I’m usually not this forward, but I’ve got a pretty serious question to ask you, so I’m just gonna take a deep breath, close my eyes, and go for it.
can we hang out?
No, seriously. I wanna meet you. We all do. That’s why we’re organizing two weeks worth of events in many different spaces and places. That’s what International Autostraddle Meet-Up Week is all about. Oh yes, you heard me right. Hang on to your laptops, kittens, because International Autostraddle Meet-Up Week? It’s a thing.

what if riese called you on the phone and said “hey, let’s meet up.” what then?
via amazeballs intern geneva
I understand that at this moment you might be hyperventilating from excitement, so let’s review what the heck is going on here. You might remember that we threw a fundraiser, and y’all blew us away with your generosity. We felt a huge snuggly sense of community and that warmth will probably never leave us, seriously it’s like wearing a sweater 24/7 and I love it. We’ve tried to express exactly how freaking thankful we are with our words, and I think y’all know how much you mean to us, and how tightly we’d like to squeeze you in a giant group hug that spans oceans and fields and moons and stars. But now we’d like to take our love and appreciation a step further. Shit’s about to get tangible.
We promised that if we hit $60,000 we would host an International Autostraddle Meet-Up Week, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. And actually, because we’re overzealous and wildly optimistic and just wanna hang out with you all the damn time, we’ve turned it into International Autostraddle Meet-Up Weeks, and it will officially take place from Friday, October 12 – Sunday, October 28. Lez be real you guys, that’s practically a month, and it includes Halloweekend. There are going to be so many hugs. (Also please don’t panic, if you’re not a touchy-feely person we will totally not hug you at all, everything that happens at these meet-ups will be 10000% consensual.)
Here’s the plan: Our team members are scattered all over the place, and we’re working hard to create multiple events for International Autostraddle Meet-Up Week(s) in the cities we call home. But we don’t live everywhere, and in order to make this truly international (and truly the absolute best most fun it can possibly be) we’re gonna need your help.
As with past Autostraddle meetups, if you’re interested in hosting / coordinating a meetup in your city, email autostraddlemoderators [at] gmail [dot] com with the following info. We’ll ask you to create a Facebook event (as that seems to be the easiest way for people to connect) and we’ll add your event to this very page.
Facebook Event URL
Special Instructions
Please bookmark this page and keep checking back, because we’ll be updating it a lot throughout the month and I don’t want you to miss a meetup in your city. That would be the saddest thing in the world. Probably I would cry. Please don’t make me cry — check back here often! I love you all and cannot wait for everyone to meet-up everywhere. Look at all these fun things you can do!
New York City
Lesbian Herstory Archives Tour
Host: Gabrielle
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Take a private tour of the Lesbian Herstory Archives with coordinator and Autostraddler Gabrielle; optional drinking & dancing afterwards
Location: Lesbian Herstory Archives + Gingers (484 14th St, Park Slope/Prospect Park, Brooklyn + 363 5th Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn)
Time: 7:30pm
Tour de Bronx
Host: Gabby Rivera
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: Tour de Bronx : 25 mile bike ride through the Bronx! There’s also a 40-mile ride if you’re a pro. This ride is amateur-friendly and open to kids and families and hippies like me.
Location: Bronx County Building (Grand Concourse and 161st St)
Time: Check in time 9:30am – 25 mile route departure: 10:40am
RSVP: Register on your own and then email me lunagabby[at]yahoo[dot]com and let me know to look out for you.
Lesbian Cabaret
Host: Rachel K.
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: LezCab, by womyn for womyn (boys allowed) seeks to produce and host musical-theatre events by, for, and about queer womyn in order to foster support and a forum for queer womyn in the musical theatre community. Proceeds will benefit Autostraddle and Unicorn Plan-It and risen star Haviland Stillwell will be performing!
Location: The Duplex (61 Christopher Street at 7th Ave)
Time: 7pm
Special Instructions: You must make a reservation here — if you do not make a reservation you won’t be able to attend! (RSVPing on FB is not enough!)
Fall Into Fall Picnic
Host: Vanessa & Lemon
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Let’s decorate mini pumpkins, drink cider, eat pumpkin pie, and play in the leaves. Pumpkin-decorating supplies will be provided but please BYOP (bring your own pumpkin) and bring something delicious to share (pumpkin flavored beer, pie, your grandma’s Thanksgiving stuffing…whatever makes your gay little heart scream “fall!”). Feel free to wear your Halloween costume or a grandpa sweater.
Location: McCarren Park (meet at the corner of North 12th St & Berry St and we’ll pick a nice grassy spot)
Time: 2pm
Tea & Brooklyn Flea
Host: Vanessa
Date: Sunday, October 28
Activity: Come drink tea and explore the famous Brooklyn Flea. We’ll meet on the lawn outside the Flea at 11am; bring your own thermos of tea and hang out for an hour or so. At 12pm we’ll venture into the market and everyone can browse at their own pace; if you get there after noon just go right in and look for girls in Auto-swag. (Wear some Auto-swag! Yes, I keep saying swag! Come hang out with me anyway!)
Location: Brooklyn Flea, East River Waterfront (between North 6 + 7 St, Williamsburg)
Time: 11am
Host: Katrina “KC Danger”
Date: Sunday, October 28
Activity: Hair Force One Presents: OktoberPHRESH, a queer pop-up barbershop and block party
Location: TBD
Time: 4-10pm
Syracuse, NY
Coffee & Burritos
Host: Whitney
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Nom on coffee and vegan baked goods at Recess, the local coffee shop and roastery in the Westcott neighborhood; possibly burritos after at Alto Cinco
Location: Recess Coffee House and Roastery (110 Harvard Place)
Time: 2pm
Albany, New York
Hosts: Emily & Natalia
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Totally 80’s party! Drinks & dancing!
Location: Fuzebox (12 Central Ave)
Time: 11pm
Special Instructions: Send Emily a facebook message if you want to meet a bit earlier for pregame drinks!
Fallbany Brunch
Host: Ariel
Date: Saturday,October 27
Activity: Brunch in the park! Bring along your favourite fall foods and blankets and hang out with cool people. Maybe a fall craft will be involved?
Location: Washington Park (exact location TBD)
Time: 12pm
Special Instructions: Please respond on Facebook with what you plan to bring, so that we don’t have 200 cups but no cupcakes.
Los Angeles, California
Host: Alex Vega
Date: Monday, October 15
Activity: Karaoke
Location: Dimples in Burbank (3413 West Olive Ave, Burbank)
Time: 11pm-2am
Runyon Canyon Hike
Host: Sarah Croce
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: We’re walking around outside! Puppies more than welcome!
Location: Runyon Canyon (2001 N Fuller Ave., meet at the entrance at the top of Fuller Ave)
Time: 10am
Brit Pub Takeover
Hosts: Tali & Jess
Date: Tuesday, October 23
Activity: Ladies take over a British Pub
Location: The Fox and Hounds Pub (11100 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA)
Time: 8pm – 1:30am
Boobs, Booze and Burritos Brunch
Host: Brittani
Date: Sunday, October 28
Activity: A park potluck!
Location: Barnsdall Park (4800 Hollywood Blvd)
Time: 12-4pm
Special Instructions: Let us know what you’re bringing on the Facebook wall for the event. Either a mix-in for the burrito (eggs, soy churizo, etc.) or beverage (champagne, OJ, etc.)
San Francisco/East Bay, California
Castromendous Day of Fun
Host: Marni
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Tour of the GLBT Museum and drinks in the Castro
Location: Meet up at the GLBT Museum (4127 18th St.)
Time: 2pm
Temescal Yoga + Din
Host: Jaclyn
Date: Friday, October 26
Activity: Donation based yoga and post class chat and chow across the street.
Location: Flying Yoga Shala (4308 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland and beyond)
Time: Yoga starts at 6pm, goes til’ 7pm, dinner and drinks til’ whenever.
BYOBasket Picnic In The Park
Host: Marni
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Picnic at Lake Merritt in Oakland
Location: Exact location by the lake TBD
Time: 2pm
Special Instructions: Bring your own beverages and, if you want to be extra nice, a snack to share!
San Diego, California
Brunch @ Bourbon Street City
Host: Kristin & Nicole
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Brunch @ Bourbon Street. Eat some eggs. Drink some coffee. Meet some friendz.
Location: Bourbon Street (4612 Park Boulevard)
Time: 11am
Special Instructions: RSVP to krisaerickson [at] gmail.com. We’re making reservations, so RSVPing is important.
Cleveland, OH
So Much Yum
Name: Tiara
Date: Monday, October 15
Activity: Veggie Dogs and Coffee
Location: Happy Dog (5801 Detroit Ave)
Time: 4:30pm
Columbus, Ohio
Rugby Is So Gay
Host: Intern Grace
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: OSU Women’s Rugby Game vs. Michigan, free admission
More info to come ASAP
Picnic Time
Host: Intern Grace
Activity: Picnic
More info to come ASAP
Pot Luck
Host: Rachael
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Potluck event. All the pies.
Location: North Campus / South Clintonville
Atlanta, Georgia
Pride Dyke March Social
Host: Brooke & Joy
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Atlanta Pride’s Dyke March (Pre-Party Social & Crafting)
Location: Piedmont Park Charles Allen Gate
Time: 4:30pm
Special Instructions: http://atlantapride.org/
Montreal, Canada
Host: Judyna, but might go as ‘Judacris’ for the evening
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Warm up your vocals, ‘straddlers! We’re taking over Club Date and crooning to classics such as Call Me Maybe and so forth.
Location: Club Date (1218 rue Ste-Catherine East)
Time: 9:30pm
Collective Munch @ Brunch II
Host: Judyna
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: For those who couldn’t make it that earlier weekend of the meetup, here’s take 2! Come munch and brunch!
Location: La Petite Marche (5035 St-Denis, metro Laurier between Laurier and blvd St-Joseph)
Time: 12am
Hummus Hike!
Host: Queer McGill
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: We’ll be hiking up Mount Royal and enjoying hummus, fall colors, and good company up there at the summit.
Location: Meet at the George-Étienne Cartier Monument on the eastern base of the mountain (Avenue du Parc & rue Rachel ouest)
Time: 4:30pm
Special Instructions: Hummus and various dipping things will be provided, but you’re welcome to bring your own snacks as well.
Collective Munch @ Brunch II
Host: Judyna
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: For those who couldn’t make it that earlier weekend of the meetup, here’s take 2! Come munch and brunch!
Location: TBD
Time: 11am
Festive Fucking Gourding & Potluck
Host: Kristen
Date: Sunday, October 28
Activity: Meet up at Jean Talon Market to peruse and pick the perfect pumpkin. Head back to my place (short walk!) to carve and consume.
Location: Jean Talon Market (7070 Avenue Henri Julien) and Kristen’s place
Time: 1pm
Newtown, Sydney
Picnic In The Park
Host: Crystal
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Picnic!
Location: Camperdown Park
Time: Midday
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Drink & Dance
Host: Kate
Date: Monday, October 22
Activity: Tigerbeats @ The Barbary (951 Frankford Ave). No cover. Bump and grind to awesome music (set list favorites are Beth Ditto and Le Tigre) and get drunk with each other.
Time: 10:30pm
RSVP: Just show up / email kateseverance[at]gmail[dot]com
Queer Rittenhouse Extra Awesome Potluck / QREAP
Host: Kate
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: We’ll have lots of blankets and a nice sunny spot in Rittenhouse Square. Bring something delicious to share, i.e. beer, quinoa, cupcakes, and other picnic items. There will be excellent music and possibly crafts.
