Here’s How to Get the Autostraddle Weekly In Your Box

Happy Tuesday! How’s your week going? Have you figured out a general ethos of how to use the upside-down-smiley-face emoji yet? While you’re working on that, a right-side-up smiley face: we have something we’re pretty pumped about, and wanted to share it with you officially.


You have perhaps noticed, like we did, that virtually everyone on the planet besides us has a newsletter that they send out to your inbox with the best and brightest of their content all wrapped up for you. So for the past few weeks, we’ve been sending out issues of the Autostraddle Weekly to a group of randomly-selected readers. It’s got a look at highlights of what we’ve published that week, a sneak peek of neat stuff coming up, occasional perks and special discounts; no doubt it will continue to get weirder and wackier as we come up with odd new ideas, as has been par for the course ’round these parts since 2009.

Anyways! If you’d like to check it out and get some more Autostraddle in your life from the comfort of your very own inbox, now is the time, now is the hour. We’re switching over from randomly selected mailing lists to subscribers, so if you want to get in on it, do it now. All you need to do is pop on over to tinyletter and sign up with your email, and you’ll be in the know before you know it!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. If you have not been getting these newsletters sign up right now because they CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Every issue in my inbox makes that day 100% better.

  2. These are super duper awesome!

    Mine got sorted into the promotions smart folder though in gmail and I had to otherwise correct it, so If you use the gmail smart filter thing thats something to look out for (I never check the promotions tap unless I’m looking for smoothie coupons so I only saw the first one sent to me by chance)

  3. I didn’t realize that these were being mailed to me, so they’d automatically be deposited in my junk mail without my knowledge and deleted after a few days :( Is there a way I could access previous issues now that I’m in the loop?

  4. In the newsletter you said that anyone already getting the newsletter who didn’t opt in again will be removed, but when I tried to re-opt-in it says I’m already subscribed. So I’m not sure how you’ll tell that people have decided to opt-in again!

    Might be more useful to tell the people already on the list that they’ll have to manually unsubscribe!

      • hey! the reason we didn’t tell people to manually unsubscribe is because the process is actually working the opposite way — we’re going through the list and are removing anyone who is auto-subscribed by us rather than manually subscribed by themselves. so if people WANT to manually unsubscribe themselves, that would be neat in that it would save us a step (but there’s already an unsubscribe link inside the newsletter, so we assumed that anyone who wanted to do that already had). but it’s not necessary! we can see whether we auto-added you when we began the newsletter or whether someone manually signed up at a later date. don’t worry, there’s a reason we asked it this way and not a different way!

        • I’m still confused…

          If we are automatically subscribed and we go to manually subscribe and get the message “You are already subscribed to this list”, does it show you that we tried to subscribe manually or will we end up removed sometime in the coming days?

          Or do we need to be patient until a certain time until you have removed everyone who was automatically added so we can do so manually?


      The current method is that we’re removing people from the list WHO HAVE NEVER OPENED THE NEWSLETTER. If you’ve been receiving the newsletter and it’s been going to spam or promotions, so you never opened it, you’ll need to resubscribe. If you’ve opened it before, you’re good.

      We’ll be sending out a test newsletter tomorrow and posting again about signing up next week, just in case you forget or things are still wonky. We’re also making the archives available for a limited time, so you can catch up on everything you missed! The discount code in #1 is not still active, just a heads up.

  5. they really are the best email/only email i look forward to getting! I especially love getting them when I feel like I haven’t been reading the site as much as I want to, but also feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of content. Plus editors in your inbox is always nice.

  6. As a randomly-selected reader, I endorse this newsletter. It is superior to all the other news round-up thingies that land in my inbox.

  7. YOU’RE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED it says <33333333333

    Also yes as one of the random people in the list I can endorse this 110%

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