Interview With My Ex-Girlfriend: Pate

Welcome to Interviews With My Ex-Girlfriend, in which Autostraddle writers get back in touch with their ex-girlfriends to ask them Five Simple Questions:

  1. How long did we date?
  2. Why did we break up?
  3. What did you learn from our relationship?
  4. What do you miss most about me?
  5. Would you invite me to your wedding (why/why not)?


Dannielle: Before we start… are you wearing three shirts?

Pate: I’m wearing four if you include the jean jacket. It’s cold here!

Dannielle: I’m in Los Angeles where it’s always perfect. Okay. First question: how long did we date?

Pate: We were together for approximately two years I think? Is that wrong?

Dannielle: I always say a year and a half.

Pate: It was from 2007 to 2009.

Dannielle: Oh my God, you’re totally right. Yeah. Holy shit, we dated for so long! Aww, that’s so sweet.

Pate: It is sweet. But you were gone most of the time!

Dannielle: Yeah, I know. But then you moved to Chicago and so we broke up. Okay: why did we break up?

Pate: I just remember I moved to Chicago, I stayed with you for a little bit, and we drove each other insane.

Dannielle: Yes.

Pate: And you were sick and you didn’t want to go away. And I was like: “why?” I was being such a Cancer. And then, I don’t know. We just weren’t getting along. Just little fights. And I remember when you came over and we were like, “yeah, we should probably break up.”

Dannielle: I remember you were out of town and when I was watching your house I accidentally killed one of your plants. I feel like that was a turning point.

Pate: Oh, I don’t remember that. A turning point for you or me?

Dannielle: I don’t remember. I just know that was one of my last memories. Fuck, okay, so we broke up for no reason.

Pate: We were fighting.

Dannielle: Yeah, we were fighting. We were children. Okay, here comes my favorite question. What do you miss most about me?

Pate: Oh, I mean. Definitely your humor, or whatever. That you’re funny.

Dannielle: Thank you.

Pate: You’re welcome! Do I get to hear that too, or no?

Dannielle: You want me to say what I miss most about you? Okay. I feel like you were pretty funny. I feel like we were pretty good about being funny together.

Pate: Yeah.

Dannielle: Also you listened to really good music!

Pate: Well, we both appreciated pop music.

Dannielle: That’s true.

Pate: I don’t know that most people would say that I listen to good music. But I listen to good pop music.

Dannielle: Yeah, there we go! Okay, what about our relationships impacted your later relationships?

Pate: Well I learned that I was frustrated or angry and I wasn’t expressing it. I remember feeling like, “there’s something not quite right here.” And not quite addressing it then, but that was the point that I started to figure it out.

Dannielle: I think it’s kind of the same for me. I hadn’t ever really fought in a relationship before. I wasn’t really good at expressing my emotions or saying anything. Because we fought constantly over everything, I eventually had to learn how to say why I was upset about stuff. Also do you remember the time I threw my phone against a wall?

Pate: No.

Dannielle: Cool.

Pate: If you hadn’t said that I would have been like: “I was the angry one, Dannielle was very calm.” But now I feel great!

Dannielle: I think you were just better at saying when you were angry, which was often.

Pate: Yeah- no. I’m good at saying my feelings, I’m just not always as good at dealing with them.

Dannielle: I’m so much better at dealing with my feelings now. And talking about them instead of just running away.

Pate: Right. Libra is grown up.

Dannielle: Cancer is grown up! Look at you. You’re not letting your feelings take over.

Pate: Well, you know. Just today.

Dannielle: That’s so sweet. Last question: would you, at this juncture, invite me to your wedding? Why or why not?

Pate: Oh, yeah. I mean, I would want to invite you to my wedding and then I would worry if that would offend you in some way. I don’t know, I’ve heard of people who would be offended that their ex invited them to their wedding. But I would totally want you to be there! It would be fun to have you dance! Most people are terrified to dance.

Dannielle: Well, that’s it. I wish we had better memories! Oh wait, I remember, I wasn’t out of the closet when I worked at my job in Charleston, but I had a keychain from you that said “stud muffin.” And someone was like, “what is this keychain?” And I was like, “my girlfriend gave it to me!” And that is how I came out at Poe’s Tavern, so.

Pate: You’re the first and only one to come out at Poe’s Tavern.

Dannielle: Yeah, probably.

Pate: You were probably just feeling the weight of that, you know?

Dannielle: I was. I mean you can’t just have a keychain that says “stud muffin” and not admit that you have a girlfriend, you know. I could have lied, but I wanted to be honest and open with my identity.

Pate: There you go.

Dannielle: And then it all worked out because then we all went to the fair together, remember?

Pate: Yeah.

Dannielle: That’s it, that’s the whole interview.

Pate: By the way, I was looking up your website and I Googled your name. You’ve done this, right? There are just so many baby gays that are searching about you. The drop-down list was insane.

Dannielle: Oh, really?

Pate: Yeah! I was trying to find your website and it was like “Who is Dannielle Owens-Reid dating?” and stuff about where you were from. It’s crazy.

Dannielle: Wow. I didn’t know that.

Pate: You’re mad famous.

Dannielle: Cool. It feels good to be so famous.

Pate: Super famous.

Dannielle: Super famous.

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Dannielle holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Performance, and spent three years in Chicago studying improv and sketch comedy (that’s where the funny comes from). During that time she was also teaching drama to kids ages 8 – 18. Dannielle is the creator of Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber, was the runner-up to be the first ever MTVTJ (twitter jockey), ran social media for Virgin Mobile on the Lady Gaga Monster Ball Tour, and starred as Justin Bieber in Not Another Celebrity Movie. She believes herself to be a “stellar problem solver,” has the ability to see both sides of the situation #libra, and gets her dance moves from her dad.

Dannielle has written 12 articles for us.


  1. Dannielle is really the MVP of this interview series, and I find I do not mind that at all.

  2. If Pate is still in Chicago, I totally understand the 4 shirts. Apparently it’s still winter here.

  3. I like this series a lot, but for some reason I really want to read an interview with an ex where they don’t like each other and the answer to the wedding question is “no”.

  4. Not gonna lie, Poe’s Tavern was what caught my eye about this post. I love that place!

  5. This was so cute, and exactly why the ‘interview with my ex-girlfriend’ stories are some of my favourite posts. It’s so nice to see how far people have come in their lives

  6. I’m so impressed at people being friends with their exes! I’m 0 for 4 on that. Also I realized while filling out the A+ survey that this column was the reason I joined A+! So thanks, Interview with My Ex

  7. I am definitely one of those baby gays that has googled who Dannielle Owens-Reid is dating

  8. I am LIVING for that picture right now. Amazing. The baby gays are going to love this one.

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