Time: 12pm
Phoenix, Arizona
Harvest Potluck & Pumpkin Party
Host: Amy7
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: We’ll be eating foods, drinking drinks and decorating pumpkins! BYOP and something delicious to share with your new/old friends (vegan & nonvegan options appreciated, all the fall food your heart can stand, pumpkin everything maybe, go crazy).
Location: Amy7’s Place
Time: TBD
Happiest Hour Bar Skedaddle
Host: Laneia & Cynthia
Date: Monday, October 15
Activity: It’s a teeny tiny happy hour bar crawl, a bar scoot, a bar skedaddle. We’ll start out at SanTan because duh, then make our way to Irish Republic. After that, who even knows??! Bourbon Jacks? Coach & Willies? Maybe bring your passport just in case.
Location: SanTan Brewery (8 South San Marcos Place, Chandler)
Time: 4pm
Hipster Ghosts Under The Stars
Host: Laneia
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Let’s take over a huge corner of Casey Moore’s patio and just queer the fuck out. Will we see the ghosts? I hope so.
Location: Casey Moore’s (850 South Ash Avenue, Tempe)
Time: 9:30pm
Nooner Hike
Host: Laneia & Megan
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: We’re going streaking! JK we’re hiking up South Mountain via the ‘easy to moderate’ Javelina Canyon trail. Learn more about it here. Dogs are welcome! Bring snacks and water!
Location: Meet at the cul-de-sac parking lot at 8800 S. 46th St., just south of Baseline Road.
Time: 12pm
General Shenanigans
Host: Dana Henderson
Date: Friday, October 12
Activity: Coffee/tea drinking, card playing, general shenanigans. I’ll make cookies! Come hang out. You don’t have to bring anything, just your smiling face! Or whatever face you have that day. It would help if you wore an Autostraddle shirt, but I’m hypocritical because I don’t have one. Be there or be square!
Location: Pike’s Perk Coffee & Tea House (14. S Tejon, Colorado Springs)
Time: 7pm
“8” Play Date
Host: Hansen
Date: Monday, October 15
Activity: “8” The Play
Location: Denver Center for the Performing Arts (1101 13th St, Denver)
Time: 7pm
Volunteer & Potluck
Host: Hansen
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Volunteer & Potluck
Location: Art for the Nations (Denver)
Time: 3pm
Taproom Crawl
Host: Hansen
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Local Brewery Taproom Crawl
Location: Fort Collins Brewery (1020 East Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins)
Time: 1pm
Washington, DC
The Revival
Host: Carmen & Morgan
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Attend a performance of THE REVIVAL, and the official after party. Flag that you’re here / queer with AS gear.
Location: American University Kay Spiritual Center (4400 Massachusetts Ave NW)
Time: 7-11pm
RSVP: Tickets
Self Evident Truths Photoshoot
Host: Carmen
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: The self-evident truths project is an amazing photography-based piece of activism that presents lgbtq people across the spectrum as human beings and the photographers have set aside a block of time for Autostraddle ladies!
Location: Meet up at Logan Circle
Time: 1-2pm
Host: Carmen & Morgan
Date: Thursday, October 18
Activity: Karaoke at Phase One w/ a pregame. WEAR AN AUTOSTRADDLE SHIRT!
Location: Phase One Eastern Market (525 8th St SE)
Time: 9pm pregame, 10:30pm at the bar
Pet All The Puppies
Host: Carmen & Morgan
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: PUPPY PLAYDATE AND PICNIC POTLUCK: bring blankets, food, and drankz.
Location: Adams Morgan Leashless Dog Park
Time: 1-4pm
Pumpkin Carving
Host: Carmen & Sophia Bonde / Skinz
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Pumpkin Carving with Sophia & Carmen: bring a gourd and probably your favorite leather jacket.
Location: Sophia Bonde’s house (2-time camper)
Time: 3-6pm
Ottawa, Ontario
Meet Me At The Lookout
Host: Carolyn
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: We’re going to The Lookout for drinks and dancing.
Location: The Lookout (41 York St)
Time: 8pm – late
RSVP: With your presence. We will be flagging with “You Do You” bags.
Picnic In The Park
Host: Kristen Fardy
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Picnic. Let’s eat lunch and run around in nature.
Location: The Park (TBD which one)
Time: 1pm
Special Instructions: Can you bring something to sit on? Something to keep hot chocolate warm with? Something to play games with?
Potluck & Boardgames Night
Host: Carolyn
Date: Friday, October 26
Activity: Bring something delicious to share and something fun to play!
Location: Carolyn’s Apartment
Time: 7pm
RSVP: Maybe tell everyone else on the wall so we don’t end up with 23 containers of hummus and an accidental Scrabble tournament. Not that either would be a bad thing.
Edmonton, Alberta
Hippie Hummus & Beer
Host: Malaika
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: The first-ever Edmonton meetup! Eat hummus and drink beer like good queer hippies.
Location: Remedy Café South Side (8631 – 109 St). Upstairs where all the big tables are.
Time: 7pm
RSVP: Email Malaika at a.s.meetup[at]gmail[dot]com and say “Hey! looking forward to the meetup!” if you plan to attend!
Boston, Massachusetts
Host: Cara
Date: Thursday, October 11
Activity: Queeraoke takeover + Pre-party at Cara’s!
Location: Cara’s apartment and then Midway Cafe (3496 Washington St, JP)
Time: Meet at Cara’s place in JP at 8pm or find us at Queeraoke at Midway Cafe around 10pm
Pool & Drinks
Host: Boston ‘straddler Britta + Lizz
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Flat Top Johnny’s – Come play pool, drink drinks and hang out in a place where you can actually hear each other talk. It’s also a good pre-gaming option if you’re heading to DykeNight at Machine later on (we will be!).
Location: Flat Top Johnny’s (1 Kendall Square, Cambridge) / Machine (1254 Boylston St, Boston)
Time: FTJ’s at 5pm; Machine after 10pm
Regatta Ragamuffins
Host: Carrie
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Head of the Charles Regatta Meetup – Come sit by the river with Boston area queermos and watch some rowing! Bring your own blanket and a fall snack or drink to share if you want (i.e. muffins, cider, pumpkin-anything).
Location: Meet at the riverside near the John W. Weeks Bridge — we’ll be east of the bridge on the Cambridge side. Wear an Autostraddle shirt if you have one!
Time: 1pm
GirlSpot Halloween Party
Host: TBA
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Drink specials and cute queers in costumes!
Location: The venue will be announced by GirlSpot on the week of the event
Time: 9pm
RSVP: Just show up!
Providence, Rhode Island
Roller Derby!
Host: Lizz
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: Let’s watch some roller derby!! Come watch the Sakonnet River Roller Rats vs. The Providence Mob Squad at the RI Convention Center.
Location: To find each other, meet inside the Starbucks at the Biltmore Hotel (11 Dorrance St). Latecomers join up at the convention center.
Time: Doors open at 5pm, so meet at 4:30pm
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Drinks With Batman OR Circus Clowns
Host: Rachel
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: I have not confirmed this with my own eyes but I am told there is a Batman-themed bar in Ann Arbor. If I cannot confirm that this actually exists, we can meet at the circus-themed bar, which I do know exists. Optional brunch attendance the next day at AutBar, the gay bar with brunch!
Location: Batman Bar OR Circus Bar & Billards (210 S First) / AutBar (315 Braun Court)
Time: 9pm Saturday night at the bar, 10am the next day at brunch
Pacific Northwest
Host: Sullivan
Date: Wednesday, October 17
Activity: Kaki King Show at Mississipi Studios. Show is at 8, doors at 7. Get there at 6:30 if you want to chill and have drinks/dinner at Bar Bar beforehand. Venue and event are 21+
Location: Mississipi Studios
Host: Maeve
Date: Thursday, October 18
Activity: Sweet Hereafter is a bar with an awesome food menu, and it’s all-ages early in the evening so everyone is welcome. Come hang out for drinks, food, or both if you’re feeling super fancy.
Location: Sweet Hereafter (3326 SE Belmont, Portland Oregon)
Time: 5-8pm
Orlando, Florida
Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Host: Intern Chelsey
Date: Sunday, October 21 (DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED)
Activity: Let’s go be geeky at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Also, butterbeer.
Location: Universal Orlando – Islands of Adventure
Time: 2pm (park closes at 8pm)
Special Instructions: If you don’t have an annual pass, buy tickets through the website!
Houston, Texas
Potluck Picnic
Host: Marisa
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Potluck Picnic! We will meet in the park between the Menil and the Rothko Chapel. Please bring a food/drink/dessert to share with everyone. I will make sure we have plenty of blankets. I’m incredibly flexible and open to any other ideas as well.
Location: Menil Park. Right by the Rothko Chapel/Menil Collection.
Time: 3pm
RSVP: email crowdeddeclaration[at]gmail.com
Austin, Texas
Host: Mary Ann
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: Karaoke!
Location: Austin Karaoke (6808 North Lamar Blvd.)
Time: 8pm
Choose Your Own Adventure
Host: Julia
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Brunching at Bouldin!
Location: Bouldin Creek Cafe
Time: 12pm
Dallas, Texas
Night Out in the Gayborhood
Host: Christina
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: Night out in the Gayborhood. Let’s meet at Sue’s and see where the night takes us!
Location: Sue Ellen’s + ?
Time: 9:45pm
Queer Brunch!
Host: Christina
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Brunch! Bottomless mimosas! Queers! L
ocation: Mattito’s – Routh St.
Time: 11am
Special Instructions: Please RSVP so we know how many to expect
Santiago, Spain
Coffee/Beer & Cards
Host: Laura
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: Drink coffee and/or beer, play cards, have fun!
Special Instructions: Laura is very flexible so head over to Facebook (via RSVP link) to make plans!
Vienna, Austria
Coffee/Beer & Cards
Host: Lina
Date: Friday, October 19, 20, 21 (any of these dates)
Activity: Food / drinks
RSVP: Email Lina if interested lila.apfel[at]hotmail.de
Dublin, Ireland
Host: Aimee
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Samhain is the Celtic version of Halloween, for those of you not from Ireland! Taking inspiration from the lovely American Autostraddlers we’re going to have a potluck in my house then head out to The Front Lounge/Pantibar/Mother/
Location: Rialto, Dublin 8
Time: 7pm
RSVP so we know how much food we need!
Berlin, Germany
Date: Friday, October 26
Activity: I‘m seeing colours flowing through my mind
Location: 3D Schwarzlich Minigolf und Bowling (Goerzallee190, 14167 Berlin)
Time: 8pm
Iowa City, Iowa
Hosts: Lisa & Sam
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: Brunch! Let’s eat pancakes, hash browns, and pie milkshakes.
Location: Hamburg Inn No. 2 (214 N. Linn St., Iowa City, Iowa 52245)
Time: 3pm
Nashville, Tennessee
Hosts: The Gayelles of Nashville
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Autostraddle Meet-Up Brunch at Bagel Face, Round Two. A sequel to the successful first Autostraddle Meet-up at Bagel Face in July, come for some guaranteed queer lady camaraderie, tantalizing bagels, and sparkling conversation.
Location: Bagel Face Bakery (700 Main Street East)
Time: 10am-1:30pm
RSVP: RSVP on the Nashville FB group. If you’re not part of the Nashville FB group, or if you have any questions at all, email Emily at em.wheelwright[at]gmail[dot]com and she will give you more info!
Seattle, Washington
Host: Vanessa
Date: Sunday, October 14 (unless this conflicts with another meet up, in which case it can be changed)
Activity: Bring your favorite Fall inspired treat! Also, it looks like Autumn weather is finally hitting us here in the Northwest so it might be a good idea to dress warmly. Check out the FB event page for more info, ideas as to what to bring, and more!
