PSA: Those Two Gay Minutes of “Kaleidoscope” Is All There Is

Netflix’s new money heist series Kaleidoscope has a unique gimmick: its episodes are designed to be watched in any order, as long as “White” is watched last, and in order to facilitate this non-linear watching experience, Netflix itself is feeding episodes to viewers with “individually randomized episode orders.”

We all know that Netflix feeds “personalized artwork” to its members in an effort to reveal why a specific show or movie might be of interest to a specific viewer ā€” for a queer human like me, it tends to emphasize lesbian couples or characters in various shows and movies.

But is Netflix pulling a similar strategy when choosing which episode of Kaleidoscope to deliver to various audiences, pulling us in with a scene that suggests the show has queer elements when in fact it does not?

I began asking myself this question when I fired up KaleidoscopeĀ on January 2nd and, following the one-minute “Black” episode (which plays first for everybody), I was consequently shown “Yellow,” which begins with one of our protagonists, Hannah Kim, doing what turns out to be a covert mission intended to test a company’s security by initiating a relationship with a female employee of said company.

Seven hours of Kaleidoscope later, I safely concluded that those two minutes were all the queer content the series had for me and that Hannah herself was not queer.

A commenter on my monthly streaming guide was seemingly also fed “Yellow” first, which got me thinking… is Netflix trying to draw in queer viewers by showing us the episode with a deceptively queer initial two minutes? What does “individually randomized” actually mean ā€” is it truly “random” for each individual or is each individual fed episodes in a deliberate order to pull them into the show based on their past viewing habits? If so, like the victim of a diamond heist, I feel robbed but also have no choice but to respect the master manipulators for the deftness of the con.

I decided to take my inquiry to the TV Channel in our team slack. I asked them to turn on Kaleidoscope and see which episode Netflix fed them first.

Kayla: Green 4 me
Carmen: Ok I got Yellow
Kayla: Worried [my partner] Kristenā€™s crime programs are throwing off my algo lol
Shelli: ok I got yellow too!
is yellow hot black people
cos correct
that is my lane
Carmen: Shelli I just laughed so hard, I fell out of my chair
Nico Hall: yellow lol
Riese: ahahahhahahajahaha
Kayla: Omfg I’m blaming Kristen
Riese: Yes yellow !! Is the one I am suspecting they are showing the gays first
Nico Hall: Kayla I am so sorry you are not in Club Yello
Kayla: Let me see what’s in the damn recently watched I’m bout to make my own profile
Nico Hall: idk man [my partner] Sadie watches a lot of like Forged in Fire and stuff
which is probably a gay move
Kayla: Oh hm all Kristenā€™s crime shows are on paramount plus
Whoops I watched all the Christmas episodes of Gilmore Girls the straightest show on earth
The problem is me
Nico Hall: i can’t believe that when i go back to watch it best part will be over in first 2 minutes
Kayla: Yeah this is funny if it were made BY queers they would know to put the queer shit near the end to trick queer ppl into watching the whole thing bc that’s what we do we watch for scraps
Nico Hall: totally
Shelli: lol im dead kayla lol
Nic: ooooo I got green
Riese: interesting interesting
Valerie: I got yellow too!
I was sad to learn I wouldn’t get to choose my color path so being part of this experiment brought me joy, thank you
Drew: I got yellow too
Kayla: ok so Nic and I are the only ones who got green?!
Nic what do we both watch that threw ours off lol
Nic: great question! letā€™s seeeee
Kayla: i’m scrolling through my recents and so much of it is gay!
Nico Hall: curious if green is like Gay Option 2: and you all get yellow as your second ep
Nic: ooo i do have harry and meghan on here
Kayla: ahahahaha maybe that did it

So that’s six yellows and two greens amongst this small sample size. So my friends, I now turn to you: which episode is Netflix showing YOU first?

Update 1/5/2022: It appears that people are beginning to suspect that Netflix isn’t actually feeding the episodes in a “random” order to anyone because nobody is being fed Pink or Red first:

This is a bittersweet discovery. While this interference means no one will have the charactersā€™ fates spoiled for them if they stick to the provided viewing order, it also means the much-ballyhooed ā€œrandom order” isnā€™t exactly as random as first thought.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Yellow, but it’s the best “starter” episode because it introduces everyone in the heist crew, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more heavily weighted. Green is also a decent first choice because it’s one of the two flashback episodes that sets up the whole story. Now, did anyone start with Pink? That would be the absolute worst one to start with because it’s last chronologically. The Vulture reviewer started with Red, which is almost as bad.

  2. “If so, like the victim of a diamond heist, I feel robbed but also have no choice but to respect the master manipulators for the deftness of the con.” LMAO Riese!

    Tbh the show was also okayyyyyyy too.

    (Also really honored and made my day to know my comment was part of this article. I have been reading Autostraddle since 2009 but hardly ever comment)

    Cheers to more hours of queer content in 2023!

  3. I got the Black one minute one and then Yellow šŸ§

    then Green then Blue. I didn’t actually watch, though, I just clicked “Next episode” which I guess could also affect what they show next.

  4. Woah I got green, and Iā€™m very specific with Netflix that I love gay tv.

    Butā€¦also watched harry and Meghan.

    Well, whatever this algorithm is, itā€™s not random in the statistical sense.

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