“Legends of Tomorrow” Episode 512 Recap: Sisters? We’re Close.

Previously on Legends of Tomorrow, Sara got blasted by a god and woke up with physical blindness but also foresight, Charlie revealed that she’s actually a Fate named Clotho and she once broke the Loom of Fate, and Astra joined the Legends to try to put the Loom of Fate back together so they could make a few wee changes to the timeline, like bringing Behrad and Astra’s mother back to life.

We open on the Waverider, where the team is looking for clues. They know they need three substitute Fates, and Astra is too much of a control freak to not be one of them, and Sara figures she’s already a totem-wielding vigilante ex-assassin resurrected paragon with foresight, so why not add ‘god’ to the list. She’s starting to get a hang of her powers and is helping Zari avoid reading books. Gary brings her sunnies to protect her blown-out eyeballs but I think it’s more for other people than her because she’s doing just fine.

sara puts on sunnies

“I mean, it certainly doesn’t HURT the lewk.”

In one of the books, they find Dionysus’s goblet would temporarily turn them into gods. Nate recognizes the goblet from his college days; the frat bros at a rival school would use it for a Chug Contest that made them feel invincible. Sara, feeling more and more like her old self by the minute, rounds up the troops and says we’re going Greek.

sara pulls down her sunnies

Honestly if we can find a way to make sure Caity always has some kind of prop for these bits, that’d be swell.

Ava and Sara are talking about the plan to infiltrate the college but Sara isn’t sure she’s ready to navigate through drunk college kids on a campus she’s never set foot on before. Besides, can you imagine the kinds of things those youths would be getting up to later that night she might have to see?

sara puts her hand on ava's shoulder

“It doesn’t take god-granted foresight to know what’s going down after a frat party.”

So Ava is going to have to go it alone. Ava is worried about fitting in with college kids; she probably didn’t even fit in all that well her first time around and those are fabricated memories anyway. Lita walks in just then, and calls Ava “Aunt Ava” which tracks because she was there for so many of the new memories Mick made, and it’s very cute. Ava asks for her help with the college situation, and she happily agrees.

The Legends (sans Sara) head to school, dressed like college kids, Ava in a mascot outfit, because of course she is.

ava in the mascot

“Am I doing it? Am I fitting in?”

Astra wants to just smash and grab, but Charlie tells her that she needs to prove she’s a team player if she wants Charlie to trust her to use the Loom with her. Astra huffs but follows along. For now.

Astra smirks at charlie

Whoever decided to put Astra in a jersey deserves a costume design award. All of the awards.

Nate notices that Dion, who was head of the chalice-bearing frat back when he was in school, still seems to be the head bro in charge. But Charlie recognizes him; it’s Dionysus himself. She tells him it’s Clotho and he’s pumped to see his old pal the Loombreaker. Giving everyone free will meant way more parties, which is absolutely his jam. Astra is sick of chit chat and tries to just grab the chalice, but Dion says that in order to drink from the cup, you have to be Greek, win the Chug Challenge and be deemed worthy.

So Charlie knows what they have to do: They have to join a sorority.

charlie smiles

Someday my heart is just going to give out because of Maisie’s smile.

Sara is highly entertained by this turn of events, and says that two of them have to rush a sorority to get into that Chug Challenge. Astra and Charlie are chosen for this mission, and they sure look the part, but it’s not too long before Astra’s impatience gets them booted from the rush event.

Astra glares at Charlie

Enemies-to-lovers is a trope for a reason.

When they return to the ship empty handed, Astra blames Charlie, Charlie blames Astra, they start to fight a little, and I start chanting KISS KISS KISS because I am a lesbian trash panda. Ava and Sara break it up before they can come to blows.

avalance breaks up hellfate's fight

I can’t wait to watch this episode 5 more times so I can focus on a different person each time. So much hidden gold.

Also, Sara gets a wee vision of Astra stabbing Charlie with Zari’s fork, so Zari tucks the fork down her cleavage, because this entire episode (well, all the episodes, but especially this one) was full of adorable and hilarious background moments.

Zari has a new idea: let’s start our own sorority. At first it seems like a lot of work, but the gals are up for the task…mostly.

astra sara ava

“See my face? I’m enthused.”

