I Love Living Alone, But My Girlfriend’s Ready to U-Haul

My Girlfriend Wants To Move In, but I’m Not Sure I’m Ready.
Hello genius advice givers, I need an answer ASAP PLEASE: I’ve been dating my gf for 8 months and everything’s wonderful and it’s been so much fun, we’re silly in love and have been really intentional about making sure we keep our own interests and friends outside of the relationship because we didn’t want to just MERGE immediately like we’ve seen others do (and have done ourselves tbh). I’m lucky enough to have bought a small home during the pandemic and I’ve LOVED living here, alone. Of course she’s stayed over, sometimes for days, and she’s very tidy and we have a great time, but she always goes back to her apartment with her two roommates. The problem is, their lease is up so...

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