It’s the 2023 A+ Trivia Quiz of the Year!

an illustrated white winter fox and white rabbit look up at a hand drawn number 13 with a triangle around it. below the 13 is some mistletoe and a pine bough. the background is an illustration of white stars on a dark blue sky

The 13 Days of A+ is upon us!

Have you been paying attention to all things queer this year? If so, then you will have an excellent time doing this quiz! If not, then I believe your chances of getting 100% with completely random answers is roughly 1 in a nonillion, which seems like pretty good odds?

If you find that this quiz skews towards vapid fluff, it’s because I’m a firm believer that trying to identify celesbian couples by their hands is a humbling and equalizing experience. Please report in the comments with how humble and/or boastful you feel in the aftermath!

2023 A+ Trivia Quiz

  • Engaygements

  • field label
  • field label
  • Coming Out

  • TV

  • Movies

  • Books

  • Sport (or just WNBA and women’s soccer actually)

  • field label
  • Guess the Music Video From These Stills of Queers Moving In For a Snog

  • field label
  • field label
  • field label
  • field label
  • field label

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Sally lives in the UK. Her work has been featured in a Korean magazine about queer people and their pets, and a book about haunted prisons. She never intended for any of this to happen.

Sally has written 81 articles for us.


  1. There’s some sort of bug because the answers are already selected, and it seemed like all of it showed before I logged into A+! But excited to take this quiz if the kinks get worked out!

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