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Unexpected job loss is really awful and can make you feel like a failure and there aren’t always cultural blueprints for how to deal with it. Here’s a small guide with some suggestions, which won’t make everything better but hopefully will be a bit of help.
A comprehensive look at how to trim your own bangs.

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If you need your space to smell better, an oil diffuser can sometimes be preferable to a scented candle or incense because you don’t have to worry about flames and watching out for them. Here’s how to make your own oil reed diffuser.
If you’re starting a new job, here are some tips on having a great first day.
If you live in a part of the world where winter is coming, you’re gonna need reliable winter boots. Here’s advice on picking them out.
Have you heard the gospel of the one-pot pasta? It rescues your weeknights by letting you throw some pasta and whatever else you have in your fridge into one big pot, cooking it for a bit, and then eating it all together. It’s stupid easy and dumb delicious. Here’s a general guide to putting together your pot, and here’s a list of one-pot pasta variations.
The string came out of your hoodie hood? No problem.
Here’s how to spend less on your energy bill.
How much water do you need to drink each day, for real? This much.
We’re all going to be hearing a LOT about the US presidential election for months and months. To numb the pain, here’s a recipe for Election Cake from 1912 from my 2016 Farmer’s Almanac.
I am gonna do so many of these things! Especially water-drinking, one-pot cooking, and bang-trimming.
This is a good list.
You can also restring a hoodie string by hooking a safety pin on the end, which is something I am much more likely to have around than a straw.
Yeah, I either use safety pins or bobby pins, myself.
“I wouldn’t expect anyone to dare try and cut a blunt short bang at home. It never fails, you usually end up with way shorter bangs then you wanted because you couldn’t get them straight so you kept trying… and before you know it you have Lloyd bangs. Not in a cute way. Never in a cute way!”
my bangs are currently one centimeter long in some places due to this method but I will have you know I am still fucking adorable
This was magical <3
came for the cake, stayed for the water tips. i am so dehydrated. also, just for clarification, you just put some bread dough into a cake dough? like…i’m a little confused. also, “boiled milk frosting” sounds…well, it sounds like something from 1912
I am also confused by this bread dough as ingredient. Excuse me while I google.
Apparently it is a thing. I found another recipe that calls for it: http://clumbsycookie.blogspot.com/2009/11/boleima-cake-made-with-bread-dough.html?m=1
i wonder if it was common practice to just make bread dough regularly and then just bake it off whenever you needed more bread? really excited to have an excuse to delve into early 1900s bread-baking practices!
Please report back with your findings!
Such a helpful tip, the string keeps falling out of one of my hoodie hoods, it’s so frustrating.
i started a new job today and i smiled my ass off! thanks, rachel!
The energy one would be more helpful if I had 1) a washer 2) a dryer 3) central heat (or a/c) 4) modern video game consoles 5) a TV and/or 6) a desk-top computer.
And I’d give up my pillow before I’d give up my electric kettle. Which was the only item they listed that I own.
I’m just here to say I never realized how much back kangaroos have, but wow, that feature image! wow.
i believe technically they are wallabies! i’m glad i could spread marsupial awareness!
Ohhhh I see! Well, they are very majestic.
I am all in on the one pot pasta. I hate cooking and also doing dishes, and yet apparently I have to eat? It’s the Worst. This will probably save my life.
I lost a job unexpectedly a little over two years ago, I got a new job one month before my unemployment ran out, and I am only now starting to feel secure. That trauma is for real, & power to anyone going through that.
Thank you again for this useful compilation. My bangs are currently in my eyes because I’ve been procrastinating cutting them because they always end up slightly lopsided and/or too short.
After looking at the hoodie re-stringing thing I made the mistake of watching the ‘How To Tie Your Shoelace In Two Seconds’ video and my brain completely exploded.
I was hoping the water requirement would be less than the 8 glasses we´re always told (I can never manage to make myself drink more water). Turns out it´s more! fml
Why is American election season so damn long? Ugh
I had my first day at a new job 2 weeks ago but still read that article to make sure I was doing okay. I think I am!
+ That article on energy consumption was fascinating.
Such a helpful tip, the string keeps falling out of one of my hoodie hoods, it’s so frustrating.
very great article and useful
I like this sentence “If you need your space to smell better, an oil diffuse can sometimes be preferable to a scented candle or incense because you don’t have to worry about flames and watching out for them”
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