It’s a Thing: International Meet an Autostraddler Week

Remember last week when we put together a really special, informative and highly accurate / imaginative piece How to Make Gay Friends and Meet Girls: The Ultimate Guide to Effective Queer Socializing?

But it turned out that all you really needed in order to meet other queers was the freedom to post your current city and email address in the comments?


Just kidding, I love you. So much so, in fact, that we’ve declared next week International Meet an Autostraddler Week! WHAT, THAT’S EXCITING. Yes, I know. How does one celebrate International Meet an Autostraddler Week? Simple! You make plans to meet a fellow reader and then you go do that.

Some of you have celebrated early and that’s cool, don’t worry. Intern Emily apparently celebrates this holiday every weekend or something. Montreal lesbians are so lucky for so many reasons and Emily is one of those reasons! Also there’s something called ‘Faggity Ass Fridays’ which, I mean seriously, that sounds like a lot of fun.

A handful of Autostraddle team members have organized meet-ups in their respective cities. If you’re in or around these areas and would like to be part of the party, email for exact locations and more info!


Tuesday, November 9
contact: crystal [at] autostraddle [dot] com


Wednesday, November 10
contact: laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com


Saturday, November 13 / Sunday, November 14
unknown time
contact: laura [at] autostraddle [dot] com


Monday, November 8
unknown time
contact: greenearthgirl4 [at] gmail [dot] com


Flexible dates & times
contact: heathergfroehlich [at] gmail [dot] com


Additional meet-ups have been / will be taking place
contact: ehmerrow [at] yahoo [dot] com


Thursday, November 11
contact: emilychoo19 [at] gmail [dot] com


Wednesday, November 10
contact: katelynhouck [at] gmail [dot]com


Thursday, November 11
contact: louberry76 [at] gmail [dot] com


Flexible dates & times
contact: daphne.vandevoorde [at] gmail [dot] com

If you’ve coordinated a meet-up in your city and would like to share your contact info, email me: laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com. I will update this post with your name, city, email, etc.

I feel weird and nervous for you guys when you put your email addresses [you should spell them out to avoid spammers] in the comments – probably because I’m a mother and I want you to eat one green thing a day and not get abducted by strangers. So! It is with the utmost fear and hope that I encourage you to meet each other in well-lit, public places. If possible, meet in large groups and take a friend! Also it never hurts to carry a can of Mace / wiffle bat.

**DON’T POST EXACT MEETING LOCATIONS IN THESE COMMENTS! Please email each other. Jesus I’ve been gone for 24+ hours and you guys have lost your precious little minds. Email!

Additionally, several of you have emailed / tweeted / formspringed to say that Autostraddle needs a forum / social networking apparatus. Yes, we know. We’ve got big big plans for Autostraddle and I promise you’ll be super pleased. In the meantime, you’ll just have to make friends the old-fashioned way: interesting avatars, witty comments and compelling blogs.

Have you already met an Autostraddler?
Was it everything you’d hoped for?
Are there photos?
Did you compare who’d been reading Autowin the longest?
Is Autostraddle the next OkCupid?

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Laneia has written 311 articles for us.


  1. Hit me up Omaha…Max tonight or anywhere else? [area code] seven two zero . three eight three five

    and AS is wayyyyyyyy better than any site I’ve met women from. Even better than AfterEllen.

    • okay I was sooo close to going to the max tonight, so close. I chose T Henry’s and Billy Froggs instead. next weekend? will you be around? we should make this happen.

      • Next weekend I’m supposed to go on a party bus thing in Fremont with people I worked with this summer, but that’d be a little awkward. Let me know whatever you want to do. We’ve gotta get Dessy in on this too!

    • There sure are!

      I feel like a queer takeover of Heart and Dagger in Oakland would be appropriate. It’s my favorite East Bay bar, and already has a strong dyke presence.

      Anyone else in?

        • Im in SF for school, and spend quite a bit of time in San Jose. What part of the Bay Area are you in? We should definitely try to work something out.

          I too am underage so I’m sure we can find someplace thats not +21 to meet up.

          • I drive between Bay Area Cities a lot and would love to do coffee with you guys! Shoot me an email so we can set something up: kendraiconner [at] yahoo [dot] com.

          • I just realized that I mixed up my emails, kendraiconner [at] gmail [dot] com is the correct one. Sorry.

          • How about with all these underage queer folks in Berkeley, maybe a AS meet-up could be held at Saturn Cafe?


          • I’m going to be in the bay for the next 2 months…mainly the peninsula (palo alto/los altos/mountain view) but i venture to the city and berk quite a bit. let me know if you guys are doing something!

          • I’m in Berkeley pretty frequently. Let me know if/when you’re meeting up? naomiib at gmail dot com.

          • Hmmmm… I’m not sure what game you’re referencing since the only Big Game I know of is the one where we kick your asses, but I’d be down, haha :)

      • what is that?! a sizable chunk of us are holed up in my oakland apartment right now. is that a thing we should know about?

        • Heart and Dagger is a bar on Lake Park ave, that tiny street that connects Grand and Lake Shore aves, the area where the Lake Merritt Farmer’s Market is held.

          The pints are $4, with PBR tall boys for $3.50. There’s a pool table, pinball, and a huge patio where dogs are welcome. It’s not *too* hipstery, and there’s always a few queers there. Anyway, it’s basically made for dykes. Autostraddlers should officially take it over as the East Bay queer bar, since The White Horse is only good for the weekly drag king show.

          The yelp page, with a space, since the last time I tried to post a link it killed my comment: http://www.yelp .com/biz/heart-and-dagger-saloon-oakland

        • can you let us know where the autostraddle oakland meetup is so that we can pretend like we’re not going and then show up in costume and can i be obi wan kanobi

    • if anyone is trapped in the outer reaches of the bay area (san jose etc), we should meet up? maybe? or is everyone in the queer mecca that is San Francisco…

      i just inverted my question marks and ellipses because I’ve been trying to teach an 11 year old about grammar and IT IS EXHAUSTING

      • seconding a san jose/south bay meet up, although a journey to mecca would be nice when I have more time. Maybe for coffee or something, so non-alcohol buying people could come too?

