Helping You Help Yourself #11

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Let’s size our shoes really well and accurately and be comfortable forever.

Business Insider has some travel hacks for you.

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 1.33.00 PM

Since the last installment of this column, I found out I officially have carpal tunnel syndrome! Here’s some stretches we can all do if we have repetitive motion strain. Her accent is lovely.

As someone who needs approximately seventeen different keys to enter her apartment, really into this list of ideas for how to decorate your keys so they’re identifiable.

Many people are headed to begin the fall semester at their universities soon! Many more of us are not. We can all, however, agree that we’d like to know how to make our own instant noodle cups.

If you do by some unfortunate chance have an accident of any kind in your car, you will probably be pretty stressed out by it. That’s a good reason why you should be really clear on what to do after an auto accident ahead of time.

No envelopes? No problem.

Public libraries are just the greatest goshdarn things on earth; even besides the VIRTUALLY INFINITE FREE BOOKS, here are some more awesome resources to look for at your local public library.

Once at A-Camp my camper Ashley showed me how to fan cards on a table like this and I thought it was so cool! Now you can learn it too.

Here are some tips on really good iPhone photography in different kinds of lighting.

Some different ways to cook perfect al dente pasta.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I’ve been by fairly standard definitions a successful productive adult for decades now.

    I still always learn something from this column.

    Thank you. :)

  2. I’m starting university in September (for the second time, after dropping out for health reasons in a massive fiasco that changed my life completely) and I could not be more terrified, but this column just calms me even when none of the tips are really applicable to my life.

    It’s just nice to know there’s someone out there with their shit together. Thanks <3

    • oh man thank you emma! good luck this september, i know you are gonna do great even though it’s scary!

  3. My dad said that he knows spaghetti is ready if you throw a noodle and it sticks to the wall.

    • they did a mythbusters on this i think! i feel like whatever show it was, they did not agree with the spaghetti-wall strategy, but i’m not gonna contradict your dad.

  4. I was the passenger in a minor car accident yesterday (it was my friends fault for sure), but she kept saying sorry and I was like, “don’t say sorry!! You aren’t supposed to do that for reasons!” Thanks State Farm for validating my thoughts. And thanks for posting that Rachel!

  5. Audiobooks from the library are THE BEST. I have literally listened to more than a hundred of them in the past several months after I first discovered Overdrive app. It is so easy and free! It’s not that I don’t like actual reading, but it’s nice being able to consume books while walking or working or driving or doing chores…

    And the museum passes are cool too! I didn’t know about the telescopes though, I’ll have to check that out. Basically, libraries are awesome.

    • I too, just started listening to audiobooks from the public library! Here are some others things to borrow from various libraries I have known and loved:
      Cake pans (Manlius, NY)
      Ukulele (Northampton, MA)
      Kindle (Syracuse, NY)
      Wi Fit (Northampton, MA)

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