How Do You Like Us Now? Archbishop Dolan: ‘Being Gay is a Character Flaw’

It’s Tuesday, you know what that means? How Do You Like Us Now Tuesdays! This week, the answer is “approximately with the same regard you have for other personality flaws, like a short temper, or inability to talk on the telephone.”

↓ CHURCH STILL NOT A FAN: New York Magazine doesn’t do anyone justice with its entry in what appears to be an ongoing campaign from the Liberal Media to appear untethered by the Gay Agenda (first entry, from The Washington Post‘s profile on NOM leader Brian Brown ) – in The Archbishop of Charm. Timothy Dolan, Robert Kolker reports, is going to repair the image of the Catholic Church. Here’s their image of Dolan: “glad-hander and a backslapper, a tall, energetic, portly Irish-Catholic lug who likes smoking cigars and sipping Jameson’s.

Ah! Yes! Nothing like a man who clearly treats his body as the opposite of a temple must be prepared to condemn our attraction to same-sex bodies. They always are! (Hypocrisy! Our favorite game!) After all, this is the guy that took New York Governor Patterson to task for his gay marriage initiative immediately, refused to ban child molesters from his church, and describes homosexuality as “a compulsion that should be controlled, much the same way premarital sex should be.”

From Queerty, who has no issue with its Gay Agenda issue: “The church “must respect” gay relationships, [Dolon] says, just not so much that it violates this sacred institution called marriage … if  we’re talking about human history, which you religious types so enjoy, then let’s be clear: love and marriage used to be mutually exclusive things.”

↓↑MARRIAGE: “Even as he put the chances of moving a gay marriage bill in Albany this fall at ‘zero, zero,’ Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg argued that he has the political clout to win support from key New York Republican state senators, including two from the city who are vociferous in their opposition.” (@gay city news)

↑MORE MARRIAGE: No really, there’s more marriage. The 2008 U.S. Census is the first to include figures on same-sex marriage, and 27% of the estimated 564,743 gay couples in the U.S. reported being married. (@the advocate)

↓NO FAKE IDS: “A gay bar in the Chicago suburb of Elk Grove Village says cross-dressers who wish to drink there will now have to show a valid photo ID that matches the gender they are dressed as.” Because, y’know, that’s all that gender really comes down to. (@chicago tribune)

↓↑ GAY PEOPLE CAN HAVE BAD JOBS TOO: The Scotland Yard now knows what we’ve known for a long time: everyone needs a few more “lesbian, gay, bisexual” or “cross-dressing” guards on their staff. (Cross-dressing is their term, not ours.)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Way to eat your own, Elk Grove gay bar. I don’t think I even understand that rule. An ID that matches the gender you’re dressed as? I think Judith Butler’s head just exploded all over Kate Bornstein somewhere.

  2. A gay bar in the Chicago suburb of Elk Grove Village says cross-dressers who wish to drink there will now have to show a valid photo ID that matches the gender they are dressed as.”


    This is where my brain stops computing.


    • I feel like a gang of gay, lesbian and transgender bandits dressed in red unitards needs to bum-rush the Elk Grove Gay bar STAT, I’m sure American Apparel would be happy to sponsor the expedition

  3. Maybe some resourceful gays can just photoshop a wig onto their driver’s license, or just take a red sharpie and draw on some ruby red lips. OR they could say that just got extensions… seriously, what gay is going to hate on some nice extensions. playa puhlease. That is so ridiculous; I don’t even have the energy to extend my comment into babbling unnecessary length.

  4. huhhh….the writer of the nymag article compared nyc to sodom. incredible.

    it’s interesting, he set up the article about how dolan aims to fix the catholic church by citing some of its problems and fails to make the most obvious connection between the church’s shortage of priests and its penchant for alienating (and ultimately losing) the majority of the men who make up their priesthood (see: THE GAYS). and by interesting i do mean dumb.

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