          • I live in Campbell. You?

            How about a meet-up this Friday afternoon/evening? [Place] is amazing, although they close at 8:30 pm so we couldn’t stay too late. Contact me here, or at naomiib at

            edited by Laneia

          • I live right on the san jose/campbell/los gatos boundary!

            I could meet on saturday or sunday! my email is kmhllran at gmail dot com, I’ll email you!

      • I’m in Santa Cruz, I might be down for making the journey out to San Jose for drunk or sober socializing. If someone makes a plan, let me know!

          • I would love to join you guys, but I am busy on Saturday. If you decide to go on Sunday though, email me at evajulieeng at gmail dot com.

          • Actually, we’re thinking Sunday, so if you’d be free then, around 10:30 or 11, email me (kmhllran at gmail dot com) or naomi (naomiib at gmail dot com) for place and such. :)

    • Yeah, there is a Bay Area meet-up planned in San Francisco. I want to go, but I have three problems. I am 1) stranded in the outer regions of the (north) bay, and it is often a hassle for me to get to San Francisco, 2) underage, so I doubt that older Autostraddlers will want to hang out with me, due to my inability to get into bars/clubs and general uncoolness, and 3) painfully, excruciatingly shy/awkward.

      • aw, being underage shouldn’t stop you! i’m sure lots of people would like a meetup that didn’t revolve around booze :)

      • you act like queer hipsters don’t love hanging out in dolores park. no ID needed to get in there! ;)

    • Yup, East Bay Autostraddler here…would be down for something maybe possibly (though I’m super busy…)

    • I’m in Oakland and I’d be totally down with a meetup, alcoholic or no. (Also, I work in Fremont-area, so South Bay people, I’d like to meet up with you all, too!)

      • apparently we’re doing something next sunday in downtown cambpell, email me: naomiib at gmail dot com or kateh at kmhllran at gmail dot com for details…

        • Awesome! Yeah, I’m there on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I commute from Dublin/Pleasanton. Where/when do you want to meet up?

          • I live in ParkMerced so I’m near campus a lot. My work schedule isn’t regular, but wednesdays are usually free. Sen me an email and we can set the rest up: kendraiconner [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. Take pictures! Especially if someone organizes a meet-up in New England. You need to send me pictures.

  3. If anyone is in Ireland, specifically Dublin maybe we can sort something out, it could be savage, who knows, we can at least get tipsy! :-D

    • Hey,

      I’m not in Dublin unfortunately, but I would be interested in whether it’s a relatively queer-friendly place. University College has an affiliation with my university and takes exchange students, and it’s on my list of really cool places I would like to study in. :)

      • Yes I think it is quite queer friendly. Of course you get the odd incident and there are bigots in every country in the world but all in all I think it’s great. The scene is relatively small but it’s still quite varied and friendly and there’s lots of resources for new people who want to make friends and check it out.

        Aside from that it does get cold and gloomy in the winter but if you go on little trips outside of Dublin it’s still beautiful and id highly recommend travelling around. UCD is fine, it’s a bit grey and depressing though, Havard it is certainly not…so if I was going there id stay somewhere else aside from the college maybe.

    • I would defo go to Dublin, if I was a millonairess, it’s soo expensive.. But I am goin out on Monday nite to RAIN in Belfast, havnt been in months cnt w8 to have a gay aul time!! :D Will anyone else be at rain tomorro nite?

    • not in Dublin but I’m studying near Galway! probably will be in Dublin next weekend with friends :) sheveron [at] wellesley [dot] edu

      • There’s a great lesbian night on next Friday in the Academy, it’s called the New Electric Ballroom, there’s an event thing on Facebook, if you see me at it say hi! :-D

        • Im kind of glum that hardly anyone from Ireland replied, although every time there’s a sizeable number of comments my computer just cuts them off at a certain point and alls I can see is the white background, so maybe there is loads but I just cant see them.

          Anyway, I’d love to have people here to hang out with who arent preoccupied with being in a couple like everyone else I know, all the lesbians go missing after they find another half, I hate lesbian-couple-disappearing-probably-off-spooning-syndrome, it’s a serious and evidently contagious disease, sigh.

  4. I met an autostraddler for brunch last weekend. it was incredibly quotable and I imagine if we do it again there’ll be a cartoon recap.

    • let’s take more autostraddlers for brunch next time!!!

      anybody in new york city want to eat veg-friendly brunch with me and caitlinmae? or we can drink brunch, your call.

  5. I’ve just started university at Durham (UK) and I made a friend by talking about Autostraddle. Shared love of Autostraddle = automatic friendship.

    • Hey Durham! I’m an American who just moved to Newcastle for my gfs job. My friend has informed me there are lots of gays but I have so far met only men. You (and anyone else in the Newcastle area … if you exist) should e-mail me at loula15 [at] gmail [dot] com, we should chat.

      • Newcastle! I live there! There are many gays but the gay scene is a bit rubbish? (my straight friend describes it as being like an eighties caravan park disco, where everyone is angry..) anyway, emailing you!

    • Hey, I went to Durham!

      I am slightly envious that I attended in the BAS (Before Autostraddle) era of history so that it was impossible for this autofriending to happen to me.

      Enjoy that blissfully bone-chilling north-east air.

        • Those hills, I’d almost forgotten about them!

          I was at St Cuthbert’s, joyfully awoken by the clatter of cathedral bells every morning in first year, possibly the only thing I won’t miss about uni.

          I get the impression it’s changed a lot since I was there (graduated in 2003), but mainly for the better, because you have like Waitrose and everything now.

  6. Anyone from Vancouver B.C.? If so I will post my info.

    Also, pleased to hear about the possibility of an auto-social-network-straddle. Might actually bother to make an account. Gosh knows I’m a lazy ho when it comes to these internet things.

      • Possibly sometime friday? Autostraddle coffee fun? Who knows what we’ll talk about, oh wait, at least we have autostraddle.

        Email me up: ans5 [at] sfu [dot] ca

        • I’d love to meet Vancouver Autostraddle friends! I work friday but how about Thursday? Is everybody available on Remembrance day? i’ll send out a collective email to all vancouverites i’ve seen on here, but feel free to email me at louberry76 [at] gmail [dot] com


          • Hi!