Location: Fremont Brewery’s All Ages Urban Beer Garden (3409 Woodland Park Avenue North)
Time: 4:30pm
Baltimore, Maryland
Host: Amy
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Come create some signs in support of Question 6 on the MD ballot. We can all come together and pool resources and be crafty to create a bunch signs that will encourage voters to vote in favor of love and equality. Then after we can all go around the city/counties/state overnight and put them where people will see them during Monday morning rush hour. All are welcome!
Location: TBA, probably the part of Wyman Park on Keswick Road
Time: 3:30pm
Special Instructions: Please bring supplies!!
Fairbanks, Alaska
Host: Erin
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Coffee
Location: Alaska Coffee Roasting Co. (4001 Geist Road)
Time: 11am
Special Instructions: Dates and times are flexible, so let Erin know if there is another time that would be better.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Host: Crawzby
Date: October 14th
Activity: Endless Gaycation POOL PARTY
Location: The Country Club (634 Louisa St.)
Time: 8pm
Little Rock, Arkansas
Host: Sara Strickland
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Roller derby! Let’s watch the Big Dam Rollers trounce South Central!
Location: Skate World on Mabelvale Cut Off
Time: 6:45pm
Special Instructions: Tickets are $10 with a portion of proceeds going to charity. Bout starts at 7pm, but get there early if you want decent parking and seats.
Durham, North Carolina
Name: Amanda Drury
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Come drink some beer, have BBQ from Mama Jean’s or enjoy food from the KoKyu food truck! There will also be live music (probably bluegrass) starting at 5. And most importantly, meet all the wonderful queers from around the Triangle!
Location: Fullsteam Brewery (726 Rigsbee Avenue)
Time: 3:30pm
San Antonio, Texas
Host: Chris U
Date: Sunday, October 21
Activity: Brunch
Location: Candlelight Coffeehouse, Wine Bar & Cafe
Time: 10am
Special Instructions: Brunch at a local queer hangout with bottomless mimosas! More info to come!
Calgary, Alberta
Host: Liz Sanderson
Date: Friday, October 12
Activity: Drinks coffee or alcoholic, yummy dinners or baked goods at the lovely Higher Ground Roastery, possibly a live band going on that night. We can also head towards Twisted Element later on in the evening or another club of choice.
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Host: Liz Sanderson
Date: Wednesday, October 17
Activity: Drinks (BYOB), snacks, a campfire if its nice out (bring your own lawn chair or sitting device), if its lousy out boardgames inside :) Bring any rad boardgames. If you’d like to bring a dish to share please do!
Toronto, Ontario
Host: Camilla
Date: Sunday, October 28
Location: Camilla’s house – see facebook group for details
Time: 2pm
Special Instructions: Post any dietary funks and also what soup you plan to bring. Alternatively, feel free to bring dippy products, not limited to bread, cornbread, bagels. If someone makes bread bowls I will die.
Vancouver, BC
Host: Kelsey
Date: Thursday, October 18
Activity: Let’s eat yummy vegetarian food, drink coffee (or beer, whatever you like!) at Open Mic night on the drive!
Location: Cafe Deux Soleil (2096 Commercial Drive)
Time: 7pm
Host: Christie L.
Date: Thursday, October 25
Activity: Come and meet folks, carve pumpkins, drink some cider, and perhaps throwdown Autumn/Harvest potluck styles. Friends, partners, and anyone interested in meeting up and hanging out welcome.
Location: See FB event
Time: 7pm (PDT)
Mexico City, Mexico
Host: Caitlin
Date: Sunday, October 14
Activity: An afternoon on the trajineras at Xochimilco. Beer, mariachis, canals, etc.
Location: Xochimilco–meet in front of the tren ligero Xochimilco stop–last one on the line.
Time: 12pm
Glasgow, Scotland
Host: Seph
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Drinks
Location: The Flying Duck, Renfield Street
Time: 4pm
RSVP: Seph doesn’t have a Facebook account so people who are interested should e-mail Seph at josy[at]lavabit[dot]com and ze will add you to the mailing list for future events.
Wellington, Aotearoa NZ
Labour Day Picnic (Yes, Labour With A ‘U’)
Host: Nicole, Frith and Nicola
Date: Monday, October 22
Activity: Picnic lunch!
Location: Sound Shell Lawn, Wellington Botanic Gardens
Time: 12:30pm
Potluck & Gig
Host: Nicola
Date: Friday, October 26
Activity: Potluck dinner and drinks, then gig celebrating Wellington Rape Crisis’ 35th Birthday
Location: Potluck in Aro Valley (address will be provided on Facebook closer to the time), then Meow Bar on Edward St.
Time: 7pm
Special instructions: To see the event you may have to join the “Autostraddle New Zealand” Facebook group
Auckland, New Zealand
Fall Cocktails
Host: seemsforever
Date: Saturday 1 December
Activity: Cocktails!
Location: TBD (check FB event page for updates)
Time: 8pm
Paris, France
Boire et Danser
Host: Jill
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Drinks and Dancing at Le Troisième Lieu
Location: 62 rue Quincampoix, 3ème arrondissement
Time: 7pm
Toulouse, France
Drinks and Music
Name: Gemma
Date: Saturday, October 2o
Activity: Drinks/Music by La Garonne
Location: Prairie des Filtres
Time: 8pm
Marseille, France
Host: Sam White
Utrecht, Netherlands
Brunch at the Bakkerswinkel
Host: Angela (MileHighFemme)
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Brunchin’ it up at the Bakkerswinkel
Location: De Bakkerswinkel
Time: 12pm
London, United Kingdom
Club Lesley
Host: Twat Boutique
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: drinking, dancing and chasing honies
Location: Dalston Superstore (117 Kingsland High Street, London E8 2PB)
Time : 9pm – 3am
Drinky Dinner and Dancing
Host: Anna
Date: Tuesday, October 16
Activity: A dinner in Soho followed by a trip down to Ku Bar’s Ruby Tuesdays
Location: Provisionally Soho Joe (£5 lovely pizzas), followed by chatting & mingling at an audible bar, then we’ll head on down to Ku Bar’s Ruby Tuesdays.
Time: 7:30pm
Host: Angela (MileHighFemme)
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Walking tour of London’s street art
Location: Spitalfields Market
Time: 3pm for tour, earlier for brunch if there is interest
Special Instructions: RSVP early and pay attention to facebook messages. Depending on our size we may have to organize something special with them or it may not be possible and we’ll have to change plans or just do brunch!
Manchester, United Kingdom
Let’s Plan Something!
Host: Mollie Staples
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: We’re going to pool ideas and come up with a thing on the events page, so TBC for the moment
RSVP: The fb event will be private. Message Mollie Staples (studying at University of York) on Facebook to be added
Northhampton, Massachusetts
All Things Fall
Host: Michelle Gonzalez
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Let’s meet at the park, watch the leaves fall, and decorate pumpkins; we’ll bring decorating tools, you bring your own pumpkin and yummy snacks to share. After that, we’ll go back to our place for mulled wine & cider!
Location: Childs Park
Time: 3 pm
Chicago, Illinois
There is a queer event that is not hosted by a Chicagostraddler, but that many Chicagostraddlers will be attending. It’s Homo-Coming 2012 at Beauty Bar. It’s an annual queer party for charity that is thrown by the promoters that throw most of the queer dance parties in Chicago. It would be an excellent place for a sort of impromptu meet up since we didn’t have a chance to plan anything that quickly.
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Potluck/Game Night
Location: Nerd Nest (Elizabeth’s house as it is called on Foursquare)
Time: 5pm-?
Special Instructions: BYOB/Post what you are bringing to the potluck on the FB event (and join Chicagostraddle!)
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Date: Saturday, October 27 (tentative, if there’s a time that works better for anyone we can figure something out)
Activity: Potluck
Location: TBA
Time: TBA
Madison, Wisconsin
Activity Peach Pies Caburlesque presents Spooky Speakeasy. Halloween themed cabaret/burlesque show.
Location: Inferno Nightclub (1718 Commercial Avenue). 21 and up. Tickets are $10 at the door.
Time 10:30-2:00am (pre-game tbd)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date: Friday, October 19
Activity: Coffee and chit chat!
Location: Common room @ Common Roots Cafe
Time: 8pm
RSVP: Email mplsmeetup[at]gmail.com with your name and if you are bringing any guests.
Adelaide, South Australia
Host: Cat
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Wine, tea, art and cards.
Location: Reading Room (Hindley Street)
Time: 2pm
Montgomery, Alabama
Activity: Day at the Museum
Location: Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Time: 1pm – Meet for lunch at the cafe
St. Louis, MO
Indie Drag Show
Host: Heather
Date: Saturday, October 13
Activity: Come check out Off the GRID, the (free) Genderfuck Retro-Alternative Indie Drag Show hosted every second Saturday at St. Louis’s sex-positive coffeeshop, Shameless Grounds.
Location: Shameless Grounds (2650 Sidney Street)
Time: 9pm
Rome, Italy
Better Than A Bar Crawl
Host: Aline
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: Gelato Crawl + vintage stores
Location: La Gelateria Frigidarium (Via del Governo Vecchio, 112)
Time: 2pm
Lawrence, KS
Host: Haley
Date: Sunday, October 28
Activity: Come have brunch with us! Bring a dish!
Location: Miller Scholarship Hall (1518 Lilac Ln)
Beijing, China
Date: Saturday, October 27
Activity: Hiking and dinner
Location: Xiangshan Park
Time: 1pm
Special Instructions: We’ll meet up at exit A of Beigongmen Line 4 subway station, then head over to Xiangshan Park together.
Christchurch, New Zealand
Host: Hazel Shanks
Date: Thursday, October 25
Activity: Drinks, socializing, hanging out together
Location: Volstead Trading Company (55 Riccaton Rd). Behind Anytime Fitness and St Pierre’s Sushi
Time: 7pm
Special instructions: We’ll be sitting at the tables outside. Also, the regular LGBT Social Network Canterbury meetup is later that night
(8:30pm) in the exact same place, so we’ll be hanging out with them too. Interested straddlers should also join the Autostraddle NZ
facebook group.
Wow I was so excited that I sent that before I was even done typing.
Anyway if this sounds better than Chicago plans that weekend maybe I’ll go to Ann Arbor. :)
I would so dig a meetup in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area but I have two parties I’m trying to navigate that day. Another date for somewhere in Detroit? Drag queen bingo at Five15? First Wednesday at Rosies? Idk…
drag king bingo? i’m in toledo but would definitely make the drive for drag king bingo. tell me more.
yea Rosies! yea First Wednesday! Love to hear a shout-out from a fellow Michigander in the area :)
Look at all the beautiful Forever 21-ers in that graphic! I feel like a proud mom.
Also, the Boston meetups will be epic. Hope to see all the Masstraddlers there!
Can I request Madrid? Maybe someone could host who has been here longer than a week. Maybe.
Can we have a Milwaukee-area meetup? Please?
I’ll be out of town the whole time!!!!!
Plan a meet-up in out of town!
yes, what anina said! where will you be traveling?
Lexington South Carolina.
Lesbian Population of 1.
JK. I’m sure there are others.
Well, anyone wanna meet up in/near Lexington South Carolina around the 18-29th??????????????????????????????????????????????
The South Carolina State fair is around that time but
I’m sure we’ll be outnumber by homophobes. Let’s do it.
There are more lesbians in South Carolina than you’d think. They just look like sporty dykes everywhere but Charleston. Maybe we’ll have one in Charleston.
If ya’ll have one in Charleston I might just make the drive
down to hang.
