The trailer for Clea DuVall’s lesbian Christmas rom-com, Happiest Season, starring Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis, just dropped and wow wow wow the yuletide has never been so gay.
In case you haven’t caught the Happiest Season hype yet, here’s the official synopsis: Meeting your girlfriend’s family for the first time can be tough. Planning to propose at her family’s annual Christmas dinner — until you realize that they don’t even know she’s gay — is even harder. When Abby (Kristen Stewart) learns that Harper (Mackenzie Davis) has kept their relationship a secret from her family, she begins to question the girlfriend she thought she knew. Happiest Season is a holiday romantic comedy that hilariously captures the range of emotions tied to wanting your family’s acceptance, being true to yourself, and trying not to ruin Christmas.
I think I can tell you this at this point without getting in trouble — we’ll see! — that I visited the set of Happiest Season in Pittsburgh in February. It was the last thing I did before COVID lockdown, actually. I met everyone making the film, except Dan Levy, and I’m so excited to tell you about it later this week!
Happiest Season lands on Hulu on November 25th.
you WHAT
Slack AMA!
Ok, I’m pretty committed to not getting my hopes up about this movie, but um. Yeah. It looks like it might be pretty OK
I’m not really a Christmas/Christmas movie person, but I cannot resist a film by a queer director featuring so many queer actors! In both queer and straight roles! I’m interested to hear what being on the set was like; pretty darn gay, perhaps?
Eeeee! I’ve been listening to Christmas music ever since “Mine this Christmas” dropped last week.
I’ll watch any movie about queer women in Pittsburgh.
I’m going to support it even though it’s as white as Christmas snow. Also, would like one queer, holiday movie that wasn’t about coming out.
Kidding about the snow (couldn’t resist). The boring holiday coming out still cautious about.
I agree with you on both counts! I am dying for a lesbian romcom where coming out or figuring out identity is not part of the plot, bc that is not the only thing we experience. I am cautiously more excited about it than I expected to be after watching the trailer bc it looks genuinely funny and joyful! Feels more “oh no, i am digging this hole of deceit even deeper” in that classic comedy way rather than just “drama and shame about my identity” if that makes sense
Kidding about the snow (couldn’t resist). The boring holiday coming out still cautious about.
Talk about a *white* Christmas. There appears to be no diversity in this cast. Disappointing. Clea Duvall’s last film was equally white.
Here’s a promo pic from it. Notice Alison Brie’s husband and children.

Also, Aubrey Plaza is Puerto Rican.
This is Lez Bomb except with Kristen Stewart. I guess the aim is quantity, not quality.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I have already watched this movie. I think some scenes in the trailer are duplicates of Lez Bomb.
Lez Bomb crawled so Happiest Season could also crawl but with a better cast.
Nevertheless, I will watch it.
@queergirl Comment award
Okay, is Aubrey Plaza Mackenzie Davis’ sister or ex?
Omg I’m obsessed already
I am definitely looking forward to this! I love Mackenzie Davis, especially in “Halt and Catch Fire.” There is a xmas queer/lesbian film on Netflix which is a happy/emotional tearjerker that I watched end enjoyed last weekend. It’s called “A New York Christmas Wedding.” I recommend it!
This looks so good!!! Getting teared up just at the trailer
That looks amazing.
I’m waiting on Autostraddle to review this movie! 💕
Same! I stumbled across this movie by accident not knowing about the BEST FRIEND situation my goodness 😍
I’m generally pretty over stories that center around “coming out” but this movie looks adorable and I’m excited to watch!
My first thought was that the premise seems nonsensical but I’ll resignedly watch it anyway, but I have to say that this trailer is winning me over
I’m really excited for this! I feel bummed that it’s not safe to go to movie theaters right now…because if I could, I would get all my queer friends to go see this and we could make the box office numbers pop on that first weekend.
I just love when Black women just don’t exist at all in cinematic universes..esp queer ones. Ugh. Pass. Also…can dykes just dyke?? We just couldn’t skip the coming out for once?
K Stew.
That’s it. That’s my comment.
This trailer didn’t do much for me, but the international one is better.
So the woman who kills Terminators in her spare time is afraid to tell her parents she is dating Kristen Stewart :D
I do not like Christmas or Christmas movies but I will watch this …for the culture? (lol)