            This might be my favourite week in Vancouver so far. I’d love to meet you all. Thursday’s good for me.

            info at cassiajewelry dot com

          • I recently moved to Vancouver and would love to meet fellow Autostraddlers.
            I’m flexible, so email me for Remembrance day or any other fun times.

            cjdueck5 [at] gmail [dot] com

          • Hello!

            I’m from Vancouver as well and would love to meet new lady friends, particularly of the autostraddle persuasion. Thursday is fine with me, but I’m fairly flexible so I’m good for whenever.


          • Hi there, I’m totally from Vancouver too you guys. I most definitely want to be in a posse of awesome ladies, maybe this is where it starts???

            I’m at robotmute—hotmail—com if someone’s putting together a list.


    • Hey!

      I’m from Vancouver too and definitely wouldn’t mind meeting some new gay ladies who also share a love of autostraddle. I’m pretty flexible as to where and when so I’d probably be down for whatever.

      sonorific17 [at] yahoo [dot] com to let me know what’s up.

  7. Austin/san Antonio/Houston/Bryan anyone? Im in Bryan but I’m in one of the big cities almost every weekend with the band.

  8. This just sounds like a horrible idea to me. Probably because I’m underage and have been subjected to about 10,000 assemblies about never ever giving away my personal info online and never ever meeting with strangers. But you do what you want, you older, wiser lesbians, you. I just hope you’re still alive to see the epic conclusion of the Harry Potter film franchise. Instead of cut up in six coolers, which will probably happen. PROBABLY.

    • A+
      This is exactly how I am feeling right now. Damn laws. But if I’m still around to see HP7 because of these laws, hey, I can do that.

      • Yes.We can be anonymous thread/HP buddies. Everytime a baby dyke falls victim to coolercide, JK falls asleep in a pool of her own tears/vomit. Don’t be part of the problem.

        • that’s why those assemblies failed us- they taught fear and not preparedness.

          You are 10000 times more likely to be hit by a car than be sliced up by someone from the internet. But you know to look both ways before crossing the street, and you should know to “look both ways” before meeting internet strangers.

          I made the acquaintance of the autouniverse after extended blog commenting and a perhaps not assembly friendly decision to go down to the city to have brunch. None of them turned out to be serial killers (so far) and I’ve built really incredible friendships that never would have existed had I stayed behind the internet.

          Tell someone where you’re going and your approx time frame, go with a friend, you’ll be just fine. You’ll be better than fine.

    • I feel you, because I grew up with those assemblies too, but I gotta tell you that I have kicked around these here internets for about ten years and met a whole bunch of internet friends and the worst experiences I’ve had have just been really really awkward. (Really awkward. But we all lived.) There definitely are predators out there, and Autostraddle is a public place, but if you meet people somewhere open, make arrangements to meet in groups, and tell people where you’re going/what you’re doing it’s really not like, all that big of a deal (I first met up with internet friends when I was 16.)

      I do think it helps to have made friends/created relationships first (apart from anything else it gives you something to talk about instead of awkward silences or, as I imagine will probably happen a lot in Meet an Autostraddler Week, Six Degrees Of Lesbians). But I don’t think this kind of thing is any more risky than, IDK, attending a public choir or knitting circle or, well, LGBT group that you’ve seen a poster for.

      • Well said. Basically, engage brain and you’ll be fine.

        Then again maybe it helps that I used to live in a place where people were so online that I actually got recognized at the grocery store because people saw me online. But anyway.

    • Hi, I recently moved away from Atlanta, but visit frequently. I’ll be in town on Friday. What brought you to Atlanta?

      • better job opportunities and the only place i could afford to move (on my list of ideal cities) with the money i had. so far so good. haven’t had a chance to explore the lezbo scene yet, though. i’m not worried. it doesn’t take much to have a better scene than Providence.

    • Really what is Atlanta like, because I am probably moving there next year for college and I am super worried. SO. There are gay people there? Do they do things and hang out places? Is it a good place to be queer?

        • Unfortunately, Emory does not offer degrees in aerospace engineering, so I’m headed to Georgia Tech instead. This means I will live in the middle of Atlanta. I have no idea if this is a good area to be gay/queer/not hetero. But is Decatur nearby? Like if that’s a good place to be gay I could go there on weekends?

          • There is Agnes Scott in Decatur too. Decatur is really nearby, but you will be near midtown too which is plenty gay.

          • I feel like all of Atlanta is a good place to be queer! Being downtown just means that you’re in the middle of all the fun. And yes, we do get out and do enjoyable things off our computer/away from cute lesbian blogs!

          • I’ve grown up in Atlanta and went to Emory. It’s a fantastic city to be gay in. There’s always something going on and fun places to go. East Atlanta is where a lot of fun bars are to drink and dance. My friends and I go out every weekend and are rarely disappointed. Noni’s in old 4th ward is unbelievable on Saturday nights.

  9. I am actually curious as to whether or not there are lesbians in LA who DON’T frequent west hollywood bars (or at least don’t every single weekend). I mean I’ve been there and done that, and seen the same faces over and over, but I have this crraaaazy feeling that there are plenty of gay chicks who would rather kick it in Venice or Westwood…so let me know! Always down to meet some cool friends :)

    • I might be interested in that – depends on the mountain. Let’s chat. :)

      spheeris 1 at yahoo dot com

    • which mountain?

      i like mountains. i’m in sc though. but still. would like to know where this is going down.

      jflyles at gmail

    • I have to confess that I’m not good with mountains, but we can still discuss. almostnormal1534 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    • I’m closer to the Triangle than the mountains. Anyone further east?

      Queers in the bible belt woot woot!

      giabranciforte at gmail

      • well this is really after the fact but i’m further east – in greenville, actually. don’t know how close you are to this classy, classy town, heh.

    • Yes! Ottawa ftw! I am also a fan of coffee, but only the decaf kind. Also a hockey fan, and by the looks of it, so are you! Sens? Habs? Laffs?

    • My first ever comment was in the Meet the Gaymos thread. I made the mistake of clicking “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.”