I’ll be out of town most of the time as well! buuut I could totally organize meetups in Paris on the 12th/13th, Amsterdam/Utrecht the 15th-22nd and London the 27th and 28th. I just need to get my shit together! And holy woah, that would be autostraddle overload.
Paris paris paris :)
I just sent in ones for Utrecht and London but doing 3, especially in a city I’m not too familiar with (and when traveling/working) seemed like too much work. You should organize one though. There has to be other autostraddlers around and if there is something while I’m there I will definitely try to make it!
Utrecht YAY! Please make it happen, I’ll be there!
Yay for London happening! I have plans to be there then too. I would also LOVE one in France! I just moved here last month and haven’t met any other queer folks :-(
If you’re organizing one in Utrecht, should I organize one in Amsterdam? Or should there just be one total in the Netherlands?
I say the more the better! I would have organized one in Utrecht and one in Amsterdam if I wasn’t going to be traveling. I’ll definitely come to one in Amsterdam as well if I’m around.
Would something sunday evening/night (the 21st) suit you? If you want, I could help you with the event in Utrecht and you could help me with the one in the ‘dam. I’d love to have a co-host cuz 1. it’ll be funner 2. could always use more help with the organizing aspect of it :) p.s. femmes unite!
Lets do it!
Is there a chance to have it the following week? :\ This weekend I am crazy busy with helping someone move, but the 28th I am good! I live in Den Haag, so I don’t mind coming to Amsterdam either.
omg marking my calendar
Hey a couple of the DC ones are actually happening when I’m in DC this time instead of right before/after I’m there. Score. Although Richmond would be cool too since it’s where I actually live.
northampton meet-up anyone? we can do fall things like drink mulled wine!
Fall things! There should also be mulled cider though.
We should go apple picking!
can we have mulled wine please oh my gd
northampton UK, or US?
I’m pretty sure it’s about the US.
MA, I’m assuming, although every day in this town is an international AS meet-up, tbh
i would go
I would love a Northampton meet-up. Please!
Northampton Meetup FB event is up! Pumpkin decorating & mulled things!
YES PLEASE YES YES YES. someone please organize this
Oh my god, Montreal meet-up. I’m so excited!! I knew it was a good idea to move here.
Hey Maggie! I’m hosting 3 more events for the meetup! Check out the updated details :D
London, London, London!
Seconded. Signed. There’s bows on it. Sealed. Delivered. Express.
With, like, a thousand kisses inside.
So basically yes PLEASE.
Yes, no so-called ‘International’ event is complete if it isn’t happening in London, that’s just a fact. It doesn’t count.
So can we make this a thing please? This should be a thing.
you guys should definitely make it a thing. do it.
Yep London needs to be a thing. I need more things in London in my life.
I’ve given all replies to this post a thumbs up, so that means it will definitely happen, yes?
I’ll be in London from the 18th! Could you pretty please make it after then?!
Woops, make that the 19th. For a significant amount of the 18th I’ll actually be on a plane.
London. Yes. Please. I’m in.
Yes, London! I just moved here last weekend and need gay girl friends. (although it is SO GREAT already – I’ve already been to Ruby Tuesdays and am heading to a lesbian warehouse party called Twat Boutique – I’ve been wanting a proper lesbian scene for aaages).
Ahhh enjoy the Boutique! I would totally be there but my in-laws are visiting. I don’t think they’d appreciate a warehouse full of sweaty lesbians dancing inappropriately. Which is a shame because *I* WOULD.
I moved here mid-september!!!
I need London Lesbian friends as well!
What sort of thing do we want? We could meet up in a (queer?) cafe, have lunch/dinner (at a BYOB place?), go to an art exhibition, meet up and have a kick-around in a park, have some type of lesbian club night that we could head to afterwards? What sounds good to you guys? We could have multiple days! There’s so so much in London
I’m sure you will want to (and should) do many more things but I just sent a street art tour for October 27th! Basically I’m just hoping to incorporate autostraddle into my sightseeing while I’m in London haha
I love food, art, football and nights out, so any of the above would be perfect. Aaahhh I want to do it all, can we do it all?
Although having said that, planning an outdoor event like a kick-about in London in mid-October is 90% certain to result in a load of wet cold muddy lesbians… (not that that might not be enjoyable).
Right! I’ve done it – click here for fb https://www.facebook.com/events/469469843097615/ and the other details should go up on AS when it’s updated.
I’m all for multiple meetups – I mean London’s one of AS’s internationally most popular cities, there’s lots and lots of us. I think a quieter Art Exhibition & Coffee/Lunch and Kick-About in a Park might be nice – we could have those a little later so that everyone should be able to make something.
And here’s my “I’m not from here but I’m doing touristy shit that people are welcome to come along for” one.
I’m in london until the 14th, so if anything happens before then I’ll show up
Yes, LONDON!!!
Totally up for it and willing to help organise…
yay europe represent.
oh boi,I might actually be in Santiago 2 months past the meet up.too bad.
for realsies SO EXCITED! I will drive for hours…
Vienna, Austria? anybody? doubt it, though
This doesn’t really help as I’m a long way away now, but I travelled through Vienna a couple of weeks ago, and fell a little in love with the friendliest small queer bar :) Marea Alta, do you know it? And now I really want to go back and get a drink there again
I went there too! I went through Vienna while backpacking and LOVED the city. A bartender at marea alta gave me one of the cool queer vienna maps and was generally the nicest person ever.
yeah, that’s a good bar. lots of great queer places and clubbings in vienna. how’s budapest? haven’t really been
I would come from Budapest to Vienna for a meet-up. Sounds like a great first time visit!
I would come from Vienna to Budapest
if I’d be in Vienna…
I officially want to move to/visit NYC for the weekend of the 13th/14th.
do it do it do it do it :)
Emailed my bid to host in Montreal, Canada too!
Yes! Do it! If I am in town I will be there!
Hey Kristen! I am hosting 3 more events for Montreal! Check out the updated details :D
Any chance for a meetup in Denmark/South-Sweden area?
hey @maria, go and meet your people. well, sort of
I’m in Stockholm! I know that’s not south but it is Sweden.
well, my initial reply to lina’s comment has somehow vanished, but yay sweden/denmark – copenhagen could be a thing for me (stockholm, too) but that’s off limits for october I guess. and there might be plans for berlin, so…
it’s on my profile fyi. weird.
@maria, I sent you a pm!
I live in Malmo – So Malmo or Copenhagen would be ideal. However I’m up for coming up to Stockholm too… all depends!
I vote CPH! :) Anyone else? Raise your glass if you’re in!
I raise my glass for CPH! I’m only 30 minutes away..
Berlin? Really? That would be amazing! Make it happen. I’ll bring brownies.
pumpkin brownies? … oh my god…. pumpkin brownies! – we’ll work on berlin!
I’m in Copenhagen – let’s do one here!
this list of things is actually The Comprehensive List of Things I Would Like To Do With My Time Until I Die
I’m very jelaous of florida’s lesbians right now
Austin, Texas please?
yes, please
Seconded! Even if it’s just 4th street hangout.
this sounds fun! i have no idea what 4th street hangout is, but guys, this is the spirit! look at these texas kids, making this meetup happen! go team!
Yes, yes, yes!
I’ll come if you organize!
not home right now, but yes please for the sake of atxers everywhere
Me too! We tried to do a brunch one, but it ended up failing :(
I support this!
Yes, please! I’d love to meet some other Austinites.
Yes yes yes, can we please make this happen? Just moved here, need to meet some awesome people!
yes please austin! somebody who has lived here longer than 6 weeks should organize it though, I’m just a baby
anyone in bristol? i can’t host but i’d love to meet some of you!!
bristol uk, that is
Not Bristol Palin?
Yeah I did.
hahahaha, you cad
Nope but my Grandma lives somewhere nearishthere, so I feel we have a connection…
Dublin is in the works…
Do want!
Potluck dinner type thing in mine and then head out to Pantibar/Flounge/Mother?
I’d vote Wilde!
Wilde is pretty fun! Sure we’ll wait and see where the night takes us :)
That would be amazeballs!
Saying Yes to MICHIGAN!! (because that is the one I could most likely make.
bonus points at the autostraddle dog meetup if your dog has a leather jacket.
Are cats allowed? I won’t be there due to being out of town :(((((
but if somebody brought a cat….
Dogs optional, yes? I am so good at playing with other people’s dogs and also bringing delicious things to eat.
you can totally be dogless! the park we’re having it at is fenced and has picnic benches and stuff so it’ll probably be a lot of people hanging out at the benches w/ food- and with the full enclosure people who bring dogs don’t have to worry as much about them.
Someone someone someone organize Auckland, New Zealand!
it’s not till december (it was organised before this post!) but it’s happening! https://www.facebook.com/events/450652904987155/
on the weekend that i’m not working, too! amazeballs. i’m so there
If anyone is open to it, I’m willing to host a meetup at a joint in Baltimore or the surrounding area. I actually deleted my FB account but for you beautiful people, I will make an account just for this occasion. I’ve never hosted anything but me and my hair will be there to shower everyone with the luv. Host all the things!
Also, 10/17 is my birthday and this is my first year out of the closet so it would be super awesome to be surrounded by all you beautiful queers/lesbonians/etc. during this turning point in my life!
Yessss I’m in Baltimore! So so down.
sydney you rock! everyone follow sydney’s lead, please!
I’ll be in Baltimore the 13th-15th…if you guys do it that weekend I’m there!
Hi Baltimorons!!!!! I’m trying to plan something! Keep an eye out please!!!
LezCab awesome bonus points: Maggie Keenan-Bolger will be hosting and Haviland Stillwell will be performing! Woot!
Any other autostraddlers happen to find themselves in Guatemala at the moment, like me?? If there are any more of you out there we should have a meet-up!
You can come up to Mexico for the weekend…
I was there like a year ago! Are you in Guat City, Antigua, or somewhere else?
i’m in guate!! i live in the city! where IS everyone??!?
Aaaaaahhhh I really want to go to the Tea and Flea! Or maybe one of the Boston ones… I actually don’t know which one is closer (I live in Connecticut). Though, if there are any CT Autostraddlers I’d be more than happy to put a meet up together! Maybe do a little picnic in Bushnell Park or something?
And if I go to Tea and Flea I’m DEFINITELY going to OktoberPHRESH too. If I’m gonna trek all the way down to NYC I’mma make a day of it.
yes, you should absolutely come to tea & flea! it’s going to be so fun. and we will definitely all oktoberphresh it up afterwards. i’m very excited!
Can someone make Paris happen? Because, well, yes.
I’d be up for a meet up in december or january ,though
Or in Lille?
yes to Lille! :)
yes to Paris!
a France meet up should deft happen – I don’t live in Paris but would definitely make the journey!
Aaah! I am a terrible host/organizer/doer of things, but it would be lovely for this to happen.
I would totally help and be useful if someone starts something.
Yes to something in France!! I will definitely be there wherever it is but I vote for Montpellier since I just moved here.
YES Paris!
Wow! Los Angeles has so many events! It’s good to be gay in LA, in LA
I have to go to at least one of them.
omg I think I’m gonna go to all of them.
I’m sitting here at work getting emotional. Aaaah!!! <3
Ditto! Wish I could go to them all, but can only make Karaoke and Pub Takeover! :D :D :D SO EXCITED!
Pontevedra!!!!! Amazing.
Wait, susi! Is that amazing because you’re coming?? Because that would be amazing.
Sure I’ll try! I live in A Coruña so it’s not that far. You’ll need to give me the deets though!
this is so wonderful my heart is exploding right now WE ARE EVERYWHERE
slowly but surely until we conquer the entire planet you say? bring it.
more info HERE: http://www.facebook.com/events/104928479665490/
I don’t think I can make it to Pontevedra or Vigo that day, but please let me know if any of you happen to come to Santiago de Compostela :)
if santiago de compostela is better for more people, we can absolutely move it. maybe saturday during the day would be better? let’s move this discussion to the facebook page!
