Introducing the A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund: A Tax-Deductible Way To Change Lives

Fiscal sponsorship through Fractured Atlas is enabling us to do something you’ve been requesting for a long time — a way to contribute to the work we do here in a tax-deductable manner. Finally, that dream has been realized. Let’s talk about it!

The arts have always been an integral element of the A-Camp experience — through workshops, performances and master-classes with established queer artists, many campers have found their voice, met their dream collaborators, or simply gained the courage and confidence to pursue creative work. We’ve offered a range of arts-related workshops on topics including songwriting, ballet, hip-hop dance, photography, a capella, essay writing, improv, stand-up comedy, zine-making, queer music history, slam poetry and figure drawing. In addition to all the programming run by the writers and illustrators of, we’ve hosted discussions and interactive sessions with the creators and writers behind projects including the Netflix show Orange is the New Black, the trans-inclusive web series Her Story, the Eisner-Award-winning comic book franchise Lumberjanes, Outfest’s 2016 Best First Feature Film Suicide Kale, the buzzy young adult novel Juliet Takes a Breath, the bestselling Adventure Time graphic novels and YouTube hits like Just Between Us and My Drunk Kitchen.

  • The A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Find out more about donating and about applying to a campership specifically for QPOC artists in this post!

The importance of the arts and the representation of marginalized voices has taken on a new urgency in our current political climate, and the A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund aims to invest in and elevate those voices by providing avenues for inspiration and collaboration through the A-Camp program.

That’s where Fractured Atlas comes in. Fractured Atlas is a non-profit technology company that empowers artists and arts organizations by eliminating practical barriers to artistic expression in hopes of engendering a more agile and resilient cultural ecosystem. One of their primary services is the fiscal sponsorship program, which allows non-commercial art-related projects to be supported through grants and tax-deductible donations without the project having to maintain 501(c)(3) status.

The majority of AARF funds will go towards camperships specifically for queer artists of color. We are soliciting applications from QPOC who have any level of interest, skill, talent or experience in any arts area (e.g., dance, visual arts, music performance or composition, comedy, writing). A donation of $771 will cover the entire cost of camp, airport shuttles and linens for one camper, but any size of donation helps. The rest of the funding will go towards bringing in additional facilitators and supporting the experienced staff who deliver this arts-based programming. Donors will receive appropriate tax forms from Fractured Atlas.

If you’d like to donate to the A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund or apply for an ARF campership, you can do so using the button below or on this page of the A-Camp website.

Donate now!

The A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of The A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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  1. This is awesome! LezCab ( is fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas, and I cannot speak highly enough of them. LezCab is doing a benefit concert in May (it actually falls during A-Camp), and I’d love to donate some of our proceeds to the A-Camp Arts & Resistance Fund for a theatre maker. I’m going to talk to the board, but this is definitely something relevant to our interests.

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