      • Oh you poor bastard. That is like autostraddle hazing. I hope you don’t have PTSD. Though, I imagine autostraddle PTSD would be the most pleasant PTSD to have.

        • I still get emails err–flashbacks, I mean nightmares, scissoring, WHAT OH GOD THE FLAMES

          • yeahhhhh I’ve done that. How the hell do I turn this off? Well who knows…you’re wise enough not to press the button…

  10. minneapolis? we could do st. paul too, but… minneapolis is just easier for girlfriend ‘n me. we live in northfield, actually (st. olaf college).

    we’d be happy to meet anyone friday/saturday/sunday. that would be super rad.

    • I’m out of town for the next week, but I’d love to get together with Minneapolis folks.

      Email me: happyphantom/gmail

  11. Awe, all of the Canadians (Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto etc.) so quick to respond make me happy. This is all so awesome/amazing/cute.

    Can everyone in Montreal plan to go to the Drugstore sometime in the next few weeks or month or whatever? I went there a few weeks ago w/ my straight women and gay men friends (my primary friend-group is always straight women and gay men) and it would have been so much more enjoyable if it were with gay women. It would have been more chill. I would have had more fun I think. So, I know it’s cliche BUT sometimes cliche is fun and the Drugstore Montreal how about it?

    • Are you seriously Pakistani? No really. Like MUSLIM Pakistani? This is not an insult. This is my expression right now:


      No really. I’m curious!

      • …yeah…

        formerly muslim. I’m an atheist. and there are hopefully lesbians here too :P

        • I’m from Pakistan too! Well like originally. This makes me feel so happy you have no idea. I wish I could tell my mom about you and be like ‘SEE MOM IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH what country I’m in!’

          Are you out? I didn’t know it was possible to be out in Pakistan?

          • You are? Wow, that’s cool!

            Yeah, it really does have nothing to do with what country you’re in. There’s definitely homosexuality here too (though it’s all under wraps – it very, very difficult to be out in Pakistan. That’s why I’m not out either. Pakistani society=one big headache if you try to explain/understand it) and historically speaking, there probably always has been.

            Also, The L Word is available at lots of DVD stores. SOMEONE’S GOTTA BE WATCHING IT

          • That’s really funny about the L Word. It was funny because in Summer I was shopping in Montreal for a Sari – my cousin was getting married – and I went into those indian pakistani market type stores downtown. So I was looking through stores and they had a dvd section where they had ‘I can’t think straight’.

            I guess they defs don’t know they’re selling lesbian love films.

            I get that Pakistani society etc. I mean even though I live in Canada, my mom still thinks I’m a) Possessed by the devil or b) It’s a phase (for the last 7 years.

            Also, you know how family is a big thing in our culture? Well my family would flip/disown me so it’s really tough.

            By the way this trudging through all the comments is getting frustrating. Email?

            nikush_s at hotmail dot com

          • I’ve emailed you. Somewhere in the email that i sent you is the number 6754141, so that’s how you’ll know it’s me =P

  12. Central Indiana, anyone? General midwestern US?

    The only Autostraddler anywhere near me that I know, is my ex girlfriend. Hey, Lindsey.

    • Not from Northampton, but I’m in Albany, NY which is not TOO far… unfortunately I don’t have a car though. :/

    • YES! However, I also won’t be back until January. Let’s have a winter party at the Haymarket.

      • Also, I vote Northampton for the 2011 AUTOSTRADDLE CONFERENCE i know this doesn’t exist BUT IT SHOULD we could camp out and play music etc. and be rully gay

        • I would happily attend such a conference!!
          Especially since my best friend is about to move back to Northampton to live with her girlfriend. (We all went to Smith and are basically a bunch of walking lesbian stereotypes.)

          • Both of these comments are solid gold. Solid unadulterated gold.

            Also, YAY SMITHIES!!! I miss the ole gal so much. Not the winters mind you, but everything else.

      • Winter party- yes. This needs to happen.

        Everyone interested in Amherst/Northampton winter meet-up, email me:


        • yes yes yes, I go to Amherst, but the more reasons to hop in the car and go to Northampton the better.

    • Shut your face! I am and I’ve been in correspondence with one other AS-er from OC. So that makes like 4. Let’s all go stand in a circle at a bar. Ice cream or coffee could be good too. amotes at uci dot edu

      • Wait. I’m not the only lesbian in OC/Irvine? That makes 5 now! This is amazing.We should totes have an ice cream social or coffee (no bars for me, I’m not legal)

        nikid123 at yahoo dot com

    • I’m in OC too. Just moved here from Seattle, I’d love to meet some queer friends down here. Coffee would be great, beer works too! Email me at brigidjeffers at gmail dot com.

      • I’m in Riverside but could make the drive to orange county. There is more to do out that way anyway. I’m 36 btw…..

        • hey, if you wanna drive out you’d be more than welcome! Plans are in the works! I could have sworn that there was someone from riverside/near there in the last behemoth of a thread.

        • IE buddy! We can carpool! Also, feel free to email me just for lunch or something too … pretty boring in Riverside I know. porkch0p131 [at] gmail [dot] com.

          Also, I am down for an OC meetup. It’s close enough. I was going to suggest the beach, but then I realized it’s winter. So nevermind. How about … ice skating? haha.

          • I’m close to Riverside. I’m in Upland. Tobogganing on Mt. Baldy? I just moved here so I’m not really familiar with what to do in the area. agnostic_bons [at] hotmail [dot] com

    • Me! I am! I’m 25 and the only queer friends I have are online, I’m dying to meet gay people from around here.

      kpena0 at gmail dot com

    • Here here! Glad i saw this i was just gonna start an orange county meet up question!

      Do you guys have plans.? Lets
      Hang or something. Heidirobinson (at) cox (dot) net .

    • This epic thread warms my heart. I left OC when I turned 18, but I relentlessly hunted for queer community as a teen there.

      Have any of you ever been to The Center OC? I fucking loved that center.

      • Yay for warmed hearts! I am a bad queer and I’ve never been. You have inspired me. I will go and see what volunteer opportunities they have.

    • Another girl named Michelle from Slidell. I’ve met one autostraddler at Voodoo, and we’re meeting up again tomorrow morning.