Will anyone be in the South of Spain? I’ll be in Seville for a month around this time.
Santiago sounds good to me too. I don’t really mind!
London. London, England, someone please make it haaaapppppen.
Would be niceeee
Look guys. Someone organized this: https://www.facebook.com/events/156809184460178/
Way to go snazzy folks who put this together! Drinks and/or coffee, open mike night, the drive, veggie food – good things!
Anyone in the North of England?
I’m in north wales, and my gf is in lancaster, so that’s 2.
We definitely should have one in Manchester :)
I’m in York but I’d happily travel Mancheter or Leeds if people are keen and someone can host?
Leeds or York are things I would dooooo!
Definitely up for Leeds.
Jumping on the Leeds/York/Manchester bandwagon.
Manchester would be pretty good, I’m now putting off going to north wales pride in favour of a train ticket to manchester. If we fail anyway, then i’ve saved 20 quid and it’s all good.
So yeah anyone actually in manchester who can host?
Yup! I’m with Ellie. Manacehster is pretty close to me, so I’d be in!
So I mentioned it in the University of Manchester LGBTQ Women’s group (Never realised how long that title is until now). Anyway, we are trying to pull something together, so once we have confirmed a date, a time, and that non students can attend it’s a go!
argh why are you not a member which would allow me to conract you more directly, me and mollie are kind of sort of trying to sort something out but lack of local knowledge is getting in the way,
Out of lurking finally to say I’m in nearby to Manchester, can’t host but would love to meet some of you guys!
I’m in sheffield, screw london – lets have one in the middle of the country :P
If I create the event, can we talk and coordinate a place then, pool some ideas as I’ve never been?
this sounds good.
see above re: goodness
mollie, if you haven’t already, please send in the event details so we can add it to the post!! thank you <3
YES yes please :)
Manc would be perfect.
Guys! I’ve got a facebook event sorted, just add me/message me (http://tinyurl.com/9rd82l5) over fb!
Definitely going to one of the Boston meet-ups! Yay!
hey lovebots,
everyone who’s like, “make [city] happen! pleeeease!” — YOU have to make [city] happen! be the meet-up you want to see in this world! even if there are only two of you who show up, i promise you’ll have fun. don’t be afraid to plan an event.
doooo ittttttt.
yes! i was just coming here to say this! guys planning a meetup feels so scary at first but is then super exciting. you just think of something you’ve been dying to do forever but haven’t for whatever reason, and then you email us and tell us you’re hosting X event! and we put it up here, right in this very official post, and then other queermos RSVP and show up and then you are LIVING THE DREAM.
“be the meet-up you want to see in this world.” – there is a reason laneia runs shit around here, ya know?! pearls of wisdom like this.
London doesnt really work like that. Shit just happens and then we show up.
Yeah! I just sent an email with a plan even though I’ve only lived in my town for 1 month. Hopefully people show up :(
Amazing…something happening in dc. Im going :D
Oh Malaika, you hippy lol
anyone for a meetup at poor richard’s in colorado springs? i don’t know if any lesbians even exist out here :/ i just moved here a few months ago. anyways this is exciting!
you have an awesome last name! everyone with this last name is pretty cool i’d say ;)
I wish i lived near you so i could come and prove that I’m not creepy, i just have the same last name as you. but alas, canada is far away….
ahhh what if you’re my long lost twin! i have a twin already though so maybe you’re our long lost triplet? i don’t think it works like that though
I just moved to Colorado too, like a month ago, and I am definitely missing living somewhere where I actually know some other queerios. I’m in Leadville, which is like an hour and a half from Denver, so I’ll probably just end up going to one of those meet-ups. Totally worth the drive.
I really want an excuse to go to Denver, but i want to meet people in my area too. maybe we can all go on a field trip
I feel you on that. Who doesn’t love a field trip?!?
Except now I can’t go. Damn. Of course my family had to pick that weekend to come visit. Way to be inconsiderate of my essentially nonexistent queer social life guys. I’m apparently destined to never actually be able to meet any other autostraddlers. So sad :(
Northwest! the Best!
Portland? Seattle?
Somewhere in between?
No matter, will travel!
(emphatic fist pumping!)
Yeah I’m wondering what this “something awesome” is.
I’m hoping Seatttttle!!! I just moved here a month ago and I’ve yet to make any queer friends! It’s crazy! Not living in the right area, I guess. :P
I’m hoping Seattle too! I feel like, with all the awesome queer stuff happening in New York, nothing like that happens here, or at least I don’t hear about it.
Well there is a gay & lesbian film festival coming up, but again, I don’t know anyone to go with, and I feel like it’s not something I’d want to go to alone. :P
I’d come to something in Seattle as well. I was kind of thinking of hosting, but I don’t know what to do. I really like to drink beer and play board games, but I don’t know if that would be popular. Thoughts? I’m a big fan of Naked City (brew pub, not dirty) in Greenwood. Anyone know it?
Sounds like Vanessa, down below, is thinking of “hosting” or planning a meetup tooooo. You might want to talk? :D
I just moved here too and I’m totally down for some queer cinema. For reals, get at me.
OKAY. Here is the website, and you can click through the different days to see what’s available and what’s showing each day. SO MANY OPTIONS. I like the Sat 13th one… cheaper too haha. http://slgff.strangertickets.com/Events?day=2012-10-13 Let me know!
samantha if you want to make this a more formal meetup, email the moderators and we’ll add the details to the post!!
Also.Also.Also.-Check out this free screening realness!
[copied and pasted from http://www.facebook.com/ThreeDollarBillCinema%5D
Catch two FREE screenings at The 17th Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, Oct 11-21 – FOR MY WIFE… on Take Action Tuesday – Oct 16 and REALLY ROSIE: AN ALL-AGES TRIBUTE TO MAURICE SENDAK on Sat Oct 13. Claim a free ticket online at http://threedollarbillcinema.org/ or at a box office – there is no cost but you do need a ticket for entry.
@floralprintdress Vanessa, the only thing is that there are a ton of different events and people might want to go to all different days/showings, so I’m not sure it could be a single event. Also there’s the matter of some showings costing a lot more than others. I don’t know, I’m horrible at organizing things haha.
@ceece OH FREE STUFF. I still kind of want to do the cheap shorts showing on Sat… The Chris Colfer Struck by Lightning film sounds amazing too, but it’s $35 and I’m not doing that. D: So I guess… anyone up for buying tickets for Saturday? *hopeful grin*
Heeeere everyone http://www.facebook.com/events/207577989375047/ a place for you to find friends for the film festival! (in case you are as tired of scrolling through comments as I am)An event within an event, if you will.
It’s easy. (if you don’t have a fb account, private message me and I can post your event for you!)
@Samantha tickets for girl shorts purchased!
Hope to see you all at the movies!
@samantha totally makes sense, just wanted to let you know it’s an option :) i hope y’all find each other and meetup regardless of formalities!
I am closer to Portland, but I might venture up to Seattle. It’s tough being the only gay girl I know. :(
And what is the “something awesome”?!
On the edge of my seat over here…
Beer-ing and movie watching all sound super fun!
Also, If anyone is interested, my girlfriend and I were also thinking of hosting an Autumn Harvest Potluck! Kinda like the brunch meet up that took place…I think a month or two ago? I was thinking meet up at Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill(or another inside location around that area if the weather starts turning). Everyone can bring their favorite Autumny snack/drink/foodthingwhathaveyou or just themselves if they want. That way if there’s some younger autostraddlers that want to attend they can and everyone will have an excuse to make their favorite pumpkin flavored thing! :D
Thoughts or suggestions anyone?
Yay! I am said girlfriend; my thoughts are yay.
Hey everyone! So, I made a Facebook event for the potluck! Check out the page if you’re interested. Hope to see you all there!
OK SO. The weather is looking not so great this weekend. That’s fine! I’ve worked out an alternative location that we can bring food and is all ages. Check out the facebook link for more details, directions, and more :D
Yes! I just moved to Seattle, hence the New Queer on the Block (NQOTB) name. Meeting people has been difficult because I am still in my early twenties and everyone at the bars seem to be older and in established groups already. I don’t have a problem with the perceived age gap, but the clique aspect is a little daunting. Hope to meet some of you in Seattle soon! My vote is somewhere with easy bus access.
Where do you live? I’m in Wallingford/U District and I’ve found the bus system pretty easy to navigate so far. :)
I want a Northwest event! Make things happen people!
They are happening! See above! :D
Hey if anyone wants to co-plan on San Diego thing, message me!
I would ;)
Anyone here? I live in Salvador da Bahia.
Also, I’m a Portland, OR native and would be down to meet up late December/early January when I move back to the states.
But seriously, BRAZIL?! I’ll plan it, just let me know if there are other Autostraddlers here! Inglês ou português, qualquer coisa!
Uhh, São Paulo, maybe?
What! I’ve lived in PDX the last five years, but I’m gonna be in Porto Alegre for a chunk of this time period, I’m studying in Argentina atm.
i’m in Rio till christmas, if anyone wants to plan one here!
hi! if you decide to do something, please send us the details so we can post it here and alert other brazil ‘straddlers! thank you <3
Hi I sent an email like right away and my event/city still isn’t up :*(
I am definitely driving to Phoenix from Tucson for at least one of the meetups. Carpooling, anyone?
….Vancouver? Someone’s going to do Vancouver, RIGHT?
We’ve got a few Vancouver Straddlers here!
I’m in for Vancouver, so long as I can find a way around class! I think the 24th to 28th I’ll be on break, so that would be easiest for me.
Here’s a FB link to one Vancouver event: https://www.facebook.com/events/156809184460178/
Hope to see you guys there!
Thanks for doing this! Double thanks for doing it blocks from my new home!! Queer east van represent!
The lovely @leighpowers organized it. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Okay Vancouver Straddlers – I am biting the bullet and taking a leap – and planning another Vancouver event –
Pumpkin carving, cider drinking, and possibly Harvest/Autumn potluck. October 25th at 7pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/397753970291704/?context=create
This is exciting. And I am having a lot of feelings right now.
FYI to any Cleveland area ‘straddlers (sadly I’m not included), the International Drag King Extravaganza falls within this time period and is happening in that city. Would make a good meet-up, is all I’m sayin’: https://www.facebook.com/events/128039833996212/
Why does Cleveland break out all the awesome stuff right after I move out of state?! Would love to go to that, but cancelling current plans at this point would be too inconvenient.
another thing to remember: lots of autostraddlers are very shy and don’t comment! so you may ask, “hey, anyone from the north pole up in here?” and then no one comments to respond and you cry in a corner, BUT SECRETLY THERE IS ANOTHER NORTH POLE-R HERE TOO, THEY ARE JUST TOO SHY/AFRAID/NON-COMMITTAL TO POST A COMMENT! but if you create your north pole meetup they might show up! ya know?!
I had this thought, but what if there actually ISN’T anyone out there and I end up alone at a big table in a crowded room, with only wine for company??
I feel the same way. I would be surprised if there were at least 5 other autostraddlers in my area.
Wine is delicious! You could do much worse than having only wine for company!
Every cloud…
If we have a Adelaidestraddle meet-up then I’ll totally come and can bring at least one, possilbly fiveote people (from my queer youth group who get to hear me rant about greatness o Autostraddle once a fortnight). Yes?
So it would be you and me and the wine then at LEAST. :)
I’m so up for this. All my queer friends have moved to the eastern seaboard, I’m all for meeting new people. Have a venue preference?
