Lesbionic Previews from L Word Book, GLEE & More from Lindsay Lohan’s Shoot

GLEE: Tomorrow’s episode of Glee will have lesbian action or a reference to it OR JK actually, watch the preview. There’s just a joke in there revealing that Santana and Brittany are having sex but not dating, that’s cute but unfortunately for all ye Quachel Shippers, Santana and Puck aren’t dating either because ‘sex isn’t dating’! Oh, high school! I hope they follow up on this budding fuckbuddy situation with Santana and Brittany, ’cause that’s how these lesbian things often truly start, ladies. (@shewired)

L WORD BOOK: Jennifer Beals took all these pictures, it’s in a book, and it’s supposed to be out in December but looks like that might be pushed back to Jaunary. It’s coming! Did you get one for your girlfriend? There’s gonna be bajillions of photos of the only lesbian television series to ever happen in the history of time. Jennifer Beals describes why she has these photos and all to begin with:

It was an era of my life I was eager to preserve: I wanted to remember the cast, the readthrus, the dinners, the rehearsals — everything. I took pictures and saved my scripts, callsheets, and memos and organized them every year …  Mostly, I wanted to remember the joy, because no matter where the storylines went, we always managed to have fun.






Tic … tac … toe …


This one seems a bit more natural. Still, doesn’t compare to the Mickey Mouse hats photo.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: ABC keeps giving me mixed signals. They pull the whole Adam Lambert thing, but then today they had a really well-done gay love scene on the soap opera One Life to Live. Yes, there are four whole minutes of two gay men talking about feelings and sort of kissing! But it’s a soap opera, so of course a tragic gay-bashing of an ex bf interrupts them at just the wrong moment.

LAGUNA LESBIANS: Kristin Cavallari, that girl from Laguna Beach who isn’t Lauren Conrad, is SO OVER MEN. She’s switching teams. Haha, JK! She just jokes with her girlfriends about doing it sometimes. It’s a choice, yannow.

THE GLOVES ARE OFF: Jill & Cathy’s Episode 12 of “The Gloves are Off,” in which they say nice things about Autostraddle. It was the first time I’d ever seen this show and I actually really loved it, was captivated by the cyberbullying topic ever and felt afterwards like Cathy was a good therapist who had just fixed me totally. Oh yeah also we’re going to have our Jill & Cathy follow-up interview up later this week!

QUEENS: Lady Gaga, Queen of our Hearts, met the Queen of England yesterday. And she looked crazy/stunning as usual. I’d like to think her getup is inspired by the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, especially with those eye patch things.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Ah the queen is so cool, what a legend. She’s obv like ‘ oh hi Gaga, love Bad Romance, please try not to set stuff on fire while youre here yah?’ I wondered if Gaga curtseyed, or if it was even possible in that costume?

  2. The Queen looked pretty flashy too! She was shimmery – she must have upped the fashion ante since Gaga was in the house.

  3. I have so many feelings about One Life to Live!!
    1. Are there people out there who actually watch this show? And where can I meet them?
    2. Why is there porn music playing in the background?
    3. That is NOT how you kiss.
    4. Why does the blond guy act like he’s never been touched before?

  4. I don’t like the picture of the actual sex with the boy, it makes me feel weird. She looks sad and druggy and the guy does not, like that scene in QAF when Ted sees himself on a video having sex and doesn’t remember it cuz he was so fucked up on meth, which is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen on the TV. I mean it’s not like that, it’s not scary to that degree, but does anyone else feel like that particular photo is maybe just not ok? I feel like they are exploiting Lindsay. That picture is upsetting to me. Are we so desensitized to this stuff that we don’t notice how exploitative that picture looks? Sigh. Lindsay should do a photoshoot in my living room.

    • No, the whole thing makes me uncomfortable. It just doesn’t feel right at all. Like LiLo just resigned herself to be involved, but isn’t really there/necessarily ok with it…

    • I will admit that I have yet to look at the photos because they seem so inappropriate that I didn’t think I could take the time to look at them at work. So, I would say that my gut reaction is that there is something wrong with the pics.

    • That Ted thing was so bad. I have to fast forward whenever I am re-watching QAF. But yeah this whole photoshoot is wrong, uncomfortable, pointless and raunchy in a way that makes me want to take a shower. What is it for? What is she promoting? And how many times do i have to tell her to get some red dye got dammit!?!?!

      • She doesn’t even need red dye. She’s a natural red-head. She needs to wash the blond dye out of her head.

          • She has in the past but I don’t remember if it was for mean girls. I, too, perfer her as a brunette. I don’t think blond suits her very well. Her natural color is similar to her younger brother Cody’s who is very ginger. Her too other siblings have dark hair like their father.

    • That photo is creepy. What really bothers me, though, is she’s having sex with a lit cigarette in hand. In two of those photos. That is not safe!

    • First time commenting on this site, so I’d just like to say, “Sup Bitches!” I’m a gay boy and I LURVE this site so much! I heard about this website from Jonny McGovern’s podcast and since then, I’ve been hooked. I thinks Autostraddle is so funny and smart without being unnecessarily negative. (I mean, negative comments are fun when they’re valid but am I the only one who thinks that other blogs can just feel like massive dark pits, like black holes… or Paris Hilton’s vaj :P) So, I’d just like to say, “Yay Autostraddle!”

      Okay, now that I’m done geeking out over you guys and how awesome I think you all are (last time, I promise, I’m like waaaaaay cooler that this usually), the comment I wanted to make was that the first time I saw the first Lindsay Lohan picture, I too, felt quite embarrassed. There’s something about it that makes me blush… and I’m a go-go dancer! But then I began to wonder why it bothered me so much… I mean, there’s no obvs naughty bits, but I found it more disturbing than the pic with Lindsay’s boob hanging out. So after much unnecessary soul searching (I do that a lot), I think the picture makes me blush because of how real it actually looks. I mean, there are a lot of magazine photos where sex scenes are hyper-stylized and beautifully artificial, but this picture looks like real, nekkid, ass-slapping, wet, dirty sex. And now… I kinda like it, because it makes me uncomfortable. I still thinks its gross, but like a beautiful gross. Sorry, I was an english and art major in college. Art theory was my life… and now I work at Verizon customer service… epic fail. :-( Anywho, yay Autostraddle, you rock my grandma hard.

    • wait, isn’t she pretending to be kate moss, though? so she’s acting. right? i mean, i thought that was the whole point. am i mixing up my photo shoots?

  5. I love Jill and Cathy. I am going to be late for school because I can’t stop watching this episode of The Gloves Are Off. And I don’t care (much)!

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