  13. im in san francisco and underage, so i can’t go to bars or anything.
    but if there are any other people who want to meet up with other autostraddlers in san francisco (especially if you are underaged too) then just reply to this or shoot me an email letting me know. ([email protected])

    also, it would be cool if you could suggest a place like a cafe or bowling alley or i dont know, any other public place where you think we should meet.

    • I’m going to be in the SF area on the 19th. If someone who lives up there was planning a coffee thing, I’d love to swing by. Reach me at naomiib at

    • i live in philadelphia usually! just not right now =/ there are some lovely girls who commented in the other post that you should get to know though: katelyn and lynn!

      • Laura, get back to Philly so I can talk about getting called ‘daddy’ and you’re not here to hear about them :)

      • oh you’re precious! I dunno why I haven’t properly been in this post yet. anywayyy! – LMCJ15 at gmail dot com

    • I’m in Philly! I think I’m in contact with other Philly pholks (couldn’t resist) and you should join in! Find me at georgewithquestions at gmail dot com

  14. From the city area but I’m up at school in Albany… anyone in the New York capitol region/anywhere upstate?

  15. How about Manchester, UK? eyebrows_and_pb (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk.

    I have just moved to university and am feeling gaysolated.

    • YES.
      We may live in the shadow of Sydney, but we can have our own meet up!

      teacosys_incorporated [at] hotmail [dot] com

      • YES! I will be in touch.

        Although this sounds kind of creepy, are you Julia who wrote the Judith Butler article? An ex-Canberran friend posted it on her fb, and then I commented on its awesomeness, and then she said that I know you. Except I don’t think I do?

  16. Anyone in Germany? More specifically Bayern? I’m stuck teaching in a town with a lesbian population of me, myself, and I!

    • Yay, Germany! Finally! I live in Tübingen, but close enough, don’t you think? Well, here gotta be more lesbians than me, but I know only a few, and I never met a german girl that reads autostraddle as religiously as I do, or at all…

      • I’m american haha, aber ich habe Deutsch studiert. They brought me over to teach English in Eichstaett. Unfortuately they failed to inform me that it was literally at the end of a train line…….so yeah….

        • american? haha, and here I thought some other german girl is reading autostraddle…
          and Eichstaett really does sound like am Arsch der Welt, hm? :D never had heard of it before…

          • It’s never bad to hope, and there’s a reason you have never heard of it before. Es ist schoen aber todlangweilig :(. But yeah if you can make it down to Munich on Wednesday, me and other random american lesbian will be there!

          • Sadly, it’s too far away and I gotta go to university. AND wednesday’s my birthday, so I’m gonna meet up with some friends here :-) Have fun though!

          • I’m up for the German religiously reading autostraddle team as well! I live in Leipzig though, but close enough for a chat !?!

          • I’m German and I read autostraddle as well… I live in Berlin, so not close to anyone of you ;p

          • @Lillifred — I will be backpacking through Berlin in January, if you would be keen to catch up. Also, there is another mention of Berlin on the second page of comments.

            adanks91 [at] gmail [dot] com

          • Apologies for the very delayed response, but if you ever happen back along these comments, drop me a line: [at] gmail [dot] com

            Ami in Neukölln

    • And me! Me, myself, and Taryn lol. I’ll be in Munich on Wednesday if you would like to meet up? I should be arriving around 1030 :) Not sure where the lesbian hang out spots are but I’m sure we can find them!

    • I think there are some (at least two) autostraddlers in northern Germany – not quite Bavaria – and another in NRW…

        • (this is the same maria as above)
          yay! I am from Kiel, so I would say it’s the Hamburg area.
          feel free to email me!!
          maria_zucker [at] web [dot] de

  17. started chatting with some nice fellow autostraddler readers, so here’s my email again ,melisa dot mtl at gmail dot com , im in the montreal area

  18. I so want to do this, but I’m not sure how me wanting to meet a bunch of lesbians from the internet on a school night is going to sound to my parents.

  19. I’m pretty sure there aren’t many french people reading this website either! if there is, let’s chat! ;)

      • I’m Australian, but I’m going to Paris in a fortnight. I’d really appreciate someone to hang out with while I’m there if it’s a possibility


    • Me as well, or at least I’m a British girl studying here until Feburary! I’m in the south (near-ish to Aix-en-Provence) (also, demi-jinx with Peryn – I live in Edinburgh in the vac)

    • here is my email in case anyone of you french and french-friendly autostraddlers is coming to Paris or lives there or something :


    i met cassandra & Lo (separately) about a week ago; we’re working out second meet up (all together!) towards the end of november.

    Are you in glasgow (or edinburgh, for that matter!) want to meet some cool AS readers? consider yrself invited. send me an email heathergfroehlich at gmail dot com.

  21. It’s a longlonglonglong shot, but I’m in Fredericton, NB. Now, of course, that’s tiny and wooded and in the middle of a tiny and wooded province, so I suspect it’s just me, here, on the river. However(!), if there are any Autostraddle ladies in the Maritimes, I am SURE we could arrange some sort of get-together, some time, some where.

    So if you’re in the Maritimes and feel like starting an inter-province lesbian meet-up group of awesome friendship, well, just email me: r.wheadon [at] yahoo [dot] ca.

    • Sydney, NS! I know we’re still far away, but it’s a start! (I also suspect I’m the only Caper here)
      maryamd 86 (at) gmail (dot) com

    • mann, i lived in freddy beach for a of couple years. boom is where it’s at, so fun! i’m in charlottetown now, but i do frequent fredericton. so, apparently it’s not that long of a shot as you once thought!:)

      • You do realize I made an account purely for this right?? Or is that so wrong? Or so wrong it’s right?!? Ok, stop.

        I’m in Tokyo right now!! I’ll be in Osaka at the end of November though for about 2 days… Kyoto for 3.

          • Will do! i’m these are the things 22 @ gmail…i’m in tokyo until june/julyish so anyone feel free to let me know if they want to meet.

  22. I feel like I usually cannot get away from Ohioans on the Internet, and yet look! There are none in this 134-comment thread. Where are you guys?