Saweet! Hmm. Not sure. It depends what we want to do. We could just all go for coffee somewhere (e.g. Chocolate Bean, Sad cafe or somewhere totally new), or we could drink wine and play cards in the Reading Room, or we could go to Derby sometime (although perhaps this isn’t conducive to conversation so much as yelling for one’s team and checking out cute girls), OR do some sort of other activity! Not fussed :).
Righto, its on https://www.facebook.com/events/417418938312465/?context=create. It made me pick a date, but we can change it. Once there’s a plan I’ll email the mods :)
I haven’t been to Sad yet but I keep meaning to, that sounds good. Or we could go all out queer and have a Sunday arvo thing at the wheatie?
I love you already Cat, so organised. :D I’ll be there :D
@rosegraced Hahaha, cheers!
yes, email us & we will add it to the post — exact details not necessary, just get the word out there! it will not be just you & wine (though that’s never a bad combo, either…)!
@vanessa, turns out there’s ten of us so far. Who knew?! We’re going to need a lot of wine…
i guess i am an eternal optimist, but i really truly believe there are at least 2 straddlers within meeting vicinity out there, everywhere…i mean, we’re planning to take over the world so that has to be a thing, right?!
Personally speaking, the nearest one near me is all the way down in the city, and it’s a long way, and I hate driving (it’s really stressful to me, and the idea of going into city traffic is horrible to me, sorry), and I would be a bit bit nervous to meet someone from the internet (and wouldn’t some others feel the same way about me), that sounds mean, but I don’t mean it mean, that’s just me. I hope people have fun though.
womp womp
I would totally do one for Salt Lake, but I’m far far away for school. There needs to be one in Salt Lake in December or the Summer or sometime when I’m home.
I’m actually not even in SLC, I am stuck at school in Provo, and I don’t know much of the scene up there or I would be all over hosting this. But since, you know, I go to that university-which-must-not-be-named and I have to keep all this crap on the DL, hosting anything is pretty much a no-go for me.
But hey, I’ll be in SLC for the Macklemore concert in Dec. to any other autostraddlers that want to come!
Is London a thing that could happen
I don’t want to organise it
But I want it to happen
In my pants
Or west London
EEEEEAST London! <3
There’s like a million things happening in my life right now, but I’d so be there for an Autostraddle London event.
Not to mention it would come in handy, since I suck at finding fellow queer girls.
WHOO Atlanta meetup at Charis!!
San Antonio/Austin meet-up needs to happen!
I’m excited for the NYC meetups. I’ve kind of been ignoring Autostraddle lately and feel bad about it, so I’m hoping this gets me back into it.
yay! can’t wait to meet you.
I’m sorry but basically my cabin agrees that this is about me:
(Also please don’t panic, if you’re not a touchy-feely person we will totally not hug you at all, everything that happens at these meet-ups will be 10000% consensual.
SO ANYWAY TOTALLY GOING TO SOME OF THE DC SHIT, WOO. I’m so good at hugging now because of ACamp, a real-life success story :):):)
you make us so proud!!
*hunger salute*
I am so excited that one of the Colorado meet-ups is going to be at my work! Also, Avengers are totally assembled in that photo up top. Sonia, Kiomi, look how cute we are!
Also, I love how the phone cord in Rieses hand looks there is some major phone action happening. Like it is an Autostraddle Action/Adventure movie poster.
I’d just like to pop in from my freshly-minted account to say thank you for taking my $$as and using them to throw me the greatest 21st birthday bash imaginable, short of maybe Beyonce and a fire twirler.
To the NYCsters I’ve been hiding from: Hi. Hello. How are you? See ya soon.
see ya soon! happy birthday! eeeeeee!!!
This is SO awesome. I don’t live near any of the Canadian cities so I cannot attend but hopefully in the future!
I know that feel :(
I’m on the East Coast.
The last time this happened I asked if anyone wanted to meet up in St. Paul/Minneapolis and nobody responded so I’m not hopeful…even though there were a TON of Minnesohtans in the AS Group when it existed AND we’ve had a couple meet-ups here before. I’m just really too self-conscious to create a facebook event. Sorry gals :/ but if anybody else EXISTS in MN and wants to plan an event I will totally really truly go (as long as I am not working)!
someone plan this human a st. paul / minneapolis meetup! the whiskey kittens will cheer at your queer goodwill, i promise!
We just tried to go to the meetup in Minneapolis at Common Roots and no one showed!
Would there be anyone interested in an Albany NY / Saratoga / capitol region meet up? I’ve been going home (to the city) so many weekends and I can’t make it down when any of the NYC events are happening. :(
Maybe something brunch-ish in Washington Park? Someone please say yes.
ARIEL! We could do brunch in Saratoga because I’ll be there the first weekend of the two weeks. Or you know, every day. I’ll see if I can organize something.
Will you be around the weekend of the 27? I go to UAlbany and the first weekend is our homecoming and the next weekend I’ll be home.
Maybe we could do two things? Something in Saratoga and something in Albany? I also don’t have a car at school so basically this post is about how inconvenient I am.
We should create a Facebook group?
I’d definitely be willing to drive down to Albany/Saratoga/Capitol Region if something was planned. I’m over in Cooperstown.
ariel! if you haven’t already sent your event in to us, please do! i want to be sure we include it in the post.
I will say a very enthusiastic yes (!), but I always work weekends and will probably not show up. #totalflake.
Ughhhh why don’t I live in DC NOW instead of not for another year and a half?!
Still in the Middle East over here… sad puppy face is happening right now.
In the Middle East? Amman, by any chance?
Any interest in the Netherlands???
yessss! I’m sure there’s plenty of dutch people on here too
Totally :) I’m in the north-east and can’t really afford to travel to the Randstad for this one, but if anyone wants to meet up in Leeuwarden/Groningen/Zwoller then I’m down!
Netherlands would be cool! (And northeast especially! Although I’m terrified I’ll run into people I know…)
Oh, and I finally figured out how to reply – that took, like, a few years! Amazing how that “reply” button just shows up when you’re really enthusiastic!
Excellent! I don’t feel really capable of organising though as I’ve lived here for three weeks and don’t know anywhere…
Oh my God, this is such a fabulous idea! I’m hitting the Phoenix meet-ups so hard; if any of you Arizona ladies are in doubt, Casey Moore’s is a hipster mecca with excellent beer.
GUYS ARE THERE PEOPLE IN MOSCOW I will totally organize one in Moscow if there is even one iota of interest.
Okay but I don’t want this to be like my birthday party when I turned seven and made all these awesome invitations and sent them to everyone in my class and then no one showed up. The fear of rejection is overwhelming!
i suggest making an event and gauging interest via rsvps! can’t hurt to try, right?! also we are way nicer than 7 year olds, i pinky swear.
If anyone by any chance is in the Oslo area and interested I would be willing to organize something. Even though I do suspect that if you’re in Oslo, I already know you :)
Anyone? Anyone at all?
ME! I’m living in Tianjin, but you better believe I will endure that half-hour train ride to Beijing to make this thing happen. Any weekend will work for me.
i can’t go to beijing unfortunately, but i’m in shanghai if anyone can make it!! …anyone?
This was exciting enough for me to dredge up my password and log in. I’m currently crashing at a friend’s place, hopefully about to move, and have a plethora of weekend commitments, but I am now very committed to making a meet-up happen.
Are there any autostraddlers in the Knoxville, TN area?
I’m about two hours away but I would totally go to it if someone wanted to put it together (Idk enough about Knoxville)
We should try to do something! I need to meet more people in this town. :) Tomato Head brunches or the new Tupelo Honey cafe.
Hell yeah! Charis!
Anyone here in Melbourne, Australia? Although to be honest if a meet up was ever organised I would be way too socially anxious to attend like omg the thought stresses me out haha.
Nys, I’m in Melbs. If you can force yourself to be brave, I’m sure it would be worth it, if there are a few of us. I’m not gonna organise it but would gladly attend. I met an awesome friend through this site (she’s back in Canada now, but see- it can be done!).
A Melbourne meet up would be rather excellent!
I’m the same, would love a Melbourne hang but lacking the confidence to be organiser lol!
See my comment below. Hope to see you there :)
In the unlikely event that there is anyone else in the North of Scotland, I would be up for arranging an Inverness meet-up. I’m guessing it would probably just be me though since all the Autoscots seem to be in Edinburgh & Glasgow.
I am in Shetland.
I’m guessing Inverness is too much of a trek for a meetup! I might organise one anyway & see if there is any interest.
I’m going to be in Dallas the weekend of the 12th for the Tegan & Sara concert, so it would make my birthday even better if there was a meet-up to go to.
Also a San Antonio meet-up is already in the works! Don’t be afraid, we have top women working on it now. Top. Women.
Yes! I’m going to the concert too. We should have a meet up that weekend! Maybe Sunday?
I will be at the concert too! I would love to meet up with any other Dallas Fort Worth peeps or straddlers traveling through the ‘plex. :D
I’m going to be taking the bus back to San Antonio either that night or Friday, but the rest of the peeps I’m driving up with/meeting there are staying so I’ll pass this along to them.
I missed the last Autostraddle meet-up, so, I agree, a Dallas meet-up in the near future is extremely, very necessary.
I’m so excited to see Tegan and Sara! ill also be in austin to see crystal castles that weekend with some friends, but i’ll be back sunday afternoon? we should totally make this happen. I live in Arlington, but i wouldn’t mind driving to hang out
UGH I totally wish I knew about Tour de Bronx before so I could have taken off work cause I’d totally travel from Philly for that
Maybe someone who knows cool bike paths or places to ride to could help me make a Philly bike ride on a Thursday or Friday????
or if anyone in philly ever just wants to ride bikes with me at any point that’s cool too just message meeee!?
Oh man you guys are rocking Downtown Chandler?? My parents have a little gift shop two doors down from Irish Republic. I so wish I were going to be in town to join you and introduce them to my fellow Autostraddlers (maybe even my awesome A-Camp counselor, Megan?)!
I really want there to be a meet-up here in Dallas but I haven’t come up with any awesome ideas yet, and apparently the last was not well-attended :\
I’m drawing a blank on superhappyfuntime activities/things in Dallas other than brunch with drinking. But I really want to get together with some other folks too! Sunday funday in the gayborhood?
Haha brunch with drinking works for me :) I did realize I’m a bit overbooked for this weekend though, in the throes of midterms. I’d be totally game for something anytime the weekend of 19-21 though!
I feel like we should start proposing something (or things) and getting a Facebook page going. How would you feel about gayborhood the 19th and/or brunch on the 21st?
That sounds like a fab idea (19th-21st weekend gayborhood/brunch)!
pumpkin playdate in germany?
sadly here is no runyon canyon and first of all: not the hiking weather, we are maybe up to a pumkin playdate! any1 in 4 that?
I guess: berlin would make sense! the cat’s pyjamas posted it! letz connect and plan a pumpkin playdate. R U in?
Yay to pumpkin playdate in Berlin!
oh my god! other autostraddlers in berlin! let’s do it!
yes please!
berlin: letz try this: http://www.facebook.com/events/414563798597365/
so jealous about L.A. & the runyon canyon. living on the wrong side of the ocean is so not fair!
… berlin: just 2 let U know, if U dont have faceplace drop me a line as a PM or if U R not signed on 2 autostraddle leave me a word or 2 here: uglybats [at] aol [dot] com. we have some change of plans!
yay germany! I’m excited to see this happening even if I can’t go. but still. yay germany!
Would anyone be interested in co-hosting with me in Oxford, UK? I really want it to happen, but too chicken to do it on my own.
I can’t wait for something awesome!
