You’ve hit that spot on your list. The one friend/sibling/significant other who is so goddamn fashionable it hurts. Those sneaks popping up everywhere? They’ve been sporting them since last Spring. Elle’s “it” color of the season? Already painted their nails and their wardrobe in it, 3 months ago. You love that they are always aware of what’s happenin’ for all things sartorial, but it can be hard to find something for someone so… style savvy. You want to grab something that suits their tastes but that they haven’t snagged already. Together, we’ll find the perfect “I can’t BELIEVE you knew!” present.
Dashing & Dapper
This cutie is nothing but poised, looking put together no matter what the occasion. With spiffy touches and just the right amount of prep, this person is well-suited to some of the finer things in life. A dash of sleekness, a touch of extravagance, and you’ll be right on time.
Fancy Femme
This human is dressed to the nines with nary a sequin out of place. Always exuding elegance, it’s best to get some goodies that have a certain sparkle… or add the immaculateness of this cutie. Whether it’s quality brow gel (no stray hairs) or a shaggy lil’ collar, this is some fancy gifting.

Peach Faux Fur Scarf, Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel, Garance Dore Pocket Notebooks, Saturday Sojourn Skirt, Formula X Nail Polish in Majestic
Androgynous & Laid Back
Chill as a mother, this is the person who is a smooth operator. Not one to look stuffy, they’ve got that whole “I woke up like this” thing goin’ on. But, despite having all this cool at their disposal, you’ve got plenty of gifts at your disposal. Whether it’s a sharp minimalist necklace or a sleek notebook, you’ve got the right stuff.
Tomboy Femme
Although they might have a bit of a casual angle to their style, this cutie knows how to get dressed. Whether it’s a sharp pair of bronze earrings or the best PJs you’ve ever seen, the Tomboy Femme loves their style with a touch of relaxation.

Silk Terrier Top, Silk Terrier Shorts, Joe Fresh Plaid Scarf, Joe Thick Shaker Knit Sweater, Curve Earrings
that brass comb! those notebooks! THE SHAKER SWEATER. lydia all of these things are so beautiful oh my gosh.
That side-eye beanie is adorable.
I didn’t know I wanted a brass comb but now I do and there is no unknowing it omg.
Won’t somebody love me enough to get me a big old impossibly shaggy ridiculous teddy bear coat?! PLEASE!
Omg ‘androgynous and laid back’ is defs my aesthetic. Also, look at this amazing Wildfang Tomboy comb I just found!
Looking at the both those Wildfang combs there might be a need for holigay gift guide for the fluffy haired among us.
Cause oh boy I don’t want to think about what tools I’d need to break the teeth of those combs once they get snagged. Just pliers or a jeweler’s saw and pliers?
But you can’t go wrong with a beanie.
Hide the hairs, use as glorified head band, just an accessory or for warmth cannot go wrong with a beanie.
Ditto to that! (a fellow fluffy head)… silk scarves with cute prints work well too :P
But one thing scarves can do that beanies cannot, Frida Kahlo hair-ness
I noticed that the last batch has a lot of Joe Fresh pieces. I got some Joe Fresh jeans at a thrift store a while back and really liked them, and decided to treat myself to a new shift from there. I was telling my friend about this and she tipped me off to the fact that Joe Fresh apparently has super terrible labor practices (along with the rest of the fast fashion industry, but Joe Fresh is particularly notable). Just wanted to pass that along in case anyone else would like to be aware of that!
Here’s a recent article:
*Shirt, not shift.