        • Hi! If you (or anyone else reading this) want to have a guerrilla dance party or invade the roller rink or make collages or drink overpriced coffee, let me know at mollyisreal at gmail dot com.

    • Look at how many of us there are! Does anyone want to offer up their e-mail address for organizing purposes? I would offer one of mine, but both involve my name and I don’t want that in a public space.

    • TIA!!! holy shit we went to high school together…and if you still go to OU, then we still go to college together! hahaha and we BOTH read autostraddle…i would have never guessed. Anyway…just saying hello…and if you really do this meet up thing i’d be happy to come along!

      • Hehehe, hi Anna! Yup, I am still at OU. I think we should definitely do this, hopefully all of these ladies are also up for it.

        • I’d love to do this! I go to OSU myself, so if we could figure something out location-wise that works for everyone that wants to meet up…I’d offer my email but mine too has my name haha.

          • My first thought was that my desire to make this happen>my desire to keep my email address private. BUT THEN I THOUGHT why not make an entirely new email address just for the occasion? YOU GUYS I’M BRILLIANT!

            here>> jveebs [at] gmail [dot] com

            OK! GO FORTH AND EMAIL!

            ps. I run completely on public transportation, so just… keep that in mind, ‘kay?

          • My first thought was that my desire to make this happen>my desire to keep my email address private. BUT THEN I THOUGHT why not create an entirely new email address just for the occasion? YOU GUYS I’M BRILLIANT!

            jveebs [at] gmail [dot] com

            GO FORTH AND EMAIL!

            ps. I run completely on public transportation, so just… keep that in mind, ‘kay?

  23. Am I the only human from Connecticut? Moving to NYC at the end of the month, though… jaime(@)

  24. I wanna know where all da Alabama readers at!! (if you know what viral video that’s from you’re already good)

    • ME! I was starting to think that the deep south was never going to step up and represent. I’m down in Auburn (war eagle?) but from Atlanta (suburbs).

      • Aww man I’m way north outside of Birmingham (Roll tide :P) but it’s good to see another Southerner!

        • I’m a Tuscaloosa native, UA grad, current Bham resident, and avid AS reader. It’s been a rough weekend but I’ll always bleed crimson. Roll Tide!

          • I’m in Birmingham! Currently enrolled at UAB. Email me if you ever want to get together mrmurray621 at gmail dot com

    • Hey there!! I’m currently in SC for college but I’m from Bham :) Honestly I’m surprised– but glad!– to see some Alabama Autostraddlers on here!

    • NO! I was in Uppsala like YESTERDAY. were you at Uppsala Pride? Did you see Staceyann Chin? Then we were probably in the same room, too. ;)

      • Oh no!

        I was actually away during Pride due to a poorly scheduled hiking trip. I was so upset that I missed her though!

        Are you planning on coming back to Uppsala (before mid-January when I leave)?

        • ngaaah.
          I won’t be, I guess. I’m not from Sweden, although I’ve lived there. The last weekend I was just visiting friends in Uppsala – and my guess is, there have to be autostraddlers there. I mean, with all those hipster-alternative-queer-dykes, come on. ;)

          Staceyann was so great, I’m sorry you missed it.
          What are you doing in Sweden? And where are you from?

          If I change my plans and go to Sweden again, I could get in touch with you. :)

  25. VEGAS and underage… (yeh, I know) Im always here, but if you’re like my friend Brittany and you just hang here on the weekends and stuff…

    • YEA VEGAS! Im with you on the no boozer loser list so its all good, no need to get all embarrassed. Im here 24/7 too soo lets chat! And can I just say that its raining right now!? haha awesome.

      [email protected] or find me on fb Lindsey Kreiling

  26. I feel awesome human warm feelings buzzing from my computer screen.

    autostraddle. I love you. I know we’re still getting to know one another and all… I hope this doesn’t make things weird.

  27. Salt Lake City or nearby area? Frankly I think I’d fall over dead if anyone here was actually from Utah. Oh and can we NOT meet at the single, desperate lesbian bar in town?

    • I live in Happy Valley and went to an LGBT potluck today.

      In Utah. It was the best ThanksGAYving ever.

      • Oooo a Happy Valley homo! I wanna go to a potluck, I make awesome (non-vegan, non-organic, REAL)food that needs to be shared with the world

        • The Utah Pride Center sponsors potlucks all over the state. Just google it–I’m pretty sure they have at least a couple in the SLC area. :D

          Any other Utards out there?

        • I also make awesome, sometimes-vegan, sometimes-cheese-filled-delicious food that needs to be shared. Hit me up–at the very least we can do an internet recipe swap!

          petravore [at] gmail [dot] com

  28. This.
    All this.
    Makes me feel all shiny and gay inside–like sunshine and glitter blowin out my ass happy. Anybody else?

    • Hey!

      It’s definitely not just you here. :)

      If you want to meet up sometime, email me at emk7433[@]truman[dot]edu.

      • are you fucking shitting me? im an hour away! you ever heard of kahoka? jadertater13 at live dot com

  29. Calgary AB?
    Are there even other lesbians in this city?
    I only know three.
    Come on cowtown! Send me an email.
    starfish (at) marenhanna (dot) com

    • I’m from Calgary! and also know about as many lesbians as you do.

      mmdurieu (at) gmail (dot) com

    • I’m from Edmonton – but I used to work at a summer camp closer to Calgary and I still spend lots of time there! jenghetti (at) gmail (dot) com

  30. The Team needs to buy an old school bus and make it run on vegetable oil and paint that fucker all kinds of awesome and drive around to our hometowns and hang out with us and make everything smell like french fries and run-on sentences. Click that donate button people!

  31. Well, I am exhaling self-pitying disappointment right now, as I can’t make it to London next weekend.

    However, if there’s a meetup #2, give me a shout (or tell me who to shout), assuming that everyone hasn’t formed cliques and splinter-cliques, slept with, cheated on, broken the heart of, tried to get pregnant and fallen out with everyone else, within a week of meetup #1.

  32. So for anyone in New England (Western MA, Boston, Connecticut, etc.) we should have a big NE meet-up. In Boston, maybe, though I’d be pulling for Western MA b/c it’s so gay excuse me I mean GREAT. But yeah. I’m not in that part of the country at the moment, but 2011 anyone?!