Totally planning something for Kansas! Lawrence Autostraddlers where are you!?! I know you are out there cause there was talk of a brunch but I was not here yet so I couldn’t do it.
I’m a Lawrence Autostraddler!
Yes! Let’s have a Lawrence meetup!
Ok. I finally read this post. Yes, meetup!
It looks like KC is talking about teaming up with us. Where would be a good place to meet? I know it’s not exciting, but I live in a scholarship hall with a fairly large room I can reserve and kitchens we can make tasty things in. Just thought I’d offer!
Let’s make it happen, I know at least 3 other peeps here who would like to come so it will be great!
So Miller Scholarship Hall? Would something this weekend be too soon? I’m going out of town the weekend of the 20th, so I wouldn’t be able to host then, but other than that I’m open. What kinds of things would everyone like to do?
Here’s the event!
I’m from Wichita, but I’m totally down for a roadtrip to meet up with you all!
Ack that this takes place during midterms/academics EXPLOSION. There should totes be a mid-midterms chill session where students stop panicking/falling asleep in a bed full of textbooks, and like the non-students can pat us on the back and tell us everything is going to be okay.
this sounds adorable and great
YES! I am completely down for doing something in Edinburgh! Was slightly terrified I’d be the only one, though apparently not-yay!
Lock Up Your Daughters (hella gay dance party) is on in Glasgow on the 26th October as part of Glasgay. We could get get dinner first and then get our dance on?
The October edition of the regular Glasgow AS meetups that I organize is going to fall during that week and a bit. We’re still finalizing the date via e-mail but I should be putting it up in the next day or so; it’s pencilled in for the afternoon of the 13th. There can totally be a LUYD thing too.
Yes, yes. Cass, this is an excellent idea. i vote for you to be in charge of this.
People in PARIS!!! PLEASE!! ANYWHERE IN FRANCE!! I’m near Lyon, but am willing to trek it to Paris. ANYTHING FOR AUTOSTRADDLE…and it would have to be on a weekend!
I sent in an event for Paris on the weekend.
Okay Mädels, BERLIN needs to happen!!
Who’s around??
call me in!
I was about to call Hamburg or Berlin, so…
yeah. right. me 2! lemme know. if its Berlin, I can give U a ride!
wow, that’s great! would you have space for two people?
Im in for everything and anything that happens in Berlin!
Yep, Berlin would be awesome
Kansas City people, where are you?
Present. :]
We should maybe do a thing? There is a few of us.
KC should join with Lawrence!
Hi:) Soo are there any Hawaii autostraddlers out there?
I’m a Hawaii autostraddler:O In OahuO.O
I am definitely a Hawaii AS. Will be in Oahu next weekend but I live on Hawai’i Island.
I wanna come but I am too scared
I don’t know if i’m shaking in excitement that I could actually be a part of this, or I’m shaking with nervousness
Do it! :)
Phoenix! I’m so there! Beer and Autostraddle, what more is there to life really?
Chicago is the third largest city in the U.S. Wait, let me repeat that with proper emphasis: CHICAGO IS THE THIRD LARGEST CITY IN THE U.S. Even just statistically speaking, it shouldn’t be too hard to scrape something together, right?
I’m down
I believe ChicagoStraddlers are in the process of planning something. So far all that has been established is dancing will happen, because Robyn’s Law.
YES! I’m so excited :)
yes we have some plans in the r!
Works! Ugh my phone doesn’t like this form…
send ’em in!!!
Yes London! Event under construction as we speak. More, more!
also omg Florida’s event !!!
Maybe it’s a long-shot, but…Northern Ireland??
If there’s no Northern Ireland meetup you should come down to the Dublin one! I’ve sent in the info so it should be up soon.
Cool stuff in Syracuse right when I head to Ann Arbor?? Ridiculous. At least there’s cool stuff in Ann Arbor too!
I created 2 events
1 In Calgary, Alberta http://www.facebook.com/events/422807507767467/
also one in Medicine Hat, Alberta http://www.facebook.com/events/102843863207741/
Central Valley, anyone? Merced/Fresno?
Will someone plllllease organize a meet-up in Houston, TX?
Argh, if I were home I TOTALLY would! Someone else, make it happen!
You should do it! I’ve got a couple people who would totally come!
Gay ladies in Houston? Why can’t I seem to find any the couple months of the year when I’m there?
One should be happening on Oct. 20, at the Menil/Rothko park, right? Or did I read it wrong?
San Diegoooo! I wants one.
Any St. Louis Autostraddlers?
Yes! We should definitely have a St. Louis meet up!
There’s an alternative-style drag show on the 13th at Shameless Grounds, if anyone’s interested. I go every month, it’s a lot of fun.
I’m in!! I’ve been to drag shows at Bubby’s, Attitude’s, and Novak’s, but I’ve actually never been to Shameless Grounds. Looks like a place I could fall in love with. The drag show sounds great, Off the GRID (Genderfuck Retro-Alternative Indie Drag Show). I mean, come on, who wouldn’t want to go to that?
It has ruined all other coffeehouses for me, I can tell you. Off the GRID is amazing. So many queer people show up, we might have trouble finding each other! I’m going to wear my Autostraddle tshirt.
that sounds so great! please send in the info to our moderators if you decide to make it a formal meetup so we can add it to the post :)
I sent in the information, so watch this space! :D
I had so much fun going to Shameless Grounds! Siren was so funny she made my cheeks hurt. It was a pleasant surprize that she did so much stand up in between acts. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I plan to go back to Off The Grid for sure. I had a great time.
Just moved to Medellín, Colombia from NYC! (Should have waited a month!)
Anybody in Colombia I’m down to meet up and queerventure. (total longshot :))
Any ‘Straddlers in Iowa? I’d be up for some frolicking. Maybe downtown Des Moines? Anyone? Bueller?
iowa city folks are meeting at the hamburg inn! next sunday at 3. you’re welcome to join us if it’s not too far for you.
I’ll see what I can do! Thanks for the heads up!
Columbus, Ohio
Rugby Is So Gay
Host: Intern Grace
Date: Saturday, October 20
Activity: OSU Women’s Rugby Game vs. Michigan, free admission
More info to come ASAP
Picnic Time
Host: Intern Grace
Activity: Picnic
More info to come ASAP
Alright! Warm fuzzies mode! (Will there be vegetarian food there at the picnic? Is it alright if I come even though a childhood hormone problem made me look like a guy?)
Anyone near to Nottingham, UK?
Sir Robin of Locksley owns a tax-dodging pawn shop up there. All of his employees are straight-shooters and their uniforms are lincoln green. … Just kidding.
There might be a sheffield/manchester uk thing see further up in the comments.
Umm, Prague anyone? PRAGUE?
I am in Dresden…I would totally take a bus to Prague to hang out!
There is a camp planned in Cape Town, South Africa. Any autostraddlers welcome to join!
hi! please email more info about this to the email address in the post! we’d love to include it in the post.
Yessss, we need something in Paris!
Interest in a New Orleans event? We could hit up Allways and/or St Roch, lots of options!
Im interested. I dont know much about new orleans ive only been twice but i only live 1hr 45mins away so i can come down some time
yesss! let’s do it.
endless gaycation is that weekend!
wow that sounds so freakin awesome, i just looked it up!! i’m going away that weekend, what poor timing :(
Yes! Let’s make it happen. Gaycation is going down this weekend, but maybe we can organize a meet-up next weekend.
i’m not holding my breath (at least, not that much), but i literally just moved from boston, land of the queers, to shanghai, where i know no one and even fewer queer people. if anyone is in or near shanghai, i would love to help put something together and meet up!!
There was someone higher up!
Oh man the closest thing to me is Ottawa, Ontario and thats still a 5 hour train ride x(
Anyone around Toronto interested in meeting?
Hi Ness! Here is the one Toronto event so far: http://www.facebook.com/events/281262768657170/
…and we’re working on some more!
Omigosh YES thanks so much!!
*cough* Harrisburg PA? *cough*
Quick question: Is there a way I can RSVP for the Lesbian Herstory Archives even without making a Facebook profile?
I’m going to make one eventually, once a few insecurities get dealt with, but I’m not quite ready to make one yet and I don’t want to go screwing up a headcount or anything…
“Lesbian Herstory Archives *event*…”
Sigh… I suck.
hi alexandra! you can totally RSVP for that event without a fb. in fact, consider yourself rsvp-ed. i’m going to let gabrielle know that you’ll be attending…all you need to do is show up at the archives on saturday! (and no pressure — if you end up not coming / have other plans / change your mind that is perfectly alright…but i hope you do come & i look forward to meeting you!)
Cool! Thanks! I’m looking forward to meeting you and Gabrielle, too!
I live about four hours away from Orlando but I am so tempted to pack up and go anyway because HARRY POTTER and QUEER LADIES.
Anyone in south Florida? Fort Lauderdale? Miami? Somewhere!
I’m in Miami!!
EPP!! The closet one to me is in DC and that is a 5 hour drive. Anyone in the 757 area?
I am both really excited and terrified for this! Praying that my social anxiety does not get the better of me, and that a Toronto meetup forms. I’m so-very-new to the city and I want to meet cool people! And what better place to meet said cool people than an AS meetup?
Caitlin! Come to the Toronto event: http://www.facebook.com/events/281262768657170/ It’s a soup swap, in my house, which is filled with lovely humans and kitties. I want to meet you!
The closest to me is San Francisco, but that’s a 4-ish hour drive. Anyone live near Chico?
Oh Chico Person! I’m not living there currently but I did for 10 years or so. Good luck with your meet-up quest!
PS I think there is a queer art show soon at the Stonewall Center and this week is Queer Week at Chico State. If you do FB this should have all the details plus more cool stuff: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stonewall-Alliance-Chico/111212592241368
This is the worst timing for me! I’m studying in Argentina for a semester, but I’ll be in Brazil and Paraguay for most of this time period, damnit.
I saw some Brazil people higher up.
I’m so excited for the fall picnic in nyc…. when I go home from college next weekend I will bring back a pie pan and I will bring you guys pie and it will be delightful. oh man oh man oh man. eeeee!
oops. that wasn’t supposed to be a reply. that was supposed to be its own thing. sorry, i am bad at internet…
that sounds uh-mazingggg! cannot wait for this pie (and to meet you, duh)!
Portlanders! I want to organize something. Does anyone have thoughts or preferences?
Queer/trans yoga ($5)+ dive bar on the 12th
Gender-free square dance($7) +pizza on the 28th
Craft Rumble ($10) +happy hour on the 18th
Radical Women’s rummage sale on the 20/21?
So, I’m not gonna be there for this meetup, but I’m moving back to PDX this summer and I would like to know more about queer yoga, plz.
“This class was created to hold a safe space for queer and trans folks to deepen their yoga practice in a comfortable environment. This class is open to all levels with a focus on breath, flow, mindfulness, and heart opening. Everyone is welcome! Community class: $5-12 sliding scale donation. All payments over $5 support our scholarship fund.”
I would love to have a meetup in Helsinki or some other Finnish city. But I have no idea if there are ANY Finnish people on Autostraddle. Anyone?
There’s me! Let’s have one.
Great! If there’s no one else, two’s a party as well. ;) I’ll PM you.
you guys should send in an official event and then if there are any other ‘straddlers that are too shy to comment they can join, too!
*waves* Shy Helsinki ‘straddler here! I’m not actually a member, but I read AS like all day every day and would love to meet up (but only after October 22nd cuz that’s when I return from travels). An official event would be awesome!