Meanwhile, Mick ditches Lita with Nate on a tour of the campus and Nate and Lita decide to infiltrate the frat to get intel. The frat, by the way, is called Sigma Psi Phi, which means they were shouting “sci-fi” a lot, which gave me a good giggle.

The name of the girls’ sorority also made me giggle, not only because the Greek letters written out kind of look like AXE, but also because written out in English letters, Delta Chi Sigma is DCS. Perfect for the show my dad and the TV Guide exclusively call, “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.”

They decide to use a portal trick and Constantine’s mansion as their sorority house…

charlie and zari

I still ship Zarlie even though I accidentally started shipping Astra and Charlie, don’t worry. When in doubt, throuple it out.

…and recruit the three outcasts that Astra got kicked out of the rush event to join.

the ladies of legends around a round table

Nothing but respect for MY knights of the round table.

Sara, much more familiar with the mansion’s layout, takes her rightful place as leader and gives a rousing speech to their new recruits.

Sara confidently faces the wrong way

Well…she gives her speech NEAR the new recruits.

She welcomes them to the sisterhood, and they want a motto. First they try that improv game where they each add a few words to it, but the ended up with “Sisters are the glue that greases the wheel of time” which makes about as much sense as having to infiltrate college Greek life to become a god and save some lives, but Ava comes up with a more universally beloved motto: “We might not have it all together, but together we have it all.” Which is a Legends slogan if I’ve ever heard one.

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 617 articles for us.


  1. Valerie, how could you not mention the continuing Zava friendship? When Ava takes off her mascot head, Zari fixes her hair and Ava thanks her. I love that these two friendless people have found a friend in each other, that the writers keep showing it, and how important female friendship is to the show.

  2. came for the rent reference, stayed for the wacky shenanigans

    literally i have seen one episode of this show (a tragedy! i know!) and i can keep up with it anyway because your recaps are so on point

  3. Super Haram – forbidden by Islamic law

    Super Harem – Lena had a dream about this once.

    Sorry, had to ;)


    So… Sara’s playing beer pong against a god to save humanity.

    Must be Tuesday


    Sharp eyes and ears, Valerie. I missed Lita’s honorific for Ava and where Zari hid the fork.


    The messenger exchange between Zari and the recruit is everything. Please tell me that Beebo GIF exists.


    (Sara drinks from the cup)

    Old Knight: “You choose… wisely.”

    • I’ve always liked how they let Zari be Iranian and be Muslim on the show. She explained to Mick about the bacon sandwich, she sadly made fast-breaking traditional meals, etc.

  4. Such a delightful episode (Nate being even more bro-y than usual aside), and I loved Zari passing on the wine.

  5. They would never ask me to, but I would absolutely give anything in this world for the Legends. This episode was so good and the dialogue was solid and it was well-shot and slick and also the wardrobe department absolutely outdid themselves. And also I am an absolute sucker for the specific brand of friendship and camaraderie and love that has become their bread and butter, the sort of stuff that never takes away from a character’s sense of self, and only ever empowers them to see new and broader benefits to being exactly who they are.

    Also also I am fully prepared to ship Zarlie, Chastra (?), Zastra (?), the three of them. Doesn’t matter. It’s just so nice to check into a show where, yeah, most of these people have some kinda chemistry, and I’m not even worried about where it goes because even if they don’t become canon ships at least they’ll still share scenes and support each other without making a no-homo olympics out of it.

    Great recap, Valerie Anne!

  6. I loved seeing Astra do something besides just sneering at everyone, and she won me over REAL hard. I hope we get to keep her next season, and Lita too. I think Lita could bring a different vibe to the ship, and I’d love to see her with Aunt Ava!

  7. EPIC shot to caption

    – Fantastic shot! – ‘Nothing but respect for MY knights of the round table.’
    – Sell this motto to LOVE IS BLIND! – ‘Also Sara can’t see Ava, but she knows she’s there, so she holds out a chip for her to eat. Love is blind.’
    – Genius – ‘I want these printed in business card size so when someone asks me why they should watch this show I can just slide it across the table like it’s an offer they can’t refuse.’

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