No Filter: Kehlani, There’s Literally No Gayer Caption Than “Six Years of Friendship, One Year of Love”

Hello and welcome back to No Filter your weekly roundup of Celesbian Instagram content! Let’s see what is popping off right here in the second week of Pride month, shall we?

Is it possible that you forgot Gen Q was returning to us for a third season? I know I did!

One thing Tommy is gonna do is is wear a dress and give us poses! Go the hell off!

We are a family, like a giant tree, reaching up towards the sky!!

Your honor I would like to submit “These Damn Legs” into evidence!!!!


Literally no gayer caption than “six years of friendship, one year of love,” imo!!

Good suit, good lip, no notes!

Okay it was hard to pick like ONE image from the Betts collection of pf Pride photos, so iiiii picked a very tasteful three??

And like, yeah it’s promo for a merch page but WHOMST cares, this is hot to me!!!

Jessica in this suit…….mon DIEU!

Here is the thing, when too many famous people that I would never think to put in a room end up in a room together it does break my brain a bit??? Gonna have to think about this for a while.

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 334 articles for us.


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