  33. Mostly I’m just really excited to see how Autostraddle has reached all corners of the globe. It’s a beautiful thing.

    • That’s because it’s the best thing around. Seriously, I had almost given up all hope, but then Seismickitten let me in on the Autostraddle goodness.

      (Still hoping that there are more than 4 Maritimers out there. Although that isn’t a bad start.)

      • it’s gonna be a global Autostraddle takeover! is society at large going to be able to handle the awesomeness that is about to descend??

      • There’s got to be at least six, bc we were 4 haligonians and a CB’er on the MEGA thread, plus a NB’er on this one.

        • Well, we should CLEARLY arrange for something in Halifax. strangeformoflife and I head that way often and are hoping to spend a few days in the city comes the holiday season. So! Email! r.wheadon [at] yahoo [dot] ca

          And, yes, seriously? Autostraddle gives me warm fuzzies on a daily basis. It’s interweb magics.

  34. D.C. anyone? I’ll wear my new Bieber sweatshirt, I promise!
    If not, Jen I’m definitely down for hopping a train to Baller-more!

  35. Speaking if socializing with girlswholikegirls, I was really excited to give out my playstation network I’d last summer, and nothig ever really came of it. I’m getting Black Ops soon so share the love! Kittynz13 

  36. These are always such an interesting idea until I read through the comments and realize there may be zero lesbians in Wisconsin.

    • i can do st louis! itd be a weekend trip, but yeah! also, its closer than chicago, which is also a possibility for me. jadertater13 at live dot com

  37. I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area (the East Bay). I’m also underage – but maybe we could have some kind of non-bar meet up for all of us underage Autostraddlers? Like at a coffee shop or something? That would be awesome!

    lottie (underscore) pierce (at) yahoo (dot) com

    • I definitely agree. I think we should pick a cafe or bowling alley or other public place in San Francisco since it’s pretty much the center of the bay area and meet there. I’m underage too so I can’t go to bars.

      • I was once underaged in the Bay Area and I managed to make it into quite a few bars, lol. I didn’t even have a fake ID. I guess I was just young and had that “fuck it” attitude.

  38. I’m surprised at the lack of PDX ladies. You’re all probably still at Powell’s, or riding your bike down Hawthorne, or busy being cute and vegan.

    • I’m from down in Eugene, but am unfortunately both broke and car-less; otherwise I’d head up there in a second!

    • I’m in southern Oregon, I could make it up to Eugene on the weekend but I won’t be in Portland again till thanksgiving weekend.

    • i’m from pdx and i was also surprised at the lack of representation! buuut, i’m in college so i won’t be back til end of dec-jan for winter break…

  39. North Lake Tahoe? South Lake Tahoe? Reno/Carson/Sparks/whatever else is down the mountain?
    We’ll go gay snowshoeing! It’ll be great!
    krisaerickson [at] gmail [dot] com

    • I will be coming through Berlin backpacking in early January and would totally appreciate hanging out with a fellow autostraddler. My email is adanks91 [at] gmail [dot]com

    • I live in Leipzig, but I’m quite often in Berlin…so we should meet when i’m next there !? there’s another german girl living in berlin on page one of the comments.

    • I’m on the Chapel Hill/Carrboro side of all that!

      “wonder and uncertainty” (all smushed together) at gmail.

    • Just sent out a mass NC e-mail. Kristin, if you leave me your address or send me an e-mail, I’ll CC it to you. Kate, I got a failure notice on your address, so same thing – send me an e-mail or leave another one here. Also, if anyone else is interested leave an address or e-mail me. Wow, that’s the third time I’ve typed that. Geez.


  40. Anyone in Liverpool/Manchester/surrounding area? I think an AutoScouser meetup is in order!

  41. If your reading this and you live in Caracas, Venezuela …PLEASE LET ME KNOW! laneta82 (at) gmail (dot) com. My life is miserable without gay friends who live close by.

    But I have met some of you in the past, including you Laneia (I won’t ever forget my 26th birthday lol), and I love u all.

    • I live in Trinidad a couple months out of the year. I know, i know, it’s not even remotely close to Caracas, but i feel continental solidarity since we probably broke off from Venezuela like a bajillion years ago. :)

  42. l i’m in the Bay Area for holiday am from france so i’ll be cool to meet news folks!

    Mail: missdaoumen @ hotmailDOTcom

    • So I unhopefully Ctr+F’d the comments for “France” and look! it turns up. I’m living in the south of France (ERASMUS from England), and there is a lesbian bar ON MY STREET but I have no gay friends here so just walk gloomily past it.

      Does anyone (incl. you, Lulu) live around the Languedoc area?
      I have an email also: pieuvres at hotmail dot co dot uk

  43. can someone explain to me why there aren’t lesbians in Miami??? I swear it’s a gay boys dream and a lesbians nightmare.

    • dude, there was definitely at least one on the previous thread. I suggested she go to Sunset Tavern in South Miami on Thursday nights. Admittedly, I only went once when I was home last summer but it was wall to wall lesbians.

    • There’s Sunset Tavern (Sunkissed) and Mova (Pandora) on Thursday nights. Also, Sunkissed has a once a month event at Love/Hate on South Beach. There’s a new Sunday day event called Panty Raid (icandee) at Score that I haven’t been to yet. And coming up at the end of November is the White Party and there will be a lot of women at the women’s events. Pandora and Sunkissed also throw random other parties for holidays, etc…

      • Oops, I should’ve added, definitely feel free to drop me a note if you want any more info on any of those or the South Florida area… brooke[at]autostraddle[dot]com

    • I live in Miami and i completely agree with you, BUT i did check out sunset tavern, and MY GOD it’s like a bat cave full of lesbians! they were everywhere! it was my heaven .__.

