was my first time and it was my lady’s first time. So we decided to do that and it was phenomenal…and I’ll give you guys a bit of a scoop because we haven’t said it on social media yet, but I will, I’ll do a post…but I proposed on Thanksgiving in Tokyo.”

And how did she propose? Well:

“The funny thing is, it was actually super-chill ’cause even though I am very over the top, my lovely lady is like the opposite, which is good, because I’m very much in front of the scene and she’s very much behind them…but I always tell people I Stepmom-ed it…like, it was just like in the morning, in the bed, no string, but, you know, it was super low-key. But, yeah, that’s what I did for Thanksgiving.”

Oh, you know, that’s all. This has been quite a year for Waithe. In addition to the Emmy, she was named Out 100’s Artist of the Year and her new show, The Chi, which she created and co-wrote, is set to debut on Showtime in January. (You can actually watch the pilot for free right now on YouTube.) And now she’s engayged to Alana Mayo! Funnily enough, she talked to Brides.com after the Emmys about her dream wedding, which you should definitely read about. But not before you go listen to this week’s Homophilia because in it Lena tells the story about how she met Alana and took it to the next level. It’s almost enough to make me believe that love is not a lie.

Congratulations to the happy couple! We wish you a lifetime of every happiness, and we can’t wait to see what you wear to your wedding!

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A black biracial, bisexual girl raised in the South, working hard to restore North Carolina's good name. Lover of sports, politics, good TV and Sonia Sotomayor. You can follow her latest rants on Twitter.

Natalie has written 424 articles for us.


  1. I hope the trash of a man Aziz isn’t invited. But, congratulations Lena, stay strong & have a happy life!

  2. Wait wut, *I* was in Tokyo on Thanksgiving! Why didn’t anyone one tell me she was there? I could have proposed to her… T_T

  3. I love that she “Stepmom-ed” it because not many people know that movie or would get that reference. I did.

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