Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono did it up right last weekend with a screening & outdoor bash to celebrate the Season 2 premiere of their labor of love, We Have to Stop Now. Although the series was created for the web, it was shown on the BIG SCREEN as a two-hour feature film for those lucky enough to bribe their way in. The premiere party was complete with a red carpet, Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia doing interviews and live performances from out rock singer Corday and the band Kelly’s Lot. Remember how we all bitched and moaned that some shows did not reflect “they way that we live?” Well, guess what – this show actually does mirror relationships in a version of reality that rings true… particularly for those of us who love to process feelings and appreciate therapy.

Cast L-R: Meredith Baxter, Shannan Leigh Reeve, Ann Noble, Jill Bennett, Cathy DeBuono, Maryfrances Careccia, John W. McLaughlin, Suzanne Westenhoefer
The Plot in a Nutshell
Season 1 established Dyna (Cathy) and Kit (Jill) as married therapists struggling with their relationship following the success of their book, “How to Succeed In Marriage Without Even Trying.” Comedian Suzanne Westenhoefer rounds out the cast as their therapist with the show’s writer/creator Ann Noble as Kit’s stoner sister who plays the wise fool. Season 2 takes those characters and amps up the comedy, depth and pathos. The storyline between the two sisters (Noble and new cast member Maryfrances Careccia as Dyna’s sis) is particularly moving, adding an unexpected layer of sexiness and authenticity beyond the ushe Jill & Cathy chemistry-fest.
Ya know what else is exciting this season? Guest stars! Early in season 2, Dyna & Kit decide to shop around for another therapist and consult with twin shrinks played by Meredith Baxter in her first role since coming out. Once the story conveniently puts everyone on the Sweet cruise (they filmed much of the season on board a ship sailing into the eye of a hurricane, FYI) the celesbians come fast and furious with appearances by Erin Foley, Nicol Paone, Dani Campbell, Kate McKinnon, Corday and the cast of CherryBomb (aka The Lesbian View). Back in November 2009 we were on set with Jill & Cathy while filming at sea.
Missed Season 1? Here’s a Recap…
Gay for Pay
Here’s the deal. This shit ain’t free. Jill, Cathy, Ann [DynaKit Productions] and the entire cast & crew poured their heart and soul into this project. They worked (and convinced other people to work) for very little pay and were able to put this thing together thanks to investors, sponsors and a lot of blood, sweat & tears. In exchange for $24, you’ll get 16 episodes [rolled out weekly] plus special features and live feeds with the cast. Unforch, season 1 is no longer free online but it will be released later this year by Wolfe Video. Having seen both seasons in their entirety, I’d really recommend the series to anyone (even your mom!), as it’s not exclusively “gay” but presents its gay characters with total nonchalance and that is a welcome change in the current state of media. Also, there’s a centerpiece sex scene that gives Bette & Tina a run for their money.
To subscribe visit wehavetostopnow.tv
Cathy & Jill answer a pressing question regarding their love scene in season 2:
One-on-One Interview with Writer/Creator Ann Noble
Pages: 1 2See entire article on one page
Excellent coverage of the WHTSN Premiere (I was lucky enough to be there too)!
I love your interview with Ann Noble. Ann is an extremely intelligent and funny woman. I really enjoyed learning more about the actors and the series. Thank you!
Ann is SO entertaining to be around. I believe she’s also starring in a play right now in LA. Thanks, Michelle!
Ann is in a new play called “London’s Scars” that opens on Saturday. And get this, she plays a lesbian therapist.
I think Ann’s script is brilliantly written and brilliantly acted and you’re missing out if you don’t go and subscribe as soon as possible.
That was hilarious!! Thanks for giving us a little, funny insight!! Season 2 is getting better and better!! It has to have been amazing to watch it as feature length! Keep all the good job and coverage you do autostraddle!!
I agree with everyone who says this show is awesome.
If you like We Have To Stop Now, get everyone you know friends, reletives, neighbors and even folks you don’t know, strangers on the street to SUBSCRIBE so that we can all have Season 3!!!
Totally love this series and again was lucky enough to attend the red carpet event.The girls have worked so hard on this web series and anyone who hasnt already subscribed to season 2 should and support our community x