  44. Anyone from/currently residing in Cambridge, UK up for some shenanigans? :D

    MaffyTeacake @

  45. Someone else has to be in Auckland, New Zealand! We’re not that small and irrelevant, are we? (ohgodyesweprobablyareSAVEME)

    pikeletnz at gmail dawt com ~

  46. Michigan thread- go!

    Southeast Michiganders – email me at julia3366 (at) comcast dot net

  47. Oy! There are already so many comments! This might be a slim chance, but I’ll go for it anyway.
    Lubbock, TX

    yvette.loera [at] gmail [dot] com

    P.S. I keep wanting to spell “come” instead of “com” which is funny. It’s like, “come to me friendly lesbians, so we can go to Fuzzys Taco and have fuzzdrivers and intellectual yet funny conversation.”. And yes, there is a place here called Fuzzys Taco. No, it doesn’t really have anything to do with lesbians or anything gay, it’s just a very friendly place.

    So what do ya say, kids?

  48. London represent!

    This is actually really handy as I was looking for something to do that weekend.

    • The GF and I represent two more… But she doesn’t go on her family computer because a website called autostraddle would probably scare somebody… So she doesn’t comment. :P

      • OMG YOU GUYS!!! Vida and I have been reppin Vegas on the last two threads about this where were you????? My gf and Vida and I plus you guys makes 6 I think! Definitely enough for a brunch. Or Yayo’s or Cafe Rio or U-swirl or whatevs! Let’s make this happen! Email me or find me on facebook, even though this was like 2 weeks ago.
        laurenoldfield08 (at) yahoo (dot) com



    • Hey, I’m from the Twin Cities! Not quite hibernating yet, but my weekends are kind of busy this month. Let me know if you’re planning anything specific, though, I’ll see what I can do.

      inthejunkdrawer at yahoo dot com

  50. what’s good Tucson. (and Phoenix every once in a while. debating if my sick self should go down for this four day weekend like i was going to…)

  51. Los Angeles area here (more specifically West Hollywood). There should definitely be an LA meet up.


  52. Antwerp (or Brussels) or Amsterdam? Belgian and Dutch people I know you’re out there. Let’s have a beer or go to a coffeeshop.

    • I live in England but am over in Eindhoven once a month for about a week. Eindhoven any good? I’m always stuck for things to do when sitting in my hotel room alone. Shout! scotton86 (at) hotmail (dot) com.

      Dorothy x

  53. amazing! Anyone in Madrid who wants to meet on monday and show me and some friends around?

      • Are you there studying abroad? I’m thinking of coming down to Barcelona for a weekend, but we’ll see if that actually happens. Let me know if you venture to Amsterdam (where I am studying til December, yahoo)!

    • its a possibility, hit me up! jadertater13 @ live dot com. i live in northeast MO, but plan on traveling there to see my sister, who started college there, quite often.

  54. Anyone in LA/Westwood/Santa Monica? I figured it’d be easy to meet people in LA but it’s not as simple as I thought!

  55. I’m from VT but will be moving to Georgia near Columbus for an undetermined amount of time…anyone in either of those places?

  56. Los Angeles Ladies!!

    So, I skate w/volunteer w/ the LA Derby Dolls and this weekend we have two bouts! You should come because:

    it’s this weekend: NOVEMBER 13 + 14

    1)Roller derby is amazeboobs
    2) Cool chicks knock each other down
    3) There are plenty of lezzies at the bouts

    AND, for you underages, there is a Sunday afternoon baby doll brawl which is all ages and still supergay!

    I’ll be volunteering @ both games (raffle tix what what!) so you can come buy raffle tix from me or just scream “autostraddle” at the top of your lungs…whatevs you feel like.


    I just got back from the Montreal meet-up and I am drunk but also happy in what I believe to be a genuine way. This was a very good idea.

    • Wasn’t it great? I went to the Vancouver meet up today and can’t wait to do it again.

      Thanks for helping us all get our butts into gear Laneia :)

    • Super nice to meet you :) We should make these Montreal meetups a semi-regular thing, as we were easily the bitchingest posse on the street.

      And that’s saying something, as it’s a long street with presumably a lot of posses.

      • We should defs make this a semi-regular thing! I wish I was there earlier! Next time I’m taking the night off from work!!

    • it was really nice to meet everyone, montreal meet up was fun (not at all scary like i thought it was going to be)

  58. I’m kinda sad. No one from Portland OR has put anything up. Boo! I am lazy and so was hoping someone else would do it. Oh well. Anyway, I know a bunch of ladies in Portland read this because that is how I found out about it. So, I was thinking either Powell’s or the Food Carts on Hawthorne so we could BYOB. email me if interested for the deets.

    [email protected]

    • I just found this site, and I’m yessssssssssssss.

      We could always meet up at Powell’s and then go on an adventure for food carts.
      Emailing you now though.

    • There’s definitely a couple of Portland people on page 2 of this thread! I’m at school right now but I’ll be back in the area for winter break. I miss the PNW.

      • There’s got to definitely be more Portland people anyways!

        We should have a meet-up during winter break then, if there’s only… what, 3-5 of us pdx ladies ahaha

      • Portlander!

        I haven’t heard back from anyone (except from Southern OR), but if you email me we can at least start trying to plan something? :)

        caecaine [at] hotmail [dot] com

        • Does Vancouver count too? I’d also like to meet fellow Autostraddle readers. Although I’m still closeted, so finding an excuse to get out might be problematic. I’d still like to make more lesbian friends cuz I barely have any, even if it’s temporarily over the internet!

          • I think Vancouver could still work. I’m more wanting to meet more autostraddle readers as well, though it’d be great to get that lesbian posse ahaha

            I’d say email the Portlanders who show up. Then we can at least all get to know that we’re not alone in our lovely corner of the pacific northwest.

            And I’d say a daytrip to portland and the amazingness that is Powell’s some weekend is a great excuse. Or the portland zoo during zoo lights. We’ll think of something to get you out XD

          • When I first started attending queer collective events at my uni, I told my parents I was going to a feminist group. Perhaps you could do something similar? The good thing about this story was that it involved something which accorded with my interests, and I peopled my fantasy with the lovely ladies of the queer collective merely by omitting the fact of their sexual orientation. Since I was not using my existing friends in the lie, there was less chance of being caught out, but by using real people I had a better chance of remembering my story.

            I hope you work something out.

          • My problem is figuring out how to lie about where I’m going to be and avoid having to take my sister with me, have her ask me a ton of questions about where I’m going/who I’m with or have my parents tag along :\

Comments are closed.