I don’t know if anyone’s going to read this, but if you’re planning on coming to LezCab, please make a reservation here: http://www.theduplex.com/~thedup/webcalendar/view_entry.php?id=7112&date=20121014. RSVPing on Facebook does not a reservation make. Thanks :)
we are all so excited that YOU are so excited about meetup week(s)!
we are going to edit this post to reflect all the amazing meetups that are being sent in to us and discussed in this very excellent comment thread.
i am away for the long weekend and have very limited computer access, so all of these edits will take place on tuesday when i return.
i just don’t want anyone to think they are being ignored / we are not excited about your meetup, because we are SO EXCITED ABOUT ALL THE MEETUPS.
i love you all. i can’t wait to take over the world together!
Thank you!!! It is so hard to scroll down and read and filter all the possibly amazingly fun things to do (and not die of jealousy over some that are far far away!). Thank you for creating such a radtastic situation here, even if we technically fun-raised for it. I fucking love you guys.
Also, don’t forget to add this! I actually organized an event at my house because you guys were so rad at encouraging us to get our own events going. Thank you! Vancouver: https://www.facebook.com/events/397753970291704/?context=create
Any Autostraddlers in Italy? It would be great to have something in Rome!
you should host something!
I’m in Italy, but i live near Milan!
Dang, Denver, why you gotta be queer and seven hours away?
Any Texas queers? COME OUT OF HIDING, yall? Let’s party.
Preferably in San An or somewhere along those lines! I’m down by Mexico…but considering all the cartel crap it probably wouldn’t be the best place to throw a get-together.
Hey Kate! are you in Monterrey by any chance?
Anybody in the Champaign/Urbana area? I’m happy to co-plan if there’s people intersted, but I’m relatively new to town so some help in organizing would be nice
Oh man that’s my hometown! I don’t live there any more though… damn, I totally would if I could.
anybody wanna meet up in DC to go the the revival, lol im afraid ill chicken out if i go by myself :D
Hey, y’all –
There’s going to be one in Durham, NC, at Fullsteam Brewery for anyone who’s in the Triangle!
You can find the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/118643984954552/
Okay Austin, I see y’all in here… let’s make it happen this time!
Anyone in Columbia, MO?
I usually work on the weekends, but hopefully I can come to one of these. I just moved to the DC area so I am looking for new friends. :)
Anyone in Vietnam? Anyone? Anyone? …Bueller? I’m currently living in Hanoi and NOBODY IS GAY HERE, it is the saddest thing.
Also I will be in HCMC towards the end of October, if there are any Autostraddlers in either of those places we should hang out and talk about feelings and kittens and Tegan and Sara or anything you want to talk about, I will literally talk about anything you want, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I JUST WANT TO GET TO BE BLATANTLY QUEER FOR A BIT.
Anyone in Amsterdam that would come to an event on the week of the 15th-21st? I’m trying to gauge if there’s any interest in doing one here.
MileHighFemme is doing one in Utrecht that saturday but I wanted to see how many of us are in the ‘dam! And I was thinking that if there’s enough interest, I’d organize a week-day event and then one on sunday. Thoughts?
London London London! Would totally be up for helping out with organizing and whatnot :) I need events where i can go to that doesnt involve me drinking gallons ( slight exaggeration) of alcohol to be able to to talk to somebody else in the dark….
just because i’m terrified of the mic, doesn’t mean all of nyc should suffer — someone who isn’t me should totally host an nyc karaoke situation!
@floralprintdress as much as I’d love to meet people in spain. I’m actually In Vienna, Austria and thats also where I planned to hold the meet up :)
fixed! thank you — i hope the vienna meet up is amazing :)
Tampa anyone? As much fun as Orlando sounds it’s a little far for me:/
There is the LGBT Film Festival that ends Oct. 13, or like a fall picnic could be sweet too. What would you be interested in doing?? Lez plan this shit, yo
GASP! You are in Tampa?! ahh so excited! Have you looked at the film festival calendar? I wanted to go this weekend
I am indeed! Lots of them seem so so awesome. I shall message you on here and maybe we can figure something out :)
Can’t wait for all these amazing NYC activities!
I am super excited for the Philly Meet Ups!!! <3
Highly doubtful…but anyone in Ecuador?
Ya! 3 activities added to Montreal! :D
I’m new to Phoenix and I don’t have a facebook but I want to meet people in Phoenix/possibly go to one of these events. So hit me up on here if you’re in Phoenix because I’m tired of not having any lesbian friends especially since I left a great group of them back in Chicago.
I just realized I wasn’t logged in, but I’m Cassie from Phoenix :D
I’m feeling personally victimised by this fb RSVP thang. But actually, just expect an extra homo mtl-ers
I agree. I don’t have a facebook and all of the Phoenix events say that you need to RSVP which kinda sucks… not everyone has a fb, straddlers!
Hey Cassie! I’m Judyna, organizer of three of the events. You can email me at ju (at) juberry (dot) com if you want to keep in touch for the events! I would love to see you there.
We often forget our non-FB counterparts…
Whoops, I just realized you’re FROM Phoenix, AZ and not interested in the events happening at the Royal Phoenix. My bad!
if you don’t have a fb it’s okay, just show up! the idea is that we want headcounts for some of the events, but i don’t want anyone to feel personally victimized! if you can find a way to email the person hosting the event (like, say, laneia!) you should do that, otherwise just show up and we’ll all wing it. facebook shall not be the deciding factor on showing up at meetups!
Hey Giles, I assume you don’t have FB either… I’m Judyna, the one organizing a few of the MTL activities, you can email me here and I’ll keep you updated on the events: ju (at) juberry (dot) com
This is so amazing, Im SO excited just looking at them all! :D
Is there any interest for the midlands in the UK, like Sheffield, Notts, Derby etc???
As I would definitely be up for organizing something XD
Anyone from pittsburgh interested?
My event didn’t get onto the list yet, but it’s coming up really soon, so I’m going to leave this here:
Halloween themed cabaret/burlesque show at the Inferno Nightclub, Madison, Wisconsin. It’s this Friday (10/12), ladies, so RSVP soon!
If anyone else is in Madtown get in touch with me to plan more events! I’d love to have a brunch situation as well. My email is greenearthgirl4 at gmail.com
hey @findquiet — could you please re-send your event to the moderator email?? for some reason it’s not in there so i don’t know what happened to it, but we’d really like to add your event to the list if possible! i’m sorry about the confusion but thank you in advance!!
I’m in for the Durham, NC one. PSYCHED, yo.
Expat stranded in Uganda…. I have very little hope that anyone would be interested, or I would totally host, haha.
Someone in Taipei should totally do this…especially since the 27th is Pride
Calling all queer peeps from Melbourne, Australia!
There is already a big event on this sunday (Big Gay Day in the Park – http://www.facebook.com/events/504478019564074/). Why not combine them?
A couple of us from I’m Awesome, Thanks! have organized a group for anyone who’s looking for people to go with. Just show up and look for the two girls in the blue ‘Free Hugs’ t-shirts (Photo of said ladies here: http://www.facebook.com/ImAwesomeThanks)
PS! You can PM me if you wanna say hi prior to sunday :)
CHICAGO! I am just going to leave a comment here because I can’t really make this an event… but on Saturday October 20th there is derby. It’s the Windy City Rollers home closer, and I am always there (because many of my friends [and one of my roommates] are wcr derby girls) with at least a Straddler or two in tow. And there is always an after party that usually ends in the queer derby girls and friends heading out dancing and/or to Boystown. We sit down in section 110-ish near turn two, so look for us/me!
Okay guys, I live in southern Orange County, CA and I don’t see ANYBODY else on here that thinks LA is a bit too far. Send me a message if you want to get together! (We could go to the Best Coast show on Saturday in Santa Ana!)
Okay, so, I’m planning on going to the Brooklyn Flea and the OktoberPHRESH meetups in NYC, but I’m looking at a 3+ hour train/bus ride down there, and another 3+ hour ride back. Is there any chance an NYC straddler could put me up for that Saturday night? I will willingly pay my way with something homemade and delicious!
I live outside Vancouver and it’s tricky for me to get there on a Thursday evening… any Van ‘straddlers around this weekend for a tea/beers Cafe Deux Soliel Sunday afternoon meet-up?
oh my god there are so many meetups
Looks like it fell of the front page! Since many of these don’t happen until next week or the week after, is there any chance of getting it stickied on the front so people can keep finding out?
Oh. It’s there but low on the sidebar and an image. Nevermind! When I searched for it earlier my browser didn’t find it when looking for the word “meet.” Sorry!
Okay, okay, admittedly I know that this is wayyy late in the game… buuuuut I am in grad school right now and have NO time to travel for a meetup. Is there any Autostraddlers currently located in Oregon’s capital who would want to have a lil shindig?? It could be fun . . . We could plan a gay Halloween party while we’re at it.
So is it just me or did the Atlanta Pride pre-Dyke March craft party just not happen? I didn’t see anyone there and certainly no mass of people crafting. Dear Atlanta Metro-straddlers, let’s actually meet up somewhere!
Hi! Unfortunately, the official pride committee never set up the crafting event.
We waited around for quite a while and did happen to randomly meet a few autostraddlers, but I guess we missed you. : (
There for sure should be other Atlanta meet-ups. You should submit something if you have any ideas!
Connecticut, please? Hartford area, anyone? I’m new to the area and would have no idea where to go/host a meet-up.
I must say, once i am old enough i will join you ladies :) definately!
Friday will be the queerest day Edmonton has ever seen because after the Remedy meetup WE CAN ALL GO TO A QUEER DANCE PARTY! AT A BIKE SHOP! http://www.facebook.com/events/276348905810434/
ADD THIS TO THE PAGE MALAIKA YOU ARE WELCOME (I could have emailed you but I am so excited about this I want everyone to know)
The last 2 parties like this one organized by the qmunity league have been the best so everyone just come ok?
Updates for both of the ones I’m hosting since I way underestimated the turnout for them (a great problem to have)…
Utrecht, The Netherlands – Sunday the 21st at Cafe Olivier ending with the Bockbierfestival.
London – Brunch on Saturday the 27th at 1pm at The Blues Kitchen in Camden.
Facebook has been updated to reflect the changes but message me if there are any questions!
Iam 100% always too lazy to log in but i feel like i have just made so many friends just by reading these posts! A moça que esta na Bahia, eu morei lá em 2010, falo portugues e sou de portland tambem! All my PDX/LA/DC folks, haaaay! I am from all of those places! Although I am currently living in the rural queerless hole of Hawai’i Island, this Miss March sends all my love to all your meetups! If one of youz happens to be on Oahu this weekend (20th), email me at luna dot nlyp at gmail dot com. Have fun y’all!
Imma let you finish, but the Bay Area Meetup was the best meetup of all time.
*Adelaide meetup
there we go ;)
Agh, I can’t believe I didn’t see the Orlando meetup until just now and it’s today!! :( But I have an annual pass if anyone wants to go be Hogwartsy another time? :)
Hi Sarah! I am 100% down for a redo! You can never have too much butterbeer.
Ahh I’m somehow late in noticing this, but nowt in Newcastle anyway sadly (or not sadly, seeing as I’d have missed it pretty much by now anyways and would therefore be feeling vexed with myself)
Not many Geordies on here I’m guessing?
Shame! I can barely organise my way out of the house (I’m dizzy, but I can make that work for me most of the time thankfully!) so I’d definitely be relying on someone else for this kind of thing ;)
Cool to see a few dotted around the UK though :)
Albany is only a few hours if you want to join us this Saturday!
I can’t/couldn’t make it to any of the London meetups :(. Anyone fancy another London get-together?
Hey! There’s a London ‘Straddlers FB group specifically to organise more meetups and other fun stuff :D http://www.facebook.com/groups/372919629458135/
This is suuuuch a long shot, but is anyone down for a meet-up in Cambodia?