Hello and good day to you! You are probably here because you, like me, cannot get enough of the deeply addicting and deeply toxic relationship between Deborah and Ava on Hacks. Welcome, you are among friends!
If anyone has managed to forget how the third season ended, allow me to remind you: Ava and Deborah start season three working separately, after Deborah’s special went viral and she White Fang-ed Ava away. Ava is working for what feels like a John Oliver-type HBO show, but can’t resist getting pulled back into Deb’s orbit as she prepares to go for the recently vacated Late Night seat. It works…but Deb double crosses Ava, selecting a head writer for her new show who fits the mold of what the network wants. Ava, heartbroken and furious, uses the skills her mentor taught her (read: blackmail) to secure the job she rightfully is owed.
“I would. Wouldn’t you?” I mean, I still have chills!
What is in store for these mutually obsessed frenemies in Hacks season four? Let’s find out!*
*Make wild speculations based on snippets of trailer shots!
OPENING with Deb saying “Aren’t you a big brave girl?” is a fully insane way to open this trailer, and I am giving it a full standing ovation, tbquiteh! Plus “Piece of My Heart”? Oh, they know exactly what they’re doing and I am here for it. Let’s get into the wild speculation now, shall we? Come on and TAKE IT!
A question I already have: Is Deborah’s show a hit or are we just seeing the red carpet rollout for a new late night host? I kind of love the idea of having most of the dramatic tension come from them trying to navigate success while working together and hating (LOVING) each other.

“We’ll see.” GAGGED!
We better be picking up exactly where we left off!! I want this board room bad bitch-off to last forever!!

Well, this seems right.
Hmmmm maybe we should cancel the Bad Bitch order; perhaps we are looking at more…Ava Being Ava scenarios than ever before?

A post premiere party, perhaps?
Oh to be dancing with Damien! Remember how scared he was of learning when financial quarters end? Please keep dancing you bright light!

Terrified of Deborah behind the wheel
The way I am wracking my brain trying to think of a reason a late-night host and her head writer would be doing Las Vegas Speedway sponsored content….but I am out of the marketing life for a reason! Mostly, I am thrilled to see Deborah behind the wheel again. Remember when she chased Ava down her driveway like a lunatic way back in season one? That was with, like, five minutes of animosity between them — now there is years!

I apologize for the #action screenshot, but Deborah’s face here is worth at least twenty words, no? The cackle of delight is so visceral that I can hear this image. I am assuming the other character is some sort of network HR, based on that loose fitting cardigan and long necklace, and I am…so sorry for all she will have to deal with!

I am not sure what leads to this and frankly? I hope I never know! Honestly, just start Season Four here, and I will figure it out. This is the moment I will be thinking about for as long as I shall live, surely. Where is Ava when this is happening and WHAT does her face look like? I will not rest until I know!

A hate five!
I probably sound like a broken record, but this is what I want! Pretending to get along and raging at each other, and Ava refusing to let go of Deb’s hand just to piss her off?
Also telling: The only other voices we hear in this trailer are Jimmy and Marcus. Jimmy, of course, is warning Ava about the dangers of fighting with Deborah, which is something one thinks she could have learned after writing that email in the season one finale! But Marcus is telling Deborah she’s gotta “dance with the one who brought ya.” Is Marcus speaking up for Ava, a person he….does not like most of the time? Ohooo friends we are about to be eating goooood!
Please spend all your time between now and April 10 telling me what you want to see this season! Toxicity is BACK!