Lady Gaga is a Bloody Gay-Loving Covergirl & America’s Next Top Model Lesbian Lulu

Today on Autostraddle

Hey hey! We just posted our very first fashion/style article — the Top 10 Lesbian Fashion & Style Icons, according to Autostraddle – all your favorites like Kate Moennig, Ellen DeGeneres, Beth Ditto, K.D. Lang and MORE! Check it!

This week Carly returned with a spectacular Tuesday Televisionary and Stef stows away with theSTART: music from the future! and their side project Normandie.

Also, if you haven’t read Internicaine Katrina’s piece about how when the Philippines says “gay-friendly,” they aren’t talking about the ladies … then you should do that ASAP: In “Gay Friendly” Philippines, Lesbians Lead Secret Lives.


+ Arts & Culture

GET HAPPY: According to new research by a bunch of assholes who want to trick you into feeling even worse about being a pessimist; optimistic women are healthier and live longer – try The Future is Bright. (@us news)

GET REALLY SAD: Reno 911 is canceled. What the frickin’ frack. (@av club)

LADY GAGA: September’s Out features an extra–sexy photo spread of Lady Gaga along with a seriously awesome interview where she warns Kanye West: “I’m gay. My music is gay. My show is gay. And I love that it’s gay. And I love my gay fans and they’re all going to be coming to our show. And it’s going to remain gay.” (@out)

ROSIE: And then Rosie O’Donnell called Elisabeth Hasselbeck a twat. Holler! (@jezebel)

LESBIAN AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL: The newest season of America’s Next Top Model — Short Edition (all models are under 5’7) — features a LESBIAN named Lulu. She’s 19:

EN ESPAÑOL: San Franciscan theater troupe Teatro Nahual will premier Los Monologos de la Vagina, a Spanish version of Eve Ensler’s play The Vagina Monologues. Were you in your college’s production? Intern Lola was. She was the Vagina Princess. (@examiner)

EDUCATION: A really fascinating argument against formal college education that boils the entire thing down to something comparable to computers (and oh, trust me, in my field I’ve seen no corrolation whatsoever between employment and education) which is confusing. Interesting arguments on both sides. (@jezebel)

RETARDED: Is it still OK to use the word retarded? Not really. (@slate)

GAY ICONS: Five Gay Icons Who’ve Gone Bad On Us. (@queerty)

JUST DRAWN THAT WAY: Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane outed his character Stewie – who just so happens to be our favorite character. (@ny daily news)


+ News & Politics

YOUNG FOLKS: Now that two Tennessee schools were required to unblock GLBT websites, we expect all of you young Nashville gays to be on Autostraddle 24/7. (@advocate)

COLLEGE: Can you trust Princeton’s Gay–Friendly Ratings? Probably not. (@queerty)

UTAH HATE: In the latest case of homophobia in Utah, The Spectrum newspaper refused to print a gay couple’s paid wedding announcement. (@la times)

BRITISH KNOCK–OUTS: Women boxers will be allowed to compete in the 2012 London Olympics, only 12 years after boxing authorities claimed PMS made them ‘too unstable’ to box. (@daily mail)

AMERICAN KNOCK–OUTS: They’re fighting the biggest event of women’s MMA history on Saturday, but the media would rather focus on what Gina Carano & Cris ‘Cyborg’ Santos look like. (@sports illustrated)

SCIENCE/TECH: A Collection of Items on Gender and Science/Tech Topics: brain makeover, rock stars of science, Geek Feminism. (@contexts)

Auto-Straddler of the Day

Did You See That Comment Friday
Hey Did You See That Comment?

bcw: So what the Prime Minister of Malaysia is really saying is “Re-LAX! Don’t do it! / When you wanna go to it! / Re-LAX! Don’t do it! / When you wanna come!”

erin: “I have a couple of honest to god questions re: that britney picture– how much do good weaves cost? are they crazy expensive? where is britney’s hairdresser? do anti–psychotic meds make it impossible for hair to grow back? WHY IS NO ONE HELPING THIS GIRL?!”

Daily Team Picks

Riese Icon width=from Riese:
This shit sucked me in, I can’t explain it but I can’t get out: must pop words.

carly-icon2from Carly:
As someone who’s been thinking about her own personal branding/portfolio/body of work lately, I found Smashing Magazine’s collection of 30 design portfolios to be totally inspirational.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. LADY GAGA ZOMG: “Nobody gives a shit what is really going on — everyone wants me to tell them a story. Art is a lie, and every day I kill to make it true.”

    The Collection of Gender/Science stuff looks interesting and I’m really going to read it. For real!

  2. 1. Lady Gaga seriously confuses me. Sometimes I really like her and sometimes all I can think is, “Err what the heck is going on here?” It must be a come-here-go-away thing, but as for now I will like her. A lot.

    2. I really enjoyed the Gender and Science article. It poked at my brain a little. The I’M A GEEK video was coolio.

    3. I regret clicking on the must pop words game… Now it will consume my free time on the interwebs and I’m not even good at it. The letter pile just keeps getting bigger…

  3. Every year few months I am faced with this question: to watch ANTM or to not watch ANTM? Having a lesbian might swing me in the “yes” direction for the first time in a few cycles instead of just reading fourfour recaps.

    • Watching ANTM is aaaalways a good decision. You have to watch!! Especially because Lulu already seems to be quite the cutie.

      • I’m becoming addicted, and I’m terrible. I don’t know why I keep on playing word games even though I’m super dyslexic because it always results in word panic and sadness.

  4. thanks for the shout out! :) i wasn’t sure if the statute of limitations had expired on referencing zoolander and having it count as funny. i think my favourite part about DYSTC Friday is that the picture looks like it could be sarah shahi, and all i want is for sarah shahi to like me. like, like me-like me.

  5. ooh how did i not know about the short edition version of ANTM? i think i would be totally ridiculous on that show, but it would provide tons o’ family fun!!! season 2? done.

    • I almost auditioned for it actually!
      Mainly because I wanted the season to have a lesbian so I thought I could fill that demographic. But I guess they found one with out my help!

  6. omg really?! ok sooooo i love lady gaga, and i love her music. i think she’s crazy, but i still love it. but can someone please fill me in on whether she is really a hermaphrodite or not. cause i mean…. i lost a bet. and i’ll be pissed if i had to pay up and